Meeting the mother-in-law for the first time

"Ohh…" Liu Yang understood what she meant. But it was still too impressive for him to hear these things.

"Let's get out of here and go home. My mother is looking forward to meeting you. She didn't have time to talk to you during the video calls, so she wants to see you in person." Shysha helped Liu Yang pack his luggage into the car.

"I'm a little nervous about this…" Liu Yang was lying if he wasn't nervous. He was going to meet his mother-in-law for the first time, so it was normal to be nervous.

"Liu Yang, you don't need to be nervous. My mom won't eat you, only I will." Shysha whispered in his ear.

"…" He just got a little excited at those words.

The pair got into the car, but before driving, Shysha made her attack. She kissed him deeply and passionately.

Liu Yang couldn't resist and kiss back. The two stayed that way for a few minutes before stopping

"Liu Yang, I missed you" She spoke in a loving tone.