During the whistling cool night, my eyes fell down and my head laid down. Deep in dreams, I missed Msebenzi the guy whom I thought would be my right man til death; I missed Lorraine the lady I thought one day might be my first lady; I missed
Mabhikisha that is heavy weighted like my grandpa but those dream weren't sad, they were fun. 5 o'clock the Sun is already dazzling above the skies, James; my father; also know as Phindakuphi, prepared me a bath and gave me some clothes. This guy knew my taste, a black and grey scotch shirt and black jeans, with my first leather jacket; so good I looked.
"Now you look like a Ndaba. Am taking you home first thing after I am done with Cock's shipment. Okay?"
"Gimme some food, and I'll be going with you to the port."
"Go to the kitchen, tell Akasimuka to prepare you something. Then we will be leaving."
After about an hour, we were ready to go. I went where I kept my hand on a fire arm to look for a gun, fortuitously they hadn't removed anything. I picked up a gadget of my size, a Glock 30SF and took it with me to the port.
7 am when we got there, Cock's truck was there already. I figured that he might be as well there, I kept a distance from my father so that I can spot Cock. "Tall black guy with mustaches, he looks strong but am not scared. They are shacking hands, that must be him." I went straight to him stone hearted, took out my gun and pointed him on his back. He's guys spotted that and it was arm out eye to eye. James tried talking me but;
"Tyma(dad), stop telling me to put my gun down. Cock where are my friends?"
Laughing he turned around and heard a gun being cocked, he stopped laughing as he saw hell written on my face. "So you are the missing item that patron thought would cause no trouble? I guess he was wrong." Trying to grab my gun, a bullet went straight to his chest burning his lungs through the brocken rib; then it was a bang!!! bang!!! bang!!!
My father took me in Cocks truck, we managed to escape before last breath.
The first man I killed, I thought I was brave but when I noticed myself shivering, I thought otherwise.
Driving, "What can I say?"
Still filled with anger, "Tell me this road is going to Ghana"
Laughing out, "Where do you think Ghana is? We are still in Mozambique meaning we aren't safe as yet."
"I don't care about safety, take me to Ghana". I saw a bed at the back of the seats and went to lay on it.
He shaked his head on me, "We will leave the shipment at Ketete and go to Chipata, to take a flight to Ghana."
Looking at a sum of guns next to the bed, "Do you have a friend in Ghana?"
With pride, "I have friends all over Africa."
"Will we be able to get guns on a plane?"
"No we...."
"Great. Call your friend to fix you hits and arms."
At the airport we got no problems, I was with the boss under patrons and we just went to a flight and flew about eleven hours. We landed at Sunyani, took of to Badu at Aziki's, Jame's friend. When we got at this short guy's house, all eyes saw gold entering their territory;
"There might be a prize for our heads, let no one be at our backs." James whispered to me.
I looked for something we could use, all that was nearer was a fork. I jumped at it and James pulled Aziki to him, thus I pointed the fork at his hypopharynx; his pants sweat sametime.
"My man wait, 200ks of Cedis aren't worth your son's head. Let's talk about this, you might have something we want."
"What do you want?" James asked.
"Adizolab is ruling the whole Kumasi, with his brother ruling in the Northern. We want to take out one of them, so we can be free too."
All of his man were nodding, and half convinced were we about their plan.
"Adoma, Adizolab's brother is a trafficker. He takes girls anywhere to everywhere", Aziki said.
"Yeah and he took both of my girls, raped and killed my woman", a big guy like he's nose and he's so dark.
"Then you did nothing about that?" disappointed shaking my head
"Call me Msanra, I am MSADENARIYU."
Everyone looked surprised, even James.
"It sounds like a name for a greater and you are just a kid. How about we call you kiddio?" This is some tall skinny guy, that I have to teach a lesson. With the fork I had, I struck his lap. He fell bending towards the pain, then I headed him that we were both dizzy. Everyone laughed, I picked up my fork then everyone stopped laughing.
"Who am I?" I asked.
Others said Msanra and others said MSADENARIYU. James laughed;
"Aziki, what's your plan." James asked.
"Adoma is weak when he is angry, now only his brother is angry. Adizolab is dangerous when angry, thus what ever we do we should not touch Adizolab's things" Aziki said.
"But they are one blood." I said.
He continued, "Yes they are one blood but back in their early days, there were confusions and cat scratches. They then made an agreement, that Adoma stays away from Adizolab's throne, so does Adizolab."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Adizolab won't take part in anything that happens to Adoma's business. What about if we touch he's eyes?" James asked.
"Then the whole Ghana will burn, like Enfer." Said one of the men.
"We therefore should attack all Adoma's streams within Ghana, burn them all" Aziki said.
"What about the women? They are innocent." I asked.
"We won't touch them, his men will." Smiling with pride he said;
"And you are?" I asked.
"Azi, that's my younger brother; Azi." Aziki answered.
"Azi bring some match with fuel tanks." James ordered.
"Where do we start?" I asked.
"Let's go be the Genesis of the Riot in Kintampo, so to close his easy route to his brother." Aziki said.
Everyone was keen about this, no one wanted to back out. We went to Kintampo and we closed the route with fire, next was Prang where we did the same. While at Prang burning the streets that even the tar pealed off, comrades of the Democratic Freedom Party closed Bunda Nkwanha. And all of Brong Hafo was a war against an evil neighbor, if you had enemy you couldn't kill then that was the time you could. We spent two nights on the streets, this made Adoma's business to go slow. He ordered arm men to clear the route, bang! bang! bang and boom!!! We took them all out but they kept on and on coming. It seemed Adoma had no clue what was cooking in the world.
My first war.