Did I Go Into The Mouse Hole?

"Strange, why is there only one left?" The lion boy wandered around the water a few times, but he couldn't find Su Su's figure, making him very angry.

However, Su Su, who was hiding in the deep hole on the other side, was dragged to the deepest bottom by a strong suction since entering it.

It took only a second from the event to the end. Before Su Su had time to react, her whole person disappeared in a place like a flash of lightning.

"Wake up, wake up soon."

Her mind is not so clear. Su Su only feels that she is being pulled, and there is a slight tickling sensation in her body, which has always made her think it is an illusion, but the call in her ear is not. It's so real.

Slowly opened his eyes, the eyes were the staring eyes of a pair of mice.

"Not only have cats mutated these years, but even mice have become so big." Su Su's mind had such an idea for the first time.

Looking at the big mouse with gray-black hair around her, the same height as her, she had a desire to die.

"Don't go to sleep, run quickly, if you don't leave, it will be too late."

Su Su looked nervously at the mouse that told her to run fast. They all seemed to have developed a sense of intelligence and have a human lifestyle. Basically, Every mouse walks upright and wears clothes.

But most still maintain the oldest crawling method. The grass skirts with leaves entwined on their bodies look a bit funny.

"Am I in the mouse hole?" Su Su calmed down her inner fears and tried to communicate with them.

"Yes, this is our home. Usually, no one comes, but girl, I advise you to run away as soon as possible. That person will find here soon."

"That person? Are you talking about the lion boy? Su Su got a lot of information from her words.

One of the older mice seemed to be more authoritative among the ethnic group, with a cane in his hand and walked slowly in front of Su Su.

"I know you are from above. Since you have the luck to find us, then you are a blessed child. Runaway as soon as you can."

After a pause, the old mice continued," Remaining alive is more important than everything."

Su Su nodded. It seems that these mice know the external affairs clearly, but at this moment she can't judge whether they are kind or fake.

After all, there is really no reason for them to help her.

It seems that after seeing Su Su's doubts, the old man stretched out his crutches and pointed to the hole where she had just arrived.

"We must send you away before the person can find you, or hand you over on the initiative, but we don't want to do this, because you will die as soon as you go out, and that person will never let you go."

Su Su thought. Sinking in thoughts, listening to the old man's description, it seemed that as long as she escaped once, she would be doing a heinous sin.

But she is not afraid of this, because she has {Fish Memory] and can change her fate whenever necessary by editing memories.

While thinking about the way forward and retreat, a young and strong mouse came out of the group of rats and interrupted her thoughts.

"Before we thought that he would let the person we handed over be treated well by him, but later that ended up with a miserable end. We don't want to repeat the same mistakes, so you have to follow me today and send you to the exit of the Pond valley. Don't come in either, stay away from the savages in the outside world, and look for another kind of human being. They are wise and thoughtful. That's where you are about to arrive."

"How do you know so much?" Su Su was surprised, as soon as she wanted to say something, she was picked by several rats involuntary.

They threw her body directly onto the broken ship in the waters next to the cave.

The strong mouse who had just spoken made a flexible jump and entered it lightly, holding a paddle in his hand, standing on the boat, and watching the mouse behind him.

"Patriarch, I will go back as soon as I go."

Under the eyes of all the mice, Su Su was sent out in a daze.

Passing through the cold and damp cave, Su Su who was sitting on the boat found helplessly that the boat was leaking, which was still unstoppable.

At this moment, one person and one mouse are in the central area of ​​the cave, and it is embarrassing to be unable to go back.

"Excuse me, our boat hasn't been used for a long time." The young mouse's complexion was slightly pale, and the end of the day was the pure color.

What should we do now? Shall we swim out?" Su Su was also a sort of big head.

After thinking about it for a while, the young mouse nodded in embarrassment. There seemed to be no other way except the method Su Su just mentioned.

With a long sigh, Su Su jumped off the boat and the mouse followed.

"It seems that in the future, I have to prepare some transportation for water, land, and air." Su Su thought in her heart, feeling deeply.

She thought that she prepared super meticulously, but in the end, it was not enough.

The water in the cave is different from the holy water. I don't know if it is because the sky is not visible all year round, or because something rotted at the bottom of the water. Su Su always felt that there was a vague rot in it.

But what makes her most disgusting is that from time to time some dead weeds and shriveled bug corpses will float on the surface of the water.

The water in the cave was basically black, and he couldn't breathe underwater. Su Su could only suffocate her breath and follow the mouse to swim forward.

It's just that the more you swim forward, the more desperate you feel. The tunnels in these three holes seem to be endless.

There used to be some torchlight on the ship. Now that one person and one mouse swim, they can only lead the way with the night vision ability of the mouse. The farther Su Su leaves the sunken ship, the more she can only rely on the mouse's voice like a blind man.

Found it!

I really couldn't stand it anymore, Su Su finally compromised and took out a head-mounted searchlight from the space.

For a moment, the mouse who led the way in front of her thought that something was happening, until he looked back and saw that it was Su Su who was relieved.

"What are you?" The young mouse narrowed his eyes, and the light on Su Su's head made his eyes uncomfortable.

"I don't know. This thing I found in that person's residence before, it may have been left by his predecessors. I've been secretly hiding it before. I just remembered that it could be used, so I took it out."

Su Su was sloppy eyes. She didn't want to expose her own space, she said the excuses she had thought of in her heart.

The mouse quickly believed the answer, nodded, and didn't ask anymore, but frowned and said, "Turn the light down, you know, we don't like bright light."

Su Su listened to him, and hurriedly reduced the light to the minimum, and shot directly at the water below her, far away from the mouse.