The Night In The Concentration Camp

"Hey, you didn't say that the reason why the boss refused to let the girl out for use, then did you want to take it back to give it away?" On the way back to their respective camps, a few old fried dough sticks walked side by side, and someone asked worriedly.

"I guess so, that woman is good-looking. It's better to give gifts instead of letting us elders ruin them."

"Who do you say is the eldest?" As soon as the words came out, everyone around him was unhappy.

"Speaking of myself, I said I can do it by myself." It wasn't until the popular person brought the topic all to himself, that was a little bit gone.

But what I don't understand is whether the boss is not good here. Someone has given him a woman before, and none of them helped him. This time Master Qin was beaten by the boss like that.

"That's it, I also think he has never been close to the female sex. It's not that the following is not good, then it is another good."

"Isn't it, it's so exciting, it doesn't look like the boss looks like a special hobby..."

"Okay, let's not talk about it. We can't care about the boss, he is also an upper-class person. It's a pity that girl, alas, seeing that we can't eat it, we are sour. I'm going to bed."

"Oh, I'm a little sleepy."

Not long after everyone dispersed, Su Su in the tin box and Guan Yue in the private tent couldn't help but sneeze.

"Aren't you sick?" Xiao Yi asked, looking at Su Su's face with some worry.

She waved her hand, rubbed her nose, and said indifferently, "It's okay, it's not a cold."

Not long after these words appeared, her stomach could not help but growl from again, and the voice of "growl" was in the empty iron, the box reverberated, and there was silence all around.

Not long after, a rabbit pitifully ran to her holding the remaining half of the broken carrot.

"Are you hungry, this one is for you to eat."

Su Su's eyelids jumped, watching the carrots with "missing arms and legs" in front of him, and he was still a little moved.

Su Su actually didn't want to take their food. It seemed that they were in short supply of food, and all of them were very precious, but she didn't want to expose the space, so she finally had to eat a few of them with tears to be full.

It is not that she has not thought of secretly transferring food from space to her mouth, but countless eyes are staring at her every move in the metal box, such as the thing she just called her belly, but the sound is not loud, but it is. It has evolved into a highly anticipated step.

If she chewed her mouth by herself at that time, she didn't know what trouble would be caused by that time. There are so many rabbits here, she doesn't want to do it one by one. The more the ability of amnesia affects people, the more physically demanding it is.

Quietly at night, some people in the camp patrolled the Connaught Concentration Camp here from time to time. Except for those who stood guard at night outside, everyone fell asleep.

The name of the concentration camp sounds good, but in fact, it is the iron box that closed the rabbit and Su Su. The inside was sultry and airtight. Space was closed at night, making it more suffocating and uncomfortable.

The surroundings are quiet, everything looks the same as usual, but the concentration camp is full of enthusiasm.

She saw dozens of flaming rabbits using the method of stacking arhats, leaning against the wall to set up a ladder for Su Su, she climbed lightly and cautiously, trying to touch the lid of the top exit.

However, the lid on the top of her head was as heavy as pressing a jack, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move it for half a minute.

A little frustrated, she climbed down from the ladder set up by the rabbit. Su Su felt that the first escape plan they wanted to implement was impossible.

Shaking her head, the rabbits in the concentration camp also understood the failure of this method tacitly.

"Since we can't run through the exit, then we will open an exit ourselves." Seeing that all the rabbits were disappointed, Su Su decided to try a new way.

"Open an exit yourself?" Xiao Yi walked to Su Su, very confused about the way she said.

Su Su nodded, then pointed to a small B," You have the fire spirit thing, so we can put on a metal stick in the corner of the ground with open fire dissolve, then dug through a tunnel to escape."

Su Su As soon as these words came out, the rabbits in the warehouse all lighted up and felt hopeful again, but after overjoyed, they were deeply disappointed.

"We do contain fire spirits in our bodies, but we can't use them. We can't melt the iron sheet at all. The most important thing is that even if we have a fire, we can melt the iron sheet, but we can't dig tunnels without tools, so how can we get out? What?"

Xiao Yi's worries are not unreasonable, but in Su Su's eyes, all this is actually not a problem.

"It's okay, you couldn't solve this problem before, isn't I here now?" Su Su said confidently, then took out her clothes and took out an iron rod that was neither long nor short.

"In fact, to be honest, whether you can succeed this time depends on whether the pipe on Xiao Yi is good or not."

With that, Xiao Yi, under Su Su's command, found ground near the corner and stood there, and then witnessed Su Su took out a pair of insulating gloves from her arms and put them on.

"It's started." One person and one rabbit nodded their gazes, Su Su entangled all the tubes on Xiao Yi's body, and finally connected the iron rod.

At the moment of linking the metal, Su Su felt a burst of huge energy from her hand, enduring numbness and pain, the iron rod gradually became hot, until the whole body turned red, and she faced the ground she had found. The planned action began.

She saw Xiao Yi gradually being pumped out of energy, and his whole body began to tremble. Not long ago, it had just been tested and extracted too much energy. Now the body is limited, supporting Su Su's burning iron. Energy, let it consume itself almost completely.

Obviously, Su Su also felt this fact, but the progress of burning the iron skin was a bit slow. As time passed, big beads of sweat dripped from her forehead, until her closed eyebrows evacuated. When the corner of the mouth raises a smile.

"Xiao Yi, we succeeded." What responded to her was a thunder falling to the ground.

"Xiao Yi, how are you?" Su Su hurriedly threw the burnt iron rod in her hands onto the exposed soil and raised Xiao Yi's body.

Xiao Yi opened his eyes laboriously, and smiled as he watched the rabbits coming around his head worrying about it, "Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just so tired I want to sleep..."