Long Time No See, My Fleeing Sacrifice

In the meantime, Su Su, led by Xiao Yi, took a shortcut and stopped only at a dark and hollow cliff.

Seeing the fire rabbits jumping down without blinking one by one, Su Su refused inwardly.

"Jump, this is the fastest way to get there right now." Xiao Yi looked at Su Su sincerely.

Su Su walked forward two steps nervously and looked down.

The abyss was so deep that there was no light at all, so many rabbits jumped down for a long time without any sound coming from the ground, so you can imagine how high this cliff really is.

It can also be said that the ground below is really too deep.....

"Is it true that you will not fall to death if you jump down? Don't you need to do some protective measures? Xiao Yi, are you sure we can get there by jumping down?" Su Su asked suspiciously.

The first time she jumped off a cliff, she was really excited and scared.

When the Doom saw her thoughts, it slyly said, "You have already done the first time murder, not one but two. Actually, you don't need to be afraid of jumping off the cliff."

"Fart! I killed him and he died. If I jump well, I will die."

"Host, you don't have to be so cautious, you see other rabbits have jumped, and you still have a chance to resurrect," Doom said for a while.[She got a revival chance at starting.]

In the end, before she could come up with something, Su Su closed her eyes and jumped down with her head stuffed. A suffocating sensation of falling came from his body in an instant.

As if the whole person was beating repeatedly on the edge of death, Su Su's heart was beating fiercely, and the wind whistling in her ears reminded her to go further and further on the road of "death".

She always feels that her body is falling quickly, and the soul is chasing after it. This is more exciting than bungee jumping, but there is no rope.[Thats freefall for ya.]

Xiao Yi, as the last remaining to jump, looked at Su Su and jumped down without any delay, and jumped directly without blinking.

In this way, all the escaping members in the cave disappeared from the place.

The space was so quiet that Su Su couldn't even hear any other sounds.

It seemed that none of the rabbits that fell before her, had fallen to the ground, and they seemed to have fallen into a bottomless abyss, silently.

The only thing that can be clearly felt in the ear is the sound of her heartbeat. Su Su felt that she had fallen for a long time, and after a long time she gradually transformed from an uneasy mood to peace, and finally became a little sleepy and wanted to sleep.

Eyes are getting more and more difficult to open. Even though she was reminding herself to stay awake, she couldn't control the overwhelming drowsiness that was coming upon her.

If one cannot stop it, the person falls into a deep sleep.

Su Su felt that she had slept for a long, long time, and her limbs seemed to be massaged. It was so comfortable that she didn't want to get up and wake up from a dream.

However, when she had just thought of this, she woke up from her dream, and she just opened her eyes and found that she was lying on the clear and transparent water bottom.

The bright sunshine passed through the holy water from the top of her head and spilled on her face. The sand under her body was soft and clean, and Su Su seemed to be in heaven.

There was no suffocation, and the feeling was familiar again, and she suddenly realized that she was in the holy water.

"No wonder I felt so comfortable just now.", she reflected in her heart and hurriedly stood up from under the water.

She knows the effects of holy water in her heart, not only able to strengthen people's health but also to heal people's injuries, whether external or internal.

She didn't know how long she slept here, her body seemed to be full of endless power, and she was full of energy at the moment, and she was eager to find something to do to consume the excess energy she had absorbed.

The most important thing is that the holy water here is stronger than the holy water she encountered last time, completely on different levels.

With dexterous hands and feet, she poured out all the four large buckets of holy water in the system space and re-installed new ones here, and only then satisfactorily looked at the others.

Looking around, a group of sleeping fire rabbits lying and floating on the surface of the water.

The first thing she needs to do is to take a look around and see what she can find.

Su Su carefully observed the surroundings, and above her head was high, deep, and clear holy water, and beyond the holy water was a sunny blue sky.

The bottom of the holy water was surprisingly clean, except for the fine sand, rabbits, and her.

No matter how much she searched, she could not find the entrance where they entered.

That deep tunnel with no end just disappeared like this, which made her feel a little strange.

"Doom, where did we fall in before?" Su Su hurriedly asked.

However, it took a while before the lazy voice of Doom sounded as if the system had also slept for a night of beauty sleep.

"Sorry, the system cannot answer this question. When the host is sleeping, the system shuts down and restarts now."

"What!? Are you kidding me?" Su Su couldn't believe her ears. She had never heard of it. There can be such a thing.

At this moment, Doom was "Offline" again, and it didn't care about Su Su's complaints.

With helplessness, Su Su looked around and was about to find Xiao Yi first, but she couldn't find the rabbit full of tubes among the fire rabbits all over the place.

"It's over. Except for the identification through the tube, the rabbits are all the same. I really can't tell who is who..."

Su Su has a numb scalp. This is not easy to handle. She thought that Xiao Yi might know that she was hiding and worrying about how to find it, but water splashed on her head in the next second.

The rabbit with a tube all over it swam towards her.

Seeing this, she was not idle either, and even swam upwards quickly, ready to meet, Xiao Yi nodded in the water when it saw her and motioned her to come up to the surface to speak.

"How did you appear from above?" Su Su asked as soon as she climbed onto the shore.

Xiao Yi seemed to be in a good mood, pointing to the sleeping rabbits all around and replied: "We came here, I notified the water dragon and the messenger in advance. I was awake earlier than you guys, so I just went out to look for it. They joined together."

"Eh?" Su Su was taken aback for a moment, and a slightly familiar male voice came from behind, which made her tremble all over.

"Long time no see, my escaped sacrifice."

As soon as Su Su turned around, she saw the lion boy quietly appearing behind her on a white cat.

Next to him was the girl riding on another big cat, her bronze skin gleaming in the sun, and she was looking at them with an innocent smile at the moment.

It seemed that she didn't know her future fate...

Su Su smiled awkwardly, and immediately stepped back several steps, pulling away.

"Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding."