Darkness Creature

askadjksdjakjs !!!!!!

asfasklasklfalsfkkklfs !!!!!!

Walking towards the center of the village, Liu Yang saw some more evil spirits screaming madly. But unlike the evil spirits that he purified before, these were possessing the inhabitants of the village.

All twenty inhabitants of the small village were possessed, the elderly and the children. They walk around randomly like zombies.

"Miss Su, should I use my thunder to cleanse these evil spirits?" Liu Yang asked.

The pair were not being attacked, so he didn't know what to do because he had no experience in this type of situation.

"Liu Yang, if you want this, you need to be very careful not to electrocute the hosts and cause injury to them" Su Mei did not stop Liu Yang from doing this, but she advised him on what could happen if he did something wrong.

"I see ... The best thing to do is to break the curse array ... Miss Su, did you find the array?" Liu Yang commented awkwardly. He lacked the courage to test ordinary people unless he was sure he could use the right amount of power to purify evil spirits.

"Yea. Liu Yang, are you seeing those dark lines scattered throughout the village and gathering in that place over there? " Su Mei pointed to several thin and difficult to perceive energy lines.

All the lines were coming together on a small stone altar in the center of the village.

"Yea. Those lines are going to that altar. Is there anything there? " Liu Yang couldn't quite see what was on top of the small altar.

But things would not be that easy.

aadasoasoaksalkffkslfalsl !!!!!!!!!!!

When the pair reached five meters from the small altar, a powerful and distorted cry was heard. The two had to use both hands to cover their ears due to the loud noise.

Looking at the altar, a large dark shadow began to form and completely covered the altar.

The distorted shadow looked like a three-meter formless giant. Its body twisted like someone beating dough. Gradually, the dark shadow began to take the form of some kind of humanoid with two heads, four arms, and two legs.

klkflsdklsdklfsfklsdfkk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

klkflsdklsdklfsfklsdfkk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After the transformation, the evil spirit no longer looked like a spirit, but a real thing.

"A darkness creature!!!! Someone really did it !!!" Su Mei spoke solemnly. She knew what that thing was and how difficult it is to defeat this darkness creature.

"Miss Su, is this thing dangerous?" Liu Yang didn't even need to ask to know the answer.

Only by looking at the darkness creature was it possible to get the answer.

"Dangerous? This thing is not only dangerous but also very strong. Fortunately, this thing was a darkness creature from the absorption of the energy of ordinary people and the low amount of energy in the world of this region, otherwise, it would be much more powerful than normal" Su Mei explained. She felt that the darkness creature was weaker than normal.

"How powerful is this thing? It must be equivalent to some level of cultivation, right? " Liu Yang knew that these creatures had a classification.

The higher the rating, the more powerful and dangerous these things are.

"If I were to classify the power of this thing, it would be a creature at the peak of rank 1, that is equivalent to a Chinese cultivator of the level 5 Body Opening Stage" Su Mei replied. She was a Level 1 Corporal Strengthening Cultivator, but she couldn't compare to the darkness creature's physical power.

"Oh ..." Liu Yang still needed to learn to detect his opponents' power.

"Liu Yang, if it were a normal situation, I wouldn't stand a chance against this thing, but since you're here, it makes things easier. Liu Yang, I want you to attack this thing using your thunder power, attack without holding back" Su Mei ordered. She had no time to lose, so she was the first to attack.

"Frost Art !!! Frozen Slash!!!!! " Su Mei acted.

Her sword shone with blue light and the area around it froze, Liu Yang needed to get away a little because of the cold, he was not used to it.


Su Mei cut forward and a wave of icy energy shot towards the darkness creature.

afoasofsllafkkkfklfkla !!!!!!!!!!!!

Sensing the attack, the darkness creature screamed wildly and punched with two left arms towards the wave of energy.

pang!!!! boooooooooom !!!!!!!!!!!

The power contained in the two punches was enough to destroy the energy wave.

"..." Su Mei was not surprised to see this scene.

The darkness creature was only slightly weaker than she was, so it was normal for it to be able to destroy her attack. The only way she could hurt it was for Liu Yang to weaken the darkness creature first with his lighting power.

akaklfalskfklasfklklafsfklskl !!!!!!!!!!!

The darkness creature roared with rage and charged towards Su Mei with its four fists closed and ready to attack.

ZZzzzzzzz !!!!!

At the same time, hissing sounds were heard close to Su Mei.

"Lightning Bolt !!!!" Liu Yang screamed and attacked with his technique.

A bolt of lightning shot toward the darkness creature's large body.

jdaasdlkalsaldklakladkl !!!!!!!!

Sensing the power of the rays, it roared madly, it felt danger in the attack.

adasksdlasdskasdlk !!!!!

The darkness creature screamed again and used all four arms to punch in the direction of the lightning ball.

Boooooooooooom !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zzzzzzzzzzzzz !!!!!

aaskldaskldklaskldkl !!!!!!!!!!!

An explosion occurred, but soon after, a painful scream was heard.

The Lightning Bolt's power was strong enough to damage the darkness creature. Even though Liu Yang was a little weaker, the advantage of his power was something that helped him in this situation.

klklfaskfkalaafl !!!!!

The darkness creature screamed and changed its charge target. It started charging towards Liu Yang because he was responsible for the injuries.

"Frozen Slash!!!!!" Su Mei would not stand still and let the creature approach, she also attacked to give Liu Yang time to attack again and weaken the creature further.

pang!!!! Booooooom !!!!!!

The icy wave shot towards the creature, but it was destroyed again by the two juices. But something different happened.


The creature's two fists were frozen by Su Mei's attack.

Liu Yang weakened the creature using his attack and it helped her succeed.

"Liu Yang, keep attacking. Your attacks will weaken the darkness creature" Su Mei ordered.

"Lightning Bolt" Liu Yang didn't have to waste any time so he started charging his attack again.

akaklafklsklfak !!!!!

"Ice Barrier !!!" Su Mei saw the creature continue its charge and used another ability.

Her sword swung and an ice wall appeared in front of the darkness creature as a barrier.

The ice wall was as thick as an adult's arm and two meters high, much smaller than the creature's size, but that was enough to distract the darkness creature a little.

pang !!!! crack !!! pang !!!! crack !!!