[Fish's Memory] New Usage

"Xiao Yi, don't sleep, hurry up and wake up." Su Su encountered this situation for the first time, a little panic, and the other Fire Spirit Rabbits beside her also lost their positions.

On weekdays, they all have Xiao Yi as the backbone, but now it has fallen, and the other rabbits don't know what to do.

Su Su was helpless, and hurriedly took out another 500ml bottle of mineral water from her arms. There was half a bottle of water left in it and she gave her everything to Xiao Yi.

If it weren't for unavoidable circumstances, she wouldn't risk using the holy water in this form again, but the situation was critical and Su Su didn't want Xiao Yi to faint like this.

It is already weak and weak and coupled with the current setbacks if there is no holy water to save it, she was afraid it will not be able to survive.

The holy water is very easy to use, Su Su can see Xiao Yi's face gradually recovering with naked eyes, and his body is not as cold as before, and slowly has some rising body temperature.

"You really scared me to death."

Under the attention of everyone, Xiao Yi slowly opened his eyes.

"Look, I'll just say I'm okay, don't be afraid, I'm in good health, let's dig a hole in the ground quickly, while they are all sleeping now."

Xiao Yi, who eased from his faint, was actually still a little weak, but much better than before.

Seeing that the rabbits in front of them are still not going to work, it is a little anxious, "If you don't dig anymore, the crime I just suffered will be in vain."

"Leave me alone and go." So all the rabbits were in Su Su under the command, two or three were divided into groups, and they took turns to dig holes. The time passed by minute by minute. After the excavation work had not been carried out for long, Su Su felt the sound of the lid moving above her head.

That voice was different from the rude opening in the day, but at this moment it was a little cautious, and it seemed to be afraid of being discovered by others.

Su Su sensed this situation and quickly stopped the rabbits. Rabbits concealed the surrounding scene and recovered to their original appearance.

"Hush, be quiet, someone is here." Su Su gestured, and the big guy created the appearance of sleeping.

With the last slight movement, the iron cover on their heads was moved to allow one person to move in and out of the gap.

Su Su leaned her back against the wall and was buried in the fiery red bodies of the rabbits, half-squinting her eyes to observe the scene above her head.

The moonlight shed down along the gap, shining in the tin box, looking cold and strange.

"Have you seen, where is that girl?" A male voice asked from above, and then a dazzling beam of light began to burst into the box.

It seems that someone is looking for something with a searchlight.

"What's the hurry? I can't see anything in the dark, black, black, and white color. I can't find it. You can come and find it."

When Su Su heard the voice, she was taken aback, as if the two people above her head came running by themselves.

"Hurry up, Lao Qin removed the patrolling man, and if he comes back and is found in a while, we all can't eat it."

"If you are scared, hurry up and get out of it. It's a dull thing, just like that."

"I'm still thinking about coming out to share a piece of the pie with us."

"You... Sam, don't deceive people too much."

"You two should say a few words, be swift." Master Qin didn't know when he came back.

Sam looked back, "Didn't you ask you to drag a few patrols, why are you back?"

"It's okay, I made a small array for them one by one, and now I'm trapped inside, I think it's normal time. It doesn't make a difference, but time is limited, we have to hurry up."

"If I just come and have a look, I don't know how long you two will be arguing." Master Qin patrolled around, speaking at a speed like running.

Sam coldly glanced at the young man lying next to him, then ignored him, and proceeded to shoot among the rabbits.

After a while, the light of the searchlight hit Su Su's face, and the beauty in the light was sleeping soundly as if she hadn't noticed their arrival at all, and the entire group of rabbits was quiet and abnormal, and none of them were asleep.

Although Sam felt a little abnormal, he couldn't help but feel the joy in his heart.

"I found it, here it is."

"Okay, then let the monkey go down and bring it out. Keep your hands and feet flexibly, don't be caught making noise." Master Qin commanded from below.

The young man nodded before, knowing that it was not time to waste time. The device on his wrist instantly ejected a rope and firmly grasped it on the iron box, and the whole person flew off and jumped lightly.

Xiao Yi and the other rabbits who were leaning side by side with Su Su also heard this conversation, and they all couldn't help but become nervous. The rabbit group was a little restless as if they couldn't bear it all.

Su Su gently comforted Xiao Yi and activated [Fish's Memory] on all the rabbits present, and the force instantly enveloped them.

Su Su didn't erase too much effective information for them, mainly to convey a sentence in their minds.

This extra memory that Su Su directly added to them is another way to use [Fish's Memory] that she has researched these days. As long as she speaks fast enough, she can Add a simple memory to the target in three seconds.

"It's okay, face south and then dig a hole, I will meet you outside."

Su Su also falsified a memory in the heart of the young man called the monkey who jumped down.

Let him think that he has given her the ecstasy treatment, don't be afraid that she suddenly wakes up.

He closed his eyes and felt his body suddenly vacated, and the young man called the monkey accurately took her away from the pile of rabbits with one hand.

Until the whole person steadily landed on the ground outside the concentration camp, the three men around him surrounded him.

Master Qin was holding a green leaf in his hand and was about to treat it at Su Su's nose and mouth, but it was blocked by the monkey.

"No, I have already dealt with it, and I won't wake up again."

"That's fine, save me wasting a leaf." Master Qin nodded, and then took the leaf in seriously as if that kind of thing. Very precious.

Yan San followed to clean up the aftermath and only jumped off until the iron cover was reprocessed and restored.

"Come on, it's not safe here."

Su Su didn't expose it too soon, and just waited for the three of them to take her away from the current camp, as long as she got out of this area, the next moment was her counterattack.

The three of them took the "unconscious" Su Su all the way hurriedly, and couldn't wait to return to the pre-finished location to settle down.