Dawning to blossom but the day's festival became revival of darkness. Happy did he look, not telling that the stone had suffocated his soul. His history was a burden of tears that he had forbidden to let out, so the tank of sorrows that would fill the river streams, busted in him. Frisking under the sweating temperature, me and my brother had to catch a bath. Like the most active toddler, I ran first fast so I can dive in soapy oasis and smell fresh. All that was in my mind that morning, was playing with that beautiful lady from my neighborhood. So friendly was she, with a gorgeous smile like she is. I couldn't let a day pass without meeting her breath taking eyes. That day was one of the days; "Danoo!!" mom calling me for a bath.

"Ma'aa!" answering and running back to the house.

"You said you are to bath first, take the bath tub and go bath, you even smell like a dry fish".

I laughed, "I wonder what a dry fish smells like".

"The lizard does not smell" she said. Not minding her, I left to the bathroom so I can finish bathing and go see my friend, whom I had a crush on. If it makes sense that an eight years old can have a yen for someone. After my ablution, I chose the best outfit that my mother had bought me for the festive season. Worn my under arm deodorant, made sure that one could smell it from a thousand kilometers away. Then went out to call my brother for a bath;

"Kat! Go and bath am done, it's your turn now".

He went to the house, took the bath tab also and went to the bathroom to bath.

Playing with friends at theirs, the day was awesome. I saw no fault, even the sun rays that were hush on mammal skin seemed necessary that day. My mother called me in again, I thought she wanted tea for she really likes tea. I went in to her;

"Is Shaun done in the bathroom? I need to rest myself".

"I don't know, lemme go check if he's out already". I went in but because it's disrespect seeing an elder's nakedness, and we believed it's bad luck, I took a little glimpse checking if he was in. Awkward it seemed but as a child, I took it he was not in the bathroom.

"Ma'a, you can use the restroom. Kat is out already".

"If he's out, where is he?" She asked wonderingly.

"I don't know", answered with a stuttering voice for I also wondered where was he.

Mom went to the restroom, I followed so to exit the house and go back to my friends. She opened the door and shocked was she, seeing the shock on her face, I turned to see what was the ghost. Tough break was served at our table, I screamed running away after seeing my brother hanging from the ceiling. My tough mother went in to lift him up;

"Ask for our neighbor!" she yelled.

I ran to our neighbor's house and they were already out, from my heart breaking scream. By when our neighbor reached to my brother, mom had already managed to get him down with a help of a neighbor she didn't even recognize. Everyone was alert about our exigency, and everyone offered any help they thought would save my brother. Cops were called in also with an ambulance. Officers managed to arrive first but the paramedics took long that I even lost hope. After a short period that seemed long, I heard that the ambulance had arrived. I was sent to go fetch it to my home, filled with hope I ran fast to it and directed it to my house. The blue sky fell of the greater throne down to my feet, all was left was just a void of darkness. I had already lost a brother, I lost a hand for deep oceans and a better path aside from thorns. My life turned and left me with trauma and confusion.

Over it was with Shaun whom I addressed to as Kat, in a sudden he was no more. Out of a blue he was pronounced nor announced as history, only he is left in our rememberance. His vigil was prepared and done. When he was reposed, his casket going down took my dependence; happiness; childhood; hope for the future and it stripped me off everything I had. Only left with the few out of the most I had, I began becoming new. That period made me something I never imagined myself being, I became a ghost to my own life.

A new spirit matured within my soul, the pain was greater and made me imbalanced. Thus I had to be wiser, take notes in life. I drafting a memo of my life, was exposed to vacillation and my life was on my hand no more. Amidst the new being I was becoming, I came into being "MSADENARIYU". This meant that I take pride and lose brains so to gain some cash, only cash handed me pride and with pride, I am happy. The kid whom was named Danon for he liked yoghurt so much, was buried with his brother six feet 2 years ago. This here is MSA•DE•NA•RI•YU, a decuple old kid whom leads a crew of juveniles. So dangerous he can be, he is capable of slaughtering a man as if he's slaughtering a goat. Smart he is, one of his friends once addressed him as Einstein.

BLACK started with a loss of breath. It has no breath and that is the reason it will always survive, BLACK owns itself and it doesn't depend on anything but its power. Like everything it has a leader and me as a leader I've gone through a lot, I know how to keep it going. The experience started in mozambique, where I met my ghost.