Red Haired Rabbit

"Don't kill me, I'm of your own!"

Su Su squinted at the unknown creature for a long time, only to find that it was a red-haired rabbit. At this moment, one leg was clamped in the oversized mouse that Su Su had prepared. Inside the clip, blood was bleeding out.

"Fuck you, who is yours with you!" Su Su's eyelids thumped, and the mice have become fine these years, so she doesn't believe the rabbit's nonsense.

Seeing that the machete in Su Su's hand was about to fall on his head, the red-haired rabbit yelled anxiously: "You believe me, I'm here to tell you the news." The machete in Su Su's hand was hanging in the air again.

"What's the news?"

"A group of people on the other side of the mountain are coming here." The Red Rabbit confessed very sincerely.

"People?" Su Su frowned and was a little puzzled for a while, "Someone is here, it's a good thing for me, what kind of letter can you report to me, let's say, you sneaked up to me, what are you doing?"

"I'm not the kind of rabbit you imagine, I'm here not because you put my nest to the account until finally, you are going to sleep in, result in a trap. "

The red-haired rabbit felt wrong, it almost cried on the spot.

Su Su heard that, if the red-haired rabbit had been observing the situation outside, and waited until she fell asleep before doing anything, wouldn't it mean that she had taken everything out of the space and it had a full view.

"What evidence do you have to prove that this is your nest?" Su Su's eyes circled the rock wall. This place is indeed a trace of the life of some animals...

"Evidence?" The red-haired rabbit grinned in pain. After a long breath of air-conditioning, Su Su's broad knife held above his head deliberately drooped a little.

She would have murdered this rabbit if it lied to her, Su Su did not intend to keep it until the next day. If it was true, she was prepared to erase some of its memories as appropriate.

"If you don't believe it, just push away the big rock on the left side of the rock wall, and the bottom is my house." The rabbit's words are full of heartache.

Su Su was skeptical. To prevent the rabbit from making any small movements out of her sight, she took out a bundle of thick rope and tied it firmly before throwing it into the corner. She checked according to what it said in that place.

However, to her surprise, after pushing away the big stone that rested on the corner of the wall, the opening that appeared was covered with a variety of rare gems and crystals, and most of them were carrots piled up into hills...

Su Su went down and strolled inside. In a circle, some red hairs were still faintly found on the ground, and in contrast, it was really off the red-haired rabbit outside.

But it was the crystal gems in their pristine state that made her stare at the little stars. These things would definitely be valuable if they were taken out and sold.

"See, I told you, this is really my house. Ah! I also saved some carrots. If you want, I can share some of you, but you have to let me go."

For the red-haired rabbit, it took this out and exchange it for freedom. Su Su was helpless. Does she look like a person who robs carrots?

Obviously, those gems and crystals are more necessary for exchange, but they were ignored by the rabbit.

Seeing Su Su standing above the entrance of the cave with a weird smile, and did not say anything to its proposal for a long time, the rabbit panicked.

"What do you want from me? I just have this little wealth. If you feel that it is not enough, I will give you everything in the cave, I have no other wishes. You can let me go. Okay."

Su Su's eyes were abnormal, and she lifts the red-haired rabbit as soon as she lifts it she sizes the rabbit. It was not too big, at most it can be the size of a husky, and it is surprisingly thin and looks malnourished.

With the rabbit's horrified expression, Su Su pointed to the glittering crystals in the house and said, "I don't want your carrots. You just need to tell me where you found these things."

With that said, Su Su reached out and received all the valuables in the space into space.

The red-haired bunny looked dumbfounded. After a moment of doubt, he reacted, "You said that you are interested in these decorations, which made me worry for nothing. There are so many things on the other side of this mountain. In the past two days, there have been many people who are mining these things."

"I can't pass now, they are now madly capturing my kind. I came back at this time and planned to take my carrot overnight and move."

"And when I came here who would have known that I will meet you" The whole red-haired rabbit was shivering, every time he was in danger he would hide in its hole, but this time, his house became a wolf den.

"So, you really want to go home..." Su Su stared, believing what the rabbit said.

"Yes, yeah, can you let me go now?" The red rabbit looked forward to it.

Su Su lowered her head and smiled at it, but it looked so gloomy that he couldn't dodge it, and he was directly slapped on the head by the stick that Su Su suddenly changed from her hand.

Before knocked down, it blurted out the two words " too despicable", and then lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep.

"Oh, Rabbit, you know too much, but he is really stupid and didn't lie to me. Let's get together and forget about each other."

Su Su said softly, And then she used [Fish's Memory] on the rabbit lying on the ground to erase all the memory of meeting her from beginning to end.

She lowered his head and took out some holy water from the space, and wiped it on the leg injured by the extra-sized mousetrap. The wounds are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Its wounds were not deep. Su Su just repaired it several times, and its wounds healed directly. Su Su laughed in heart thinking about holy water, "Kyaa! It is so magical."

Putting away all the things about her in the cave, and then untied the rope from the rabbit, Su Su walked away alone in the darkness of the early morning.

Not too long ago, a carrot suddenly came from an unknown direction and hit the rabbit who was unconscious in the hole.

"Who, who hit me!" The red-haired rabbit got up from the ground violently and saw a carrot rolling in front of him, and there was a tingling pain in his head as if he had been beaten.

"What's the matter, why did I sleep outside?"

"It doesn't matter, I have to run away." The rabbit rubbed his head, not forgetting to pick up the carrot that beat it from the ground and jumped into it alone. At the entrance of the cave, he crawled out of the cave with large bags and small bags.

While babbling in his mouth, he fled quickly in a certain direction.

"It's strange, how come those decorations are gone, it's so creepy."