Sister Su Falls From The Sky

The next day,

After breakfast," Are you ready?" Doom verified again.

"Quick, get ready...ah! Wait a minute, do I really have the ability to protect myself randomly as soon as I enter the dungeon?"

Su Su's hand firmly grasped the door handle, still a little worried, "I, I will go, after that, you must remember to lock the door for me, and the items in the store can't be lost."

Doom continued indifferently," A kind of animal power of the current instance will be randomly generated, and the door lock is not locked. It doesn't matter, the world time is still after you leave."

"Sorry, I was too nervous and forgot."

"Then are you ready now?"

"Ready, ah..." Su Su finished the sentence, before the people behind could speak again, the whole person was absorbed into the door. Everything that happened was caught off guard, and her screams echoed in the space.

Hot, stuffy, and humid.

After Su Su was sober and conscious, she only had this feeling. After finally opening her tired eyes, she was so scared that she sprang up from a large stone slab.

"Girl, are you sent by a fairy?" A metre away from her, there was a circle of wild men wearing fur skirts, all of them painted with mysterious oil paint patterns.

Even though what they said had some dialect flavor, Su Su still understood.

Her eyes quickly scanned the surroundings, and she realized that she was in a sacrificial center, and beside her, she was tied up with a young woman.

At this moment, there is no movement in the body of the young woman beside her at all, she seems to be...dead.

After a rough analysis, Su Su understood his current situation. It was probably what these savages were seeking to worship God, and she happened to appear here out of nowhere at the end of the ceremony?

With a sudden change in her mind, she definitely couldn't deny it. It's better to fool them before they reacted.

Su Su didn't speak, but her face suddenly became serious and nodded, which also admitted in a disguised form that she was sent by a god.

"Great!" There was an excited expression on the man's face, and Su Su hadn't reacted yet, the next second the savages came towards her with a bundle of rope.

"Wait a minute! What are you doing?"

"Don't be afraid, I will dedicate you to the greatest king with heaven's blessing..." The leaves held in the hands of the wild men gently brushed in front of Su Su. She lost all consciousness in an instant, and only one unfinished word remained next to her ear.

She said in her heart, "It's over, I'm going to hang up as soon as I arrive..."

I don't know how long it has passed before Su Su felt that the numbness of her limbs gradually disappeared in the dark, but the lack of air circulation in the confined space still made her very difficult. It's uncomfortable, if you don't wake up early, you will suffocate and die if you are unconscious for a while.

Thinking like this, she quickly analyzed and judged the situation in front of her. She reached out and touched it. She felt that she should be in a square box now, surrounded by quiet, only the sound of water dripping on the stone.

"What's the matter? Where did those savages get me?" Su Su muttered in his heart, but no one answered her question, and Doom seemed to not exist.

After sighing and sinking his mind, Su Su began to self-test her random animal abilities.

[Fish's Memory]: After the skill is initiated, it will act on the living body within ten meters of the host for three seconds, and you can specify to erase some of the opponent's memory. Memory can be erased almost of a day.

"What is it, this is it?" Su Su flustered, and how could she run out here relying on fish skills.

"It doesn't matter, let's get out of this box before talking." She just talked about it, and she planned to run away before there was no one, she couldn't be suffocated here.

With a thought in her mind, the long knife in the system space directly appeared in Su Su's hand, and when she inserted it along the edge of the gap, she began to pry with the strength of the milk.

However, it hadn't been long before I felt the weight of my hand lighten, and the lid above my head was opened directly from above, and an unusually handsome face was looking at her in astonishment.

Su Su's arm still kept the prying motion, and the two people's eyes crossed, and they were all stunned.

"Girl, are you going to run?" The boy was different from the savage who kidnapped her. His face was white, tender, and clean, but his upper body was bare, with the lion's limbs underneath, and his tail swept from time to time.

"You...I..." Su Su hesitated for a long time without saying anything clearly but was stunned by his appalling side.

"Ah, are you afraid of me?" The young man pointed to his animal body, smiled brightly, looking sunny and warm.

"You come out first, don't be afraid, I am not a bad person, but depending on what you are wearing, you are the one who came from the gathering place." The young man reached out his hand as if he wanted to help Su Su.

Nodded and saw that he was not malicious for the time being, Su Su quickly got out of the box with the help of his strength. Unfortunately, the stamina of the paralysis was still great, and I didn't feel it when I just curled up in the box. The legs were soft and numb as if they were not their own.

It seems that if you run, you might trip yourself before taking two steps.

With a deep thought, Su Su looked at the cave in front of her. It turned out that the sound of dripping water just now came from the rock wall next to her box. There was a big hole above her head, and she could look straight up to the sky. She was surprised that she was Those savages hung on a rope and put it under the cliff.

Basically, when Su Su eased the paralysis of her legs and limbs, it was the boy with a human face and animal body who was talking, nagging a lot.

She seemed to sit absent-mindedly, but in fact, she turned a huge wave in her heart and was secretly digesting these strange messages.

"I have lived under this cliff since I was born. I still listen to the people who were sent into the gathering place. They said that the life there is very good, and there is light at night without the need for a lighter."

"Where did the people go before then?" Su Su listened to the boy talking a lot and suddenly thought of this question. At present, there is no one else in the cave.

According to the statement that he sends in one person every year, there should be at least a dozen people gathered here.

"Are you talking about them?" A sunny and brilliant smile floated on the handsome face of the young boy, and he pointed his finger at a hidden pothole not far away.

I saw that there were all dense white bones inside, and there was still some meat residue on the white bone. It seemed that it had just been added in recently, or it could be said that it was just dead.

"They are all my sacrifices. I will eat them when the time is up. Anyway, there will be another person to accompany me. You see, aren't you here?"