Preparing At The Grocery Store

"This grocery store cannot be resold." Doom's mechanical voice suddenly appeared in Su Su's mind, and she was shocked.

"Why?" Su Su was more frightened because Doom could read her thoughts.

"When the system and the host itself begin to bind, they are also bound to the industry owned by the host itself, such as this house."

Doom paused and continued, "And, didn't you find out? Your dungeon door and your actual door have completely overlapped."

"This is why there will be rewards for the building of residential bases in the two B-Rank dungeons, not only that, if higher level dungeons in the future, among them there will be better rewards for residential bases."

"Wait a minute, I actually don't want to sell this house. Now that you say this, I will not be able to sell it, but why can you read my thoughts?"

Su Su was on the verge of collapse, trying frantically. She felt that she had no privacy in this AI's eyes now.

"To better communicate with you."

"Okay." Su Su has already begun to accept this change. From the point of view of the strong binding of the system, she has never had a choice.

Since the house can't be sold, she has to pay for the purchase of things from her own small vault, which is said to be a small vault, but in fact, there is not much. Most of them have been saved by operating a grocery store in the past few years.

Although the grocery store is located in the old city, there are many residents around, and the daily life of selling and selling is trivial. Even if the daily income is not much, Su Su is more economical and can save a fortune.

Fortunately, the house is its own, which saves a lot of money to pay rent.

"Doom, my house is a single-family house for decades. It is quite aged. If one day it catches up with it for demolition..." Su Su was not finished and was stopped by Doom.

"This is not possible." Doom paused and went on to say, "coupled with the quest of curing houses, in fact, speaking of the renovation of some significance, so this house will only get indestructible."

"What if I really caught up with the torrent of demolition? What if I accidentally died in the dungeon? These are all irresistible factors, have you thought about it." After Su Su asked this series of questions, Doom did not speak. It's quite as if it doesn't exist.

Cursing her lips, Su Su sighed and walked to the third-floor bedroom. Doom was unwilling to discuss this topic with her, and she also didn't want to talk about it. After thinking about it, it is better to eat first and then study and prepare.

She locked the door on the first floor from the inside, and there was a wooden sign saying "Closed today" on the door. During these two days, Su Su was not going to open the business.

What could be more important than being alive?

Sliding the mouse, Su Su quickly browsed the Internet about preparations to go to the rainforest.

"The temperature in the rainforest is high, so you don't need to bring too much warm clothing, such as jackets, backpacks, long-sleeved and long-legged quick-drying pants, hiking shoes, river upstream shoes or military high-top rubber shoes, sandals, jungle hats, gloves, raincoats, etc.

"Your clothes should not be too bright, so as not to attract mosquitoes and scare small animals." Looking at the description on the computer interface, Su Su nodded in agreement, so she doesn't need to make much room for clothes. Looking at it, her hands are scribbling records on the small notebook, for fear of forgetting it for a while.

"The best jungle tent camping equipment that can prevent mosquitoes disturbing sleep, due to the humid tropical jungle, waterproof tents underlying some better (about 10c comfort too) other camping equipment as well as a moisture-proof pad, a sleeping bag."

" This is also very valuable to buy, I should write it down."

"The daily necessities don't need to be too complicated. In the jungle, almost all cooking utensils can be replaced by bamboo. The necessary daily necessities: knives, matches, kettles, toiletries, personal Hygiene products, headlights, flashlights, whistles, spare batteries, compass, etc."

"Well, I have to bring a few more knives. It must be the strongest and sharpest one. Who knows that the mutant animals in the dungeon world are already abnormal."

"In the tropical jungle, the biggest danger comes from insects and complicated terrain. Before I travel, you must prepare the commonly used medicines: anti-mosquito water, cold medicine, antidiarrheal medicine, snake medicine, band-aids, bruises, alcohol, glucose, etc."

Looking at the book in front of her, the densely recorded items to buy, Su Su felt heartache for a while, and she seemed to be unable to keep the small vault she had worked so hard to save.

After thinking about it, she called out AI again, "Doom, see if we can discuss it, That, is adding a little salary after each task reward okay? or the host will die of poverty. You can't just sit back and watch."

Doom was silent for a while before she replied, "No, but..."

"But what?" Su Su was a little frustrated.

"I once told you about the objective treatment of the dungeon world. In a sense, all the transportation currencies in the real world are the same in other worlds."

Su Su's eyes lit up," I get it, I get it."

Since the system does not give a salary, she can earn from the dungeon by herself. It's the end there. Who cares about money, gold, diamonds, and the like.

Su Su smiled, Doom stopped talking as she looked at her computer screen, her mind settled, and she went on to read the web page.

"Compressed dry food (prepared as one piece a day), canned braised pork, garlic, ginger, salt, cooking oil, chili (the tropical jungle is very humid, and eating some chili can get rid of moisture from the body), rice, etc., such as vegetables, etc. Through knowledge, it can be obtained in the jungle, but it is best not to eat casually to prevent poisoning..."

After Su Su's ran through detailed records, she prepared all the first copies in one day.

Electronics and technology of the world, this efficiency is incredible even Doom saw it.

When night fell, Su Su still did not open the door, but she ran to the snack area on the second floor and opened a bag of potato chips while organizing the system storage space.

"Doom, after how long do I have to leave?" Su Su thought that the 48-hour preparation time was short at first, but now he is getting more and more tormented after getting ready to go.

"There are still 37:01:05. The 48 hours is just for you to get the maximum preparation time. If you agree, we can set off immediately."

Su Su took a deep breath as if she had made a decision. "Then wait until I wake up. I want to feel the beauty of the world for a while."