Meeting with the Five Spirit Creatures

"Don't be nervous, Xiao Yi has already told me about you, and I already have another candidate." The lion boy said meaningfully, his eyes rested on the savage girl beside him.

The girl gave back an affectionate smile, and the atmosphere between the two was somewhat lively as if they were lovers in love.

At the thought of this, Su Su shivered uncomfortably. She didn't feel a little bit of sweetness, only fear creeping up to the bones.

"It's terrible." She sighed in her heart. She didn't pretend to be clever to point anything, just gratefully patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder.

"Thank you for explaining them to me."

"Raise your hand." Xiao Yi shook the tube that stretched out from its paw and said somewhat comically.

After waking up all the fire rabbits under the sacred pool, the group set out on a journey to find the water dragon.

Along the way, Xiao Yi mostly talked about the five holy relics, but Su Su still worked hard to digest them in her heart.

"On the whole continent, our race is now basically the fastest multiplying, unlike water dragons, they are now almost extinct."

"What you mean is that they have become endangered species?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "Yes, not only the water dragon, but the other four spirit creatures except us are also in critically endangered conditions, but this is nothing, even humans are about to fail to multiply. There is nothing we can do about it."

Su Su sighed, always feeling that she has a long way to complete the task given by the system this time.

"If so, then why don't you simply unite and find a solution to the problem as soon as possible, so that it is a beneficial result for everyone."

"It's not that we haven't thought about this, but it's just too difficult to implement. Human ambitions and desires will never hide from our eyes. If the other four spiritual beings came into existence, the things that exist in them will make people even more jealous."

"Before we cannot protect themselves, going out and making a deal with humans only to be slaughtered by them."

Su Su was taken aback, walking through the jungle stopped, "So if that's the case, then why did you agree to bring me here to find the water dragon?

Xiao Yi didn't speak this time, but the lion boy laughed a little, and the figure riding on the big white cat quickly moved away, leaving only a back figure and wispy words.

"Just you? I have a thousand ways to make you die before you change."

Seeing that Su Su's face was not very good, Xiao Yi seemed to hesitate and stepped forward to comfort him. "Don't listen to the messenger. He is always so unkind. There is a more important reason why I brought you here."

"You are the only human I have met in the past few years who do not belong here, as I said earlier, both we and humans can not wait, we urgently need to solve this matter, and this needs a link between people, I think it can be you."

"However, this matter is certainly not my own words, specifically need to bring you to the water dragon, so that we can make a unified decision."

Su Su's eyelids jumped, a little unbelievable, it seems that in the time she was unconscious many things happened that she did not even know, each one alone is enough to surprise her.

"What?" She was a little surprised.

Xiao Yi smiled, and didn't stop anymore, and ran forward with four legs on the ground, running a long distance away.

"Yes, that's what I just said, don't stand still, let's go, everyone is still waiting for us!"

Seeing everyone disappeared in front of her, Su Su was somewhat helpless and was able to speed up the pace and followed them.

"Sure enough, the four-legged can run faster than the two-legged one, and I'm exhausted..." Leaning on a big rock, Su Su panted heavily, her eyes constantly looking around.

She couldn't help being surprised, it's because the scene in front of her is too bizarre.

Dozens of fire rabbits wrapped her in the center, and all looked at her attentively.

Several golden cicadas surround the outer circle. They can be as tall as a closet, and the two pairs of membrane wings are similar in shape. If you look closely, you can see flowing golden energy from inside.

The two compound eyes are located on the sides of the head, far apart. They look a little weird. The two tentacles are like lobster whiskers but were somewhat shorter than the others.

Its mouthparts are slender and sharp, and it makes people feel chilling when looking at it. Its abdomen is floating together, and it is looking at her with the same eyes as her at the moment.

Su Su quickly turned her face away when she saw this, and her eyes were attracted by the giant python crawling on the ground.

She was able to tell that the cicada just now was the golden cicada mentioned by Xiao Yi, and no matter how Su Su looked at the big worm on the ground, she felt that it should not be called the sand snake, but the sand python.

The pattern on its body was a bit complicated, the color of its body can be integrated with the ground, just now it can be distinguished clearly its location, but now it is suddenly disappeared in front of Su Su. Rubbing her eyes, the next second it came back to its original state as if what just happened is just an illusion.

The sand snake felt Su Su's gaze, deliberately activated its invisibility again, and disappeared into the spot in an instant.

I was a little worried, watching the lion boy and his "sacrifice" stand.

Behind them not far away, The two big white cats sneaked away to play at some point without them knowing.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit embarrassing. Since she said the first sentence, no one has spoken out.

Su Su coughed, trying to find a topic, "Well, isn't it about a meeting? How come it seems to be missing ..." No one answered her, it was still quiet, and Su Su couldn't help but start to doubt. Is she in a group of statues?

. . .

"Well, don't you guys speak?" After a while, Su Su asked cautiously and tentatively.

Xiao Yi pulled the corner of her clothes, which made her startled.

"Shhh, be quiet, the water dragon is still sleeping."

"Uh." Su Su was stunned, feeling that they have been waiting here for a long time just waiting for the water dragon to wake up?

She made a gesture that I understood, and she honestly leaned on the stone and maintained an unmoving form against the spirit creatures.

It's just that even if she pretends to be calm, she is still a little nervous. Those eyes that look around her from time to time are uncomfortable, but she can't say anything.