Everyone who received the call checked in at Pot's, there were now guys I didn't even know about. All the dangerous beasts of the Drug world of the southern, plus that one idiot who sold me; Nostra. They all came in, set down and it was time for my voice;

"Madoda angangoGcibha, Madoda kaNongoloza omnyama osabeka okwegodi( 2*7 and 2*8). Your tunnel is not one of us". Everyone gave that "what?" face. "I lost a lady, I lost two men in the streets of Ghana because of this man." With a sorrowful soul I pointed at Pot. "His brother took my dad's life and took lives of the many, innocent blood was spilt because of his dishonesty. Adizolab is a respectable man in the second sector of the under world, now we can't work with him because he's an enemy to us. This also means we can't trade with the northern, until we take down Adizolab..."

"Enough!" Pot yelled. "Adizolab is a dangerous ma..." X cocked his gun and pointed straight to Pot's head, everyone started being uncomfortable.

"Pot we also can be dangerous. He's too old now and broken, he's just a powerful beast with no teeth to chew with. I'm taking down Adizolab."

Those who didn't know me shaked their heads and asked "Ucabanga ukuthi ungubani?"(who do you think you are)

Msebenzi answered, "WuGcibha okangako lo indoda enguMSADENARIYU umaqhuz'igatsha k'qhuzuke inkanyezi yeMpumalanga kuntrole eyeNtshona. Zithi zimthebezela ahleke inhlinini, az'gqishi ngeshum le Ntshona.(He's MSADENARIYU a well know thug who rules the juvenile, and not scared to kill). We are alive today because he took Adoma's head and saved us".

Everyone looked at me with respect, everyone was now ready to take my word and they all saluted; "MSADENARIYU!"

I told them Pot would still be in charge but now he will be taking orders from X, who will be taking orders from me at a later stage. "Now men. Go enjoy your days with your families, we will be taking down Adizolab in no time. Msebenzi get in contact with the Ghana, tell them I need Aziki and Azi in contact." All man stood and left the room, others having short chats before they separate.

I went outside and whistled the code of hail, Lorraine; Miah; Msebenzi and Itzel were already here, everyone stood in front of my sight. I reminded them why we were the All Stars; "On the dark world, we made it easier for the legendary beasts to walk. We were that glimpse of light they needed, now we are no longer the light. They will be the our ligh, when we go BLACK. In the dark we are BLACK, no one can spot us til we rise up above the lands." We whistled that even birds got frightened, Msebenzi gave me a Bersa thunder 9. Three bullets went up; first shot BANG! "We are BLACK". Second shot BANG! "SHALL WE RISE". Last shot BANG! "AND NEVER GET CAUGHT". Whistling started once again and it was all noisy.

I asked Miah and Itzel if they were one of us, Miah couldn't whistle but Itzel did with pride as Miah said yes. Now I was back to my team, I told them how things would work as I've explained to the big guys. They all saluted with respect to Msebenzi as their General. All the eight of us were BLACK and we were about to be the Kingdom in the southern.

I lastly told them too; "Go to your families to laugh again, we are going to take down Adizolab so we can spread to the Northern Africa".

I told Msebenzi to prepare weapons so Pot and X would teach my crew, how to bust a skull.

It was already in late hours of the night, I imagined my mother sick worried about me. I told Mabhikisha to drive me home, in Kanana. When I arrived at home, there were officers. I told them that I was okay, I was just with friends and they left. She started yelling asking if I wanted to die and leave her. I just kept quiet until she finished, then I told her what I am and what I've been through. The only thing that I kept from her, was that I met Phindakuphi and later saw him die. That could have broke her once more, I couldn't let that happen. She got disappointed and just said; "Just finish school, archive well and farewell to your death". I knew she didn't mean the last part, she was just heart broken.

I continued with my last year in secondary school, during my final exams about my third last paper, I was told my team was becoming more the best with weapons they had. I planned something major to be done during the festive holidays. I orginized weapons, am talking about Riffles; Submachines; Shortguns and took a Glock 17 also with a Pump-action as my assets. X and others kept asking my plans and all I said was that, it's different and it's a game changer. I got calls from the big guys, telling me to not start something that will put our lives in danger. They were just advising me and they kept on and on and on, until I called them in and they all thought I was about to tell them my plan but;

"I understand am just a kid to you all, am new in the game thus I don't have experience like you all. Though it is so, stop bothering me I know what am doing.."

"Number one, this ain't no game. This is real. Number two, we are trying to save yourself here..."

"Maybe he doesn't need to be saved but supported and trusted." Miah said.

"Not only our lives will be involved in the storm he's cooking, we have families."

"Are we not a family?" Asked Msebenzi.

"Everyone wait. What do you think am about to do?"

"It's obvious. You are heading to Ghana for my brother. Adizolab is powerful, remember I told you." Pot answered.

"So everyone here is getting cold feet?" I asked.

X laughed as I was also asking what I knew.

"Okay. Anyone who wants to leave shall never come back, this is no family of cowards."

The respected men of the Zwide tribe, left without a word. Everyone was surprised or should I say shocked, they started being uncomfortable.

"There's something off about this." Lorraine whispered to my ear.

"It doesn't matter, they are choosing to be on their own. Let them be" I said.

I told the Gang to go exercise, for the festive season was not going to be about wine and food but bullet and blood. There were going to be deaths until we stood strong, above any Lord engaging with us. I promised them; "You will be recognized in the whole world, you will be more respected than ever. The fortunate shall be our cause for we will be wealthy like Faro, back in his day. Fear no one, be brave. Am going for an eye as they spilled my blood, am going for their power so to be more greater. A man is a man with his mind, not his heart. Who's rising with me?"

The Black crew raised a West sign as a yes, thus other gangs did the same. I had an army to prepare me where I am now.

Am going big.