During the imminent of the war I was preparing for, looking at this lady and noticing her beauty. I tried approaching her;

"Hola Miah". I greeted her with my alluring smile.

Blushing, "Como estas señor?"

Still smiling but confused, "Huh?"

She laughed at me and said, "I should school you Spanish. I said, 'How is you Sir?"'

"Ohh crap", we both laughed. Her laughter drugged me and I was dreaming. Looking at her with this black long hair; dimples; milky teeth; those gorgeous eyes and noticing her pleasing skin, butterflies built a nest on my chest. She noticed the way I was looking at her;

"Hold on. Are you drowning?" She asked.

"Your beauty is nothing like a sea I'd drown in. You are the air that ..." She blocked me,

"Wait. Msanra don't. This would be a disaster." She held my hand,

"I wanna tell you more", I said.

"Tell me how you became who you are, you are so young you could be something different. Plus you already know my story." Blocking my words.

I just thought, lemme be transparent with her and maybe she will fall with I, as am falling for her. "My story¿"

"Yeah lemme hear?"

"I lost my brother, my happiness left with him. At his grave we were both buried, thus I had to take a new spirit to fill this empty soul I became. One time as usual walking on that main road accepting entrance and exit of Kanana, I saw two guys riding a buckie. I walked towards their vehicle, noticed that their tire was flat. I greeted them and offered them help, they told me they had no spare tire. I asked one of them to come with me, we went to the mechanic I knew in my neighborhood. I told him that this man needs help, fortunately the mechanic was able to help with a spare tire. He took his van and drove us to these guy's buckie, the predicament was settled. The other guy that we had left in the car told the mechanic that they had no cash, at that juncture. The mechanic said 'it's no problem, the other guy knows where he lives'. The mechanic rode back to the neighborhood. These two guys asked if I had no problem ridding with them to Senzeni, I had no negative thoughts and jumped in their vehicle."

"Wait but you didn't know these men." She said.

"An empty soul doesn't care about anything, even the next step that it could trip at." I said.

"Let's go sit on the benches, this sounds like a long story". We went to the bench and set.

"We arrived here that day. This men's house was so busy, there were scary and big guys in and out of their house. After a short period that day, a women and her daughter came in the house. It was Lorraine and her mother, I remember that day they had matching outfits. Lorraine's mother shared romantic words with one of the two men, I then knew she was the Queen of the house. This man he was talking to, introduced them to I. Me and Lorraine started talking and we clicked, I was here until the Sun set. I got scared that my mother would be angry with me, then I asked the other man to ride me back home. It was X who was called Adios by then, he drove me home and asked I was still gonna hit around at theirs, I agreed. Now I had friends in the neighboring hood."

Looking at Miah, she was so paying attention. I continued as I noticed that she was interested in my history.

"The following day, I did my chores and went by the same road again. Walking up the road, a BMW beast stopped next to me."

"I like BMWs, more specially the big ones." She said.

I continued, "One of the men who were busy here was the driver, he asked where I was heading to and gave me a lift. In his X5 there were two pistols, I couldn't identify what were they for back then I knew nothing about those. On his left arm I noticed that he was a gang member and out of no where, I told him I also want to be the number. He asked why, I told him that people respect the number and I also want respect. I remember him laughing at me, saying that respected is earned. When we arrived at Lorraine's, her mother offered me food and another guy I didn't know came in the house. He saw me in the kitchen and asked if they were now feeding the poor, crossed I looked at him with an angry face. Am sure you can tell it was Nostra, I hated him from then. He then came to the kitchen and did the worst, he took my slice of delicious sandwich and left. Lorraine came to the kitchen and noticed that I wasn't okay, she asked what's the matter and I told her. She passed that to her father, Pot. Pot was still with the X5 guy. This guy seeing me while Pot was talking me, he told Pot what I said to him. Pot had no issue with that, he told me that maybe I'd lead a gang too and be a Lord one day. I felt that settling in my soul."

No one disturbed me and the wind was so cool, I continued telling her.

"I started coming here more often, sometimes after school and sometimes I'd leave home early, even take a taxi. Lorraine's friends now became my friends too, I was more like Pot's son. One day the was a kid that was bullying Massie, it's the other girl that left this neighborhood after losing her father in a gun fight. I went to him and beat him up, he didn't fight back I don't know why."

Miah laughing, "Maybe he was scared of you".

"Yeah. He was just a coward bullying a girl. Our friends cheered me up, some of them even had that little respect for me.."

"Is that the reason you became the Jefe of the All Stars?" She asked.

"Yeah but the real reason is that Pot wanted me to lead the crew, he would order me then I'd order my friends..."

"Who came up with this term 'All Stars'?" She asked.

"Mabhikisha did, it was from a poem he read at school. 'It was talking about the stars of hope guiding the broken', he said. So we became the hope of this world we live in."

"And why are you MSADENARIYU? What does it really means?" Curiously she asked.

"MSADENARIYU I combination of two terms. MSA means a mad man, DENARIYU means a King with plenty of coin, it's actually "Darius" but then because we have our term in the number." Smiling at her.

Smiling back, "So you are a mad King¿" And she laughed at me.

Laughing, "I become mad when I have to and sometimes at occasions nor junctures like this, I just become mad. Miah you are really driving me crazy, you can even feel my heartbeat if you think am lying."

Blushing, "Argh stop it man. Tell me more. Tell me how you got to Ghana, you are the whole savior I wanna hear your whole side of the story."

I then started telling her from the gunshots fired in my neighborhood up to until Adoma was killed.

"So now you are becoming a real King. You have plans, why don't you tell me about them." With an eager to know face.

"It's already the 26th, wait until the 1st of December. You will know".

She tried standing up, I held her down and pulled her closer. Looking into each other's eyes I bet we felt the spark.

The Wealth King.