Holy Water That Can Heal The Body

After entering fluff

"Yo fluff, you all send people to the holy pond." As soon as the lion boy's voice fell, Su Su felt the animal muscles underneath her, and carried her through the jungle with wind speed, and left the place.

Su Su was still a bit worried about whether she would be thrown down but was surprised to find that something similar to a transparent protective cover appeared around her at some point.

No matter how bumpy the road is, she will not be thrown away, at most she is a little dizzy...

Thinking about this, she cautiously looked left and right, the previous lion boy has disappeared, and at this moment another big white cat running beside her. That cat is also carrying the injured girl.

Seeing her serious injury, Su Su was a little worried for her. According to the level of the bumps, I am afraid that she will not live long.

Even a normal person with sound limbs can't stand it.

Fortunately, her worry did not last long. Under the leadership of the two big cats, they were sent all the way into the depths of the jungle, looking at a pool of white mist rising in front of them.

Su Su had to admit that this legendary sacred pool was pretty good. Before eavesdropping on the lion boy talking to himself, it seems that this pool of water has the effect of strengthening the body and restoring the body.

After this period of fluff ride, Su Su gradually became better. She felt that the numbness under her feet was much better. Although she wanted to get out of this current predicament, the holy water in the pond still moved her very much.

Holding the mentality that she would regret if she didn't try it, Su Su was willingly unloaded from its back by the big cat and then thrown into the holy pond with her stomach slammed flat on the water.

With the sound of two splashes in the water, she and the girl beside her gradually sank to the bottom of the pool.

To her surprise, even at the bottom of the pool, there was no sense of suffocation. Although she could not breathe, she did not suffer from hypoxia.

And the two big cats who completed the task, seemingly a little clean, jumped towards the super large holy pool on the other side.

Because of their huge size, the place was shaking like a mountain, and Su Su, who had been awake, almost thought it was an earthquake.

"Doom, Doom." Su Su called her anxiously in mind. After a while, a slow voice appeared in her mind.

"What's wrong."

"Can the constituents of this holy water be detected?"

"Yes, but it will take some time." Doom replied without emotion.

After Su Su explained the matter, she completely relaxed. In the water of the holy pool, she felt her limbs stretched like a new life.

The mind also became extremely clear, the state of the whole person reached its peak in an instant, and all the numbness and heaviness in her body disappeared.

Soaking in the holy water, it is extremely comfortable, inexplicably, Su Su always feels that her skin has improved a lot.

Slowly opened her eyes in the water. The wound on the girl not far away from her was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The hair that was originally scattered and sticky became soft and thick in the water. There is a delicate face under the long hair.

It's just that the clothes on her body became torn because of being whipped, and some bare bronze skin can be seen faintly.

Unlike other girls, Su Su has always paid attention to maintenance, and her whole body glows white.

Her delicate cheeks stared at the wound healing process in the water.

Before Doom gave the content result, Su Su had a flash of inspiration in her mind and took out four buckets from the storage space. After filling the holy water, she put them all back into space with ease.

"Oh." After sighing, Su Su felt a little regretful. The value of these holy waters was immeasurable. She couldn't wait to put all the holy water away, but she didn't have those tools.

But filling four big buckets with tears should be enough for her in the future.

She felt a little better when she thought about it.

The girl next to her was hurt badly. It was estimated that she was hanging in a sigh at the end. Now she is nourished and repaired by holy water, she is still very slow.

After observing for a while, Su Su began to explore at the bottom of the pool. After all, there are very few fairy places that can not suffocate in water.

The body is absorbing a steady stream of energy while wandering around with dog-swimming techniques.

The bottom of the pool is very clean, except for some thin fine sand, there is nothing else, there are no fish and water plants that you see every day.

Su Su accidentally saw a narrow hole in the wall of the pool. Su Su cautiously swam to that side. With a thought, a searchlight appeared in her hand, shining toward the dark hole.

The deep black hole seemed to have no head. The searchlight was only halfway through and couldn't move forward. Su Su lowered her head and fiddled with the tube, trying to adjust it further. Doom suddenly spoke, and she was shocked.

Tested Results:

Name: [Holy Water]

Introduction: A product catalyzed by the doomsday world. The mystery is not in the water, but in the holy object at its source. As long as any water source is catalyzed by holy objects, it will have the same Efficiency."

Su Su's eyes lit up, "So you mean that there is a holy object at the source?"

"Yes, but there are often huge dangers around the holy object. This type of material usually has special protection. The sacred beast is watching."

Su Su nodded, thinking in her heart, "No wonder I said that the holy water pool is a bit weird. There are no plants or animals. Now I think I should be staying at the source... …"

"Then the four big buckets of water I filled are still useful?" Su Su suddenly reacted for a long time, a little panicked.

"Yes, any water that passes through the holy relic is catalyzed to be effective."

"That's okay, I was scared to death, my mother, ah, I thought I was busy working for nothing, but according to what you said, if you have a holy relic and keep using it to catalyze the holy water out, wouldn't you make a fortune?"

"You can understand that too." Doom's cold voice sounded.

As soon as Su Su finished communicating with Doom, there was a slight movement on the top of her head, as if something had come down.

Without seeing what it was, Su Su knew, with those toes it must be that abnormal lion boy.

In order not to be caught back again, Su Su searched the bottom of the pool during the emergency. It seemed that there was only a deep black hole on the wall of the pool before her to hide, and there was no other way.

Fortunately, her figure is very good. The searchlight has just tested it once. Basically, the first half of the deep hole is fine, so she rushes in.

A few seconds after the lion boy fell to the bottom of the pool, her figure was completely in the holy pool.