So sore is my head, confused am I. Asking myself where am I, wondering if my ma'a knows where am at. Who put me a bandage on my head and why¿ What's happening¿ I looked at myself and I was still in full, no pieces missing. I managed to keep myself calm until my senses flew back to me. Ohh great, where are others¿ I stood up from the floor and went to exit through the door, it was locked. I raise my heavy head to look for escaping alternatives, and there were none. I went for the window but it had buglers and besides, am one big kid I can't escape through such a small window. No food, I starved for a couple of hours until a man who looked familiar came in. He so looked familiar that it scared me, he handed me a takeaway of rice and chicken and said no word. He shaked his head at me, then left the room. I so like food so much, I ate the whole meal and left nothing.

After I was done eating, I noticed the door was now open. I sneaked to the door, checked if there was anyone on guard but there wasn't. I then freely exited the room, ¿am I at a village¿ I laughed to myself and walked to see what was in other rooms, I saw young girls and older women. My mind said "you at a trafficking port" and I just went furious, started running around looking for my gang but I couldn't find them. I then started looking for that mistry man, after delving for about an hour;

"Cebo!! Woza la"(Cebo!! come here) with a deep voice.

To myself I mused over the voice that I didn't recognize but knew my unrevealed name. I turned around, it was the mystery man. He was so bold, light in skin and bold headed too.

"Ngithe woza la!"(I said come here), he said. Marched closer to him and before he could say another word;

"Ugcwele ngoMsadenariyu ulova kaGcibha? Z'thin kulamahlathi escashe k'wona plus wena ngathi ngiyak'cava. Bak'landa ngoban ndodandoda? Ul'cava ngaziphi leli ong'landa ngalo?(Do you know me the 27? Where are we and it seems I know you. What's your name? How do you know the name you addressed me with?) I asked question to question and didn't give him a chance to answer til I was done.

"Lodoti kowukhuluma nam angize kuwamukela, kangizimisele ukukuqondisa izingwengwe mfana. Nginguyihlo" furiously he answered and also remorseful was he about telling me he's my father.

I had hated this guy from when I could pronounce the word 'baba', and no one would answer. I could now remember that I saw him on a picture, although he was looking younger by then.

"Pardon me. Who are you‽ You said you are my what?"

"Am your father. Cebo am your father, ngiyakuzala"(am your biological father).

"Uthatha amachance khehla. Ziphi iyntwana zam?"(you are taking chances old man. Where is my gang?), I said shaking my head at him.

"Babathethe, yonke into yenzeka ngaphansi kwam. Wena ngikuthengile, ngase ngiyabadedela bona bahamba neshipment eya eGhana"(They took them, everything happens under my watch. I brought you from them and I had let them pass, with a shipment to Ghana).

"You are in human trafficking‽ You left me. You left ma'a! For this shit you are doing here‽ You are such a nothing than I expected".

"Cebo khuzeka njalo,(be warned) I understand you are angry but don't talk to me like that".

"Mom was told you are dead. What's this‽ A Ghost‽"

"Everyone had to know that I was dead, so I could fake an identity to this world."

He then started telling me how he got here. "Cebo, I think you know that I was in a taxi industry. I had a couple of taxis and I was one of the most respected hitman, I ruled over a few things. One day riding a friend's taxi, I came across a truck lit on fire and the were girls burning in it. I couldn't do anything for the fire was so big, their screams even made me crazy. Then there were man who covered my face and dragged me to their Van, just after forcing me to the vehicle I had explosions which I later discovered it was my taxi. When I arrived here I was given a chance to make be better, as you see am a depo for human trafficking and transition. All this is me".

"Enough with your crap, Phi•nda•ku•phi", annoyed and angry, "You mentioned that the shipment you brought me from was going to Ghana. Do you know anything about Cock, the guy with a tattoo on his back?"

"What about Cock?"

"I need that idiot down", looked straight to his eyes.

"You are just 9 years and going after people like cock‽" angry and surprised he looked, "Are you mad or what‽"

"Corrections Trafficker!!", with what would you do attitude, "Am ten years old, old enough to know that you are just weak rubbish who sold my friends".

"Don't talk to me like that, am your father!" With anger he stepped closer to I.

"Take another step and you are dead. To be a dad, help me find my friends by first telling me who the hack is Cock".

"Cock is A•di•zo•lab's best man"

"Speak up! Who's that Adi what what guy?"

"That's one of the Lord's I work for. He has been the greater since the colonies left Ghana, he has no fear and no obstacles", pride of the story he told filled his eyes

"That's about to change. Where can I find Cock?"

"Just wait here until tomorrow, he will be here"

"Wait and do what?"

"Let me show you around.."

"Nah. Let's do something better. Teach me how to use any type of a gun. I love Pistols, let's start with that."

He wanted to forbid me from that but I think he saw he's reflection, partly though. "Let's go", leading a route.

We went out of the compound I woke up from, went to a compound with a beautiful white mansion. It ate my eyes and licked my heart as I kept nearing to it, my mind ran and dove in the blue pool I saw with beautiful ladies smiling at this man said to be my father. We went in the house;

"Son, the man you are going after gave all this to me"

"I don't care James, let's do what we came here for." Annoyed I said.

"You can't do anything to him, he's so big."

"My guys are out there, my ladies are out there and you want me to believe I cannot do anything? Such a fool you are. Where are the guns‽"

He led me to a back yard of the compound, and commanded the guy that had been staring at us since we approached the house, "Buscar pistolas"(fetch pistols).

About my fifteenth shot, I was doing best that I even shot his drone flying around the yard, just to piss him. After a couple more shots, I pointed a gun at him;

"You are dead. Right dad?"

With round eyes like mine, he unfastened his lenses. "Ungenwe yini? Ngeke uyenze leyonto. Ucabanga ukuthi bazokuyeka labantu? Uzoba nezithitha eziningi."(what had gotten to you? You wouldn't. You think my people would let you go? You will have more enemies).

"Okay let me spare you." Lowering my arm. "Now tell me. Where are we at?

"This son", boastfully, "This is Mozambique, the merely summer all seasons".

"Come again?" with the what the crap face. 'You said Mo...?

"Take me home! Now! I want my mom!" With tears filling my eyes I said.

He laughed at me and shaked his head. "Cebo. You are a real character."