Couple Reunion

After eighteen hours of travel…

The airplane finally landed at its destination, Frankfurt Airport.

Liu Yang stretched his arms and legs.

crack... crack...

His bones crack and it was very relaxing.

It didn't take long for the plane to land, passengers started to pick up their luggage to get off the plane.

In the terminal, Liu Yang was stopped by border officers.

"Sir, could you follow me?" One of them gestured to Liu Yang.

Both sides knew what was happening just by looking.

"OK." Liu Yang couldn't refuse because he was in another country.

The place where Liu Yang was taken was a private inspection room, where there were only foreign cultivators.

All cultivators who want to enter Germany need to go through this place.

It didn't take long for his turn to come.

"Sir, your documents, please. Put your luggage on that conveyor belt over there" The policeman behind the counter asked. He was also a cultivator.