Boss, This Girl Is Not Bad, Right

Su Su melted into the night.

Watching the red-haired rabbit get his belongings and run away with his carrot, then shook her head and smiled and turned to leave.

Seeing that the sky was about to brighten, she was no longer sleepy after sleeping in the house of the rabbit, and she was completely awake, thinking that there were a lot of crystals on the side of the mountain that the rabbit said, and she was going to look for it. The place where the humans gather is just right.

She thought that she was just going to take a look.

She was planning to cross mountains and ridges in the past, but before she steps foot to go, she heard noises of people walking.

The voices are noisy, it seems that a group of humans is coming.

Su Su didn't intend to expose herself to the public directly, not to mention her ability is also tasteless, it really didn't end well when she encountered something, so she quickly found a hidden place and hid her figure.

Not long after hiding, the people on the mountain came down. She took a closer look and found that there were about seven or eight people, each wearing combat uniforms. From the perspective of the degree of uniformity, they should be an organization.

It's just that what made Su Su pay more attention to was the thing that looked like a crab claw on their hands.

That thing seems to be a kind of glove, wherever they hit with pliers, the surrounding grass and trees are all scorched, and it is a great weapon to clear roadblocks.

However, Su Su's face sank when she saw them holding the thing from the woven bag and picking out a rabbit with charred hair.

"This looks like it's not working anymore, or just lose it." One of the men with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek said with disgust.

"No way, Sam, that's it for the one who was just caught, how can I go back for business? The boss has a good fur, how can you make it like this." The other man beside him was a little worried.

"You can't use electric pliers to catch the fire spirit rabbits. Before the time, they will all be killed directly. Although they are naturally agile, they are gentle in nature and there is no need to use a knife or a gun."

When everyone saw the dying Red-colored Rabbit, they all condemned the man named Sam. Su Su saw this scene. It seems that this team is not all arrogant people.

"It's alright, I know, one by one, I started to go online. I will bother you by licking dogs. If this fails, I will lose it. I will just grab the next one!" The man had a sullen face. He dragged the empty woven bag and left first.

The rest of the people on the spot looked at the dying Red-colored Rabbit that was abandoned on the ground and sighed, but in the end, no one planned to pick it up and take it away.

"This one really doesn't work. First, the fur is ruined. If you take it back, the boss doesn't know how to get angry when he sees it."

"I said that the youngest donkey has a temper. Sooner or later someone will come to clean him. Because I have a little bit of reliance on my head, I am domineering all day long, and I don't know how the boss can endure him." "If I were the boss, I would just kick him."

"Okay-Okay, don't say anything, go and work. If you don't catch 20 fire spirit rabbits before dark, none of us can go back to business."

"Oh, let's go, this place is creepy. The people on the mountain are almost running, and we have to go to the jungle on the opposite side to be caught. It is also horrible in there. Everyone should be careful not to go too deep."

"Just eat this bite of rice, you have to go to the jungle. Just bite the bullet..."

Seeing those people all entered the jungle where Su Su came from and disappeared one by one, she quietly ran to the fire rabbit not far from her.

After checking it carefully, Su Su's face is getting darker and darker. The rabbit who just hung a breath in their mouth has already swallowed. The hair on the small body is all scorched, and it is completely invisible. So horrible!

The life that was once alive and cheerful, became like this after meeting them...

"Oh, it's a sin to kill such way, it's said that this kind of rabbit is gentle and so cute." Su Su found a hidden place for the dead rabbit along the way, dug a hole, and buried it.

She also got to know that these red rabbits are called fire spirit rabbits.

As for why they weren't buried in the same place, it was because she was afraid that they would notice something strange on the way back and find her traces.

As far as Su Su's impression of them is, she feels that they are not good people and are totally untrustworthy.

So she has to be careful about their whereabouts.

But in these last days, how many good people can exist? What is the definition of a good person?

How to be a good man if you don't learn something bad.

With a sigh, she headed towards the top of the mountain cautiously all the way. She was still very interested in that mine. She had to get some good things to carry with her when she came here. Besides, she still had a convenient space to carry.

The mountain was unexpectedly quiet. Looking at the huge mountain range, there was no sign of an animal moving, but Su Su could understand why, after thinking about it.

Animals can talk now, and if something is passed on by word of mouth, they have run away overnight.

Crossing the top of the mountain and walking downhill, Su Su felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere. The surroundings were simply too quiet as if time had stopped.

Surprisingly, there was no wind at all around, and the leaves on the treetops didn't even tremble.

When she reacted and was about to run back towards the way she came, it was too late, and when she thought of something wrong, something suddenly appeared in front of her.

A spear??

"Oops, I think I'm still in sleep, or Am I hallucinating?." Before Su Su fell into a coma, her regrets were green. In this world, basically, everyone who survived humans has supernatural powers. It happened that she encountered the most inhumane one.

"Boss, this girl is not bad, she is delicious, look at this face and body, it can be refreshed for half a month after a taste, this is the most delicate young girl I have encountered in the past few years."

Su Su's mind was dizzy, half-wake up, and heard a wretched uncle's voice saying something disgusting.

When she heard the voice of another man with magnetism spit out a deep "roll," her eyes filled with excitement and tears, and she almost woke up on the spot.

However, her limbs were weak, her mind seemed to be in a vegetative state, she could think, but could not move or speak. This physical condition made her crazy.

But having said that, the drug-like things in this world are still very useful. What Su Su thinks is that when she "returns from the East," she must also collect some of these things.

She had lingering fears since she had a trick with the savages last time.

"Then the boss, if you don't want it, I'll take it away?"

"What?" Su Su almost vomited blood from anger, and the veins on her head burst, but she could not move.

What kind of person is this uncle?