
"We agreed first, this girl is the first I found from the outside, but also I brought her back, you two, who first who after I do not care, anyway, I am the first." Master Qin changed his usual simple and thick appearance and changed his face completely.

Yan San's face was gloomy, but he didn't say anything, sitting at the door of the mine with half a cigarette in his hand.

It's not too far away from the team's station here, nor too close. To be precise, the mine is about the same distance from both places.

After the meeting in the evening, they arrived back in their room. The three of them were assigned to live in this room. The three of them got together and hit it off. Once they discussed it, they would do it, and the present scene comes out.

[TL Note: 'Hit it off' => 'get well along' or 'get friendly']

But Monkey didn't let it go. He pointed to Su Su who was lying on the wooden bed at the moment, a little angrily, "Old Qin, you did bring the people back, but what's the use? In the end, I went to the concentration camp and brought them here. Yes, after all, the last link is my contribution, so I have to come first."

"Young man, I didn't care about you too much when you were a fledgling young man. Don't be too self-righteous, heh, what do you think is here? Do you have the right to speak? I will educate you today about what a person is!"

Master Qin looked vicious and glanced at the door, and Yan San walked in immediately, and the two of them sandwiched that young man named Monkey.

In an instant, he was a little panicked, but his unwillingness to admit defeat was also aroused, his brain was blank, and the machinery on his arm ejected instantly, and a sharp knife thrusted towards Master Qin.

Yan San stepped away, but directly avoided behind Master Qin. In the end, Yan San was not helping anyone, watching the frenzy alone, the smile on his face gradually changed.

Master Qin lowered his head, looked at the sharp knife stuck in his chest somewhat beyond belief, and then looked back at Yan San with a face of disbelief.

"Yan San, Monkey, you have long been united as a group, you deceived others..."

Before he could finish his words, he answered to the end [basically, he died], and the blood was flowing like a river.

Monkey lowered his head and wiped the blood on the ejected knife, and put the weapon back, looking at Yan San not far away, he sighed.

"Why do you have to kill him?"

"You didn't kill him? What does it have to do with me." Yan San said indifferently.

Monkey suddenly seemed to be choked, "At first you found me and said to get rid of him, but now you don't admit it."

"Monkey, remember one sentence, if you are too capable, people will be jealous. When you can't protect yourself, don't show off. Sometimes being weak is a kind of self-protection."

Yan San pointed to Master Qin who was already cold [dead] on the ground and said, and Monkey immediately understood.

"I know." The young man replied lightly. After saying that, he was about to walk in Su Su's direction, but Yan San behind him, did not leave.

"You don't know." The voice was cold, and Monkey felt a chill on his back. As soon as he turned his body, he felt a cold dagger firmly against his chest.

"Yan San, if you have something to say, I don't want this person, okay, don't be impulsive." Monkey's tone was not as firm as it had been earlier, and now he was completely panicked.

Yan San shook his head, and the corners of his mouth curled up. Just about to say something, his pupils dilated sharply in the next second.


There was a loud noise in the cave room, and a huge boulder came out from the system space of Su Su directly and viciously smashed on the two people entangled together.

"You don't need to decide it. I will help you to make a decision, it will be much easier." Su Su got up from the wooden bed and walked to the side of the huge boulder, watching the two who were smashed into flesh and laughs softly.

Before they died, Yan San and Monkey would not understand how easily the sudden appearance of the boulder had taken their lives.

Yan San still felt that he had the chance to win this first second between them, but the next second he met Yama with Monkey.

His eyes burst into terror, staring fiercely at the boulder, and the dagger in his hand was completely stuck in Monkey's neck at this moment.

The cave was filled with a bloody smell, and Su Su, who had not eaten properly, almost vomited out of nausea.

"You, you, it's okay to tell you not to do good things, my old lady was going well, but she wanted to catch me back, so she was not stabbed."

Su Su took out a piece of bread from the space and biting it while observing the long-dead Master Qin.

"This is not too deep, it can not come back to life." Su Su has been influenced by many TV dramas and always feels that if they don't confirm it afterward, someone will "fake the body".

Su Su took out a knife from system space and controlling it to make up for the final damage on Master Qin's corpse.

The corner of Doom's mouth twitched as it looked at this scene. After watching Su Su dealing with Master Qin's corpse for a long time.

Doom spoke, "Host, I didn't expect you to have this talent. Simple storage space can also allow you to study the damage of that shot." [Monkey ejected knife to Master Qin's chest. So, Su Su is using system space to scan the injury. Just like a Sci-Fi movie scene.]

"However, the most important thing is that the person is dead, there is no need to make so many thrusts, and how can you do it while eating?"

Su Su smiled and took it. The hands holding the bread were trembling with excitement, "If you can imagine, what would happen if I didn't have the ability to defend myself today and they got me, you would have done the same thing as I did.

"I understand, I think the host, you also need to make up the two people who have been crushed by the boulder.", After hearing Su Su's words, Doom immediately sympathized with infinite anger.

Su Su was a little surprised at the rapid change in Doom's attitude. After not thinking about it, she made up the two men, then recovered the boulder and all the useful tools left outside, and ran away cautiously.

It's just that the direction of running is passing through the mine. At this moment, all the workers are resting.

While running, she collects some natural crystals in the space from the wall that can be reached in a straight line.

"You didn't suffer any loss..." As she ran swiftly, Doom sighed in her mind.[System speaks in Su Su's mind]

Su Su didn't pay any attention. Without taking too many crystals, she moved towards the place agreed by her and Xiao Yi.

At the moment, the rabbits in the concentration camp were digging a hole at full speed. According to Su Su's direction, the hole was dug all the way to the southernmost side.

When Su Su had just lurked in the wilderness of the southernmost side for a while. She felt something moving under her feet inexplicably.

"It can't be such a coincidence." She sighed and quickly moved back from the place. After a while, a red rabbit's head came out from the ground and looked around.

The moment when one person and one rabbit's eyes meet, they are extremely excited.

"Come out, I found Su Su." The red-haired rabbit who explored the path turned around and hurriedly informed everyone.