10 years old, leading a strong gang termed "ALL STARS". We were a group of juveniles with a strong back up, of the Gang number 2*7. These guys dealt with heists, they were up to date and well connected, some of my mergers today are from them. Ammaliatore whom I heard his term meant charmer although he is scarier than death, he crafted me and he is so wealthy that I specially address him as Pot; I heard some guy calling his boss that after winning on Pot's poker game.

Pot taught me how to order people, taught me how to remain clean, taught me how to watch over myself and my family but we always fought over what ended me in Mozambique;

"MSANRA, this is one of the gigantic homme, we are dealing with here". Pot while we are planning on taking out the Ghanian guy, whom has took over drug streams in the west of South Africa.

"My chams are missing, meaning my money is also missing". Looking deep and tense he blabbered for over 20 mins, until;

"Pot my boots are hot and my ears are loss close the crap or fill the account", pissed I said that to him, meaning am tired of him telling us about what's happening.

"Tell to us what's next bro", then that's the bravest guy in this gang crew, Adios. They say he left the city of Texas and came to Africa, and only just left a letter to his lady saying 'adios mi novia' meaning goodbye.

"Just come back to our lands and let's talk one language. How about we call in Nostra?"

"Nostra‽ Really Adios‽" What would that fool do for us? I truly hated Pot's brother, he had no senses.

"Don't forget you are just a kid, poi". And that was Pot's wife, she's a diva with 9 bullet holes patched up with tattoos. I will not even discuss the cuts on her body.

"Ohh I forgot", rolling my eyes "lemme see myself out", walking towards the door.

Pot came back to his sense's. "Calling in my brother Nostra is just distraction. You with hot boots, that was disrespect. My Queen, I need a pool with goons, hail o•Gci•bha to the ground". Gci•bha is a term used instead of 2*7.

All over the hood, everybody could tell something is going down. The big guys from all over marched in with their gangs, with those deemed four wheel beasts. There was one guy missing though;

"Where is Tha•nge•le‽" Pot asked the pop in guys.

"I said where is Thangele‽" He asked again.

"Should I be the one to ask you uncles?" with a knife pointing at them, I asked.

"No. Cock took Thangele and they vanished". One of them answered. And surprised was I, there's someone who's proud to call himself Cock.

"Cock‽", I asked.

"Yeah, he's one of the new guys in Orange Valley." He said.

Another man with one enormous voice, "The Zwide guys took Cock in, even after noticing he had a gang name tattooed on his back".

Everyone looked at Zwide with their forehead burning from anger.

"Zwide, answer to this". Powerless but angry Pot asked.

"Nah don't bother Zwide, we will talk about that later. The merchandise will be late for the Cape, Thangele is not around. Call Bho•she,the tunnel, to let the merchandise to the Cape".

"Jy is nou die baas? Huh?"(you are now a boss? Huh?), Pot cocking his gun.

"Voetsek!" I said to Pot. "For you aren't talking sense, am going out to find this homme". I left the table and went home, so sour it was seeing my mother after twain years still in pain. I just went to my bedroom.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!!! During the night, gun fights in my hood? How the hack is that possible? I mean my hood is isolated and am the only lord around. I heard a knock on my window, it was Adios;

"Eyyo phu•ma (come out) let's go, before they find the house and kill your mom".

Mom entered my room with a broom and a knife, she saw Adios and screaming threw the knife at him.

"Ma'a shush" with a low voice, "lock the door and close this window. Do not turn on the lights".

I escaped my hood filled with the Ghana gang, and left to Pot's house;

"Msanra" worried. "U•gre•nd mji•ta?" asking if I was okay.

"Yeah am good Pot. How did they spot me? Who sold me?" I asked.

We don't know, they all answered

"Call Nostra in then", I also don't know why I said so.

Queen couldn't reach to Nostra, she found that very confusing. Nostra should have already known that his brother is up to something, he should have been there already. She spoke her mind to us and it made sense that Nostra sold me out, still we were not sure thus it was possible that a snake is amongst us. I went outside, I whistled the code of hail and my crew came up like long, boastful and tough. The ladies came out so beautiful and so was Pot's daughter, Lorraine.

"Some of the number sold me. Is it you?" I asked that with my face looking down, just to make sure it was no one from my crew. For I had big guys like 17 years old, I had to pull out a knife and angrily repeat, "I said is it you?". Confused were they and no one responded, I then said, "find Nostra for me".

"We are not like my father's man, we are school kids thus everything we do, we do it around. My uncle lives so far, 'jy moet my uit jou gedagtes uitsteek"( you are crazy).

"Lorraine go to school, who else doesn't care that me or my mother could have died? They should go home now and do their homeworks". Non of them left even Lorraine herself.

"Ma•bhi•ki•sha, coza igedlela sdwadle e-Orange Valley syomnukelela"(Mabhikisha, fetch the car and take us to Orange Valley to look for him), I commanded the oldest guy. He came back on his feet instead of wheels, furious I became; "Amadlebe agcwele ipurity noma usushambul' intash‽ Huh? Khuluma masaka"(are you deaf or high‽ Huh‽ Answer stupid).

"You wanna take the wheels to where Msanra?"

"Adios you saved me, thank you but that doesn't mean babysit me", with bossy attitude I answered.

"You will get killed, Lorraine will get killed or worse.."

Striking his voice, "Umphefumulo ofayo aw'gcwele ngelikaGcibha"(a 27 never dies) with my eyes round and about to bust to Adios, "Wosh!" And my crew saluted "Yizo ndoda enguMsanra"(we are with you Msanra).

"Ndodandoda ungulova okangakanani?"(young thug are you really a thug) addressing to Mabhikisha.

"Ongango Gcibha, zithi zimphebeza ngamaqupha azibhudle ngeleshumi le Ntshona"( am a true thug with passion), he answered.

We took the Van and left Zenzeni, our home. After a 4 hours ride, a 10 years old juvenile Lord started being scared so were the other six younger members. Yes I thought of retreating, and I think I even started missing my mom. Although I became weaker, I didn't show it.

"Let's go in", I ordered,"Search this whole house".

"Msanra kunuka ezibende egumbini likaNostra"(there's blood in Nostra's room), that was one of my smart guys; he's an orphan and a real thug, he's older than me in two years, Mse•be•nzi.

I saw the blood, and ordered Lorraine and other two ladies to go ask around, what had happened. I told Mabhikisha, Msebenzi and the other three to keep searching the house. After a moment searching the house, Ma•kha•di•ya the fat guy spotted Nostra's safe. I commanded Him, Makhadiya to call in Lorraine, for she might have a clue about the pin code of the safe. We continued searching for the rainbow colors. Makhadiya and the girls didn't come back, I got pissed and ordered for a search party to look for girls. This was an unnecessary conduct.

I heard foot steps getting in the house, "Ohh great! Welcome back to paradise, come open this safe".

Two black goons; scarier than the story of hell, pointed a gun on my head. I kept calm and was brave enough to ask; "You two are Southerns, so who sent you here? Is it Ammaliatore?". The gun on my head was hit hard on my skin and I was down.

I wonder.