Nan Village

Evil spirits.

Liu Yang saw dark energy circulating around the village as if it were a bubble.

Within the village were some distorted shadows with three holes at the top. This seemed to be eyes and mouth.

These distorted shadows fly in random directions across the village, but they cannot get out of the area covered by dark energy.

"Liu Yang, can you see?" Su Mei didn't know if Shysha taught Liu Yang the method to see things supernatural or not.

"Yea. There are a lot of distorted shadows flying from side to side, at least twenty" Liu Yang commented. He knows that these small villages did not have many people living in them.

Even though he couldn't see these things, he could still feel heavy energy around the village.

"Yea. Our job is to defeat these things and break the ritual spell that created these things" Su Mei explained. She held a wooden sword that contained several strange carved letters.

A strong, icy aura could be felt.

(A magic sword !!!!) Liu Yang shouted mentally. He remembers these things because of the games, but he never thought he would see anything like that in real life.

"Liu Yang, the power of my sword can freeze some things around me. So be careful not to be frozen" Su Mei talked about his weapon. She didn't want it to get in the way of her work.

"OK. I will do my best not to disturb Miss Su" Liu Yang was nervous about this job.

This is the first time that he will deal with supernatural beings. In the previous fight, he didn't consider it a fight because he only attacked in the end and did nothing else.

"Let's go" Su Mei held his sword tightly and walked towards the village.

Liu Yang followed her from behind like a bodyguard.

The closer the pair approached the village, the stronger the energy weighing on their bodies.

A strange feeling began to be felt, at least for Liu Yang.

"Liu Yang, activate this. Otherwise, you will have difficulty walking without being affected."Su Mei threw a cloth amulet at him.

Without hesitating, Liu Yang injected his energy into the amulet.

zzzzzzzz ...

Strange sounds are heard and a faint light covers his body before disappearing.

(The weird sensation has disappeared !!!!! This must be those protective amulets that exist in web novels.) He thought.

When the pair arrived at the entrance to the village, they saw the corroded sign, but it was still possible to read the name. Nan Village.

"Liu Yang, after we pass through this entrance. I want you to use your power of lightning and attack these evil spirits. Thunder and lightning are the strongest elements against this type of beings" Su Mei ordered.

"Ok" Liu Yang agreed to do this. He still remembers that in cultivation web novels, using thunder to defeat evil spirits was the most practical and easy way.

Closing his eyes and concentrating, yellow lines appear on his hands. The lines were electric shocks.

Liu Yang did not yet have full control of his powers, so he needed to do this calmly.

As he had no way of training his techniques at home, he had to make the most of this work to improve his powers.

By the time the yellow rays appear, the heavy energy around Liu Yang has been partially reduced. This proves that lightning was the best way to purify the evil energy.

"Let's go" Su Mei was the first to pass through the village entrance.

"..." Liu Yang took a deep breath to ease her nervousness and followed her from behind.

Looking at the current scene in the village, Liu Yang felt very strange. The place was the same as before, but the dark evil energy covered the place like a light mist.

afasfklasflasffklçkas !!!!

affaksaslfaklsfaksfkasfkaslk !!!

The screams of evil spirits echo through the place.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" After walking for a few meters, Liu Yang saw something he never thought he would see before.

A person possessed by an evil spirit.

The living people were walking as if they were zombies controlled by evil spirits.

Their lifeless faces and slow steps make them look like zombies. Adding to the fact that the evil spirits were covering their bodies like a bed. This scene was really a possession.

When the pair is seen by the evil spirits, the two are attacked.

akldakldakdalsdakdl !!!! lKDKLDkldaskldakdldk !!!!

They all scream wildly and charge towards the two.

"Liu Yang, use your lightning power and attack these evil spirits" Su Mei ordered. She had the power of ice, and it was not a good option against her current opponents.

"Ok" Liu Yang acted immediately.

The power of the lightning was already accumulating little by little since that moment. So it was easier for him to release a strong electrical charge.

As he progressed to the intermediate level of the Natural Harmony Stage, the amount of energy that Liu Yang can accumulate in his body was sometimes greater than before. So he had no problem doing that.

If it were before, when he was still at the low level, doing the same thing would be impossible because he would not have enough energy in his body.

Zzzzzzzz ... zzzzzzzz ...

The lightning comes out of his body and shoots towards the evil spirits around him like little snakes.

aofaakfaklkfklasllfak !!!! alskldkdasdaksdaskl !!!!

Evil spirits cry out in pain and agony because of the shocks.

With each passing second, the evil spirits scream and their images are distorted before slowly disappearing.

Within seconds, the evil spirits were destroyed. But only a few were destroyed and there were still about fifteen left, but they were possessed by the residents.

(Intermediate level of the Natural Harmony Stage… But he is far from reaching the final level of the Natural Harmony Stage. That was just a few weeks after that incident. He became stronger absorbing the power of the water, but his thunder power also became stronger because of the breakthrough. Two elements learned in the Natural Harmony Stage...) Su Mei analyzed Liu Yang after seeing his current powers.

Since her level is higher than Liu Yang's, she was able to see through it without any problem.

"Liu Yang, let's go to the center of the village. The ritual array is there" Su Mei walked and Liu Yang followed from behind.

The closer the pair got to the center of the village, the heavier the evil energy got.

Even though he was under the protective effects of the amulet and the lightning, Liu Yang was already covered in sweat and his teeth were clenched. He was already having difficulty walking.

Su Mei was the other way around, she was walking casually and didn't even seem to be affected by the pressure.

One reason was because of her level of cultivation and the second reason is that she had defensive equipment to help her.