"You've been standing here for an hour now, looking at those girls over there Jackie. Are you stalking them?" Jordan asked his sister. "I'm not stalking them Jordan, more like admiring. I want to be friends with them. One of them is Arnold's sister, I don't know which one it is."

"Is that why you don't have friends?"

"Yes. That's why." She turned and looked at him. "What are you even doing here?" He rolled his eye. "This is the Pack's training ground. As the Alpha I can be here whenever I choose to. Whereas, you my dear sister, is not supposed to be here." He smirked at her. "FYI, you're not the Alpha yet. You still have to find your mate, your mark has to be on her neck, then you will become the Alpha dear brother." Jackie said with a smug look on her face. "Whatever. You know that you can go over there and talk to them right? There's no point watching them from a far distance." She shook her head and walked away. Jordan walked over to where Richard stood with Collins. "How's the training going?" Jordan asked standing beside Collins. "Dude, you missed out earlier."

"What happened?"

"When Collins and I came here for training this morning, one of the warriors, I think Ethan, challenged a girl or was it the girl that challenged him...."

"So what happened?" Jordan asked getting impatient.

"Dude, this girl dealt with him badly. Damn! I wish I saw her face." Collins said to Jordan. "Yo! Ricky did you see her face?" Richard turned and shook his head. "Rumour has it that the girl is Arnold sister. I mean, I won't be surprised if it's true. He's a good fighter, im sure he trained her well."

"Jordan what happened that Arnold is not the Beta? I went to see my elder sister Callista in Spain, when I came back, the first thing I heard was Arnold being stripped off the Beta tittle. What the heck happened here?" Collins asked folding his arms.

"That night we went out to celebrate. We went to Queen's clubhouse." "Celebrating what?" Collins asked. "Arnold passed Dr Ronald's exam and got the job at the hospital. So we went out to celebrate. Ricky and I ordered for drinks, Arnold just sat there watching. It was when we were leaving he ordered for a lemon water. The next morning during the ceremony where we are to be tried and tested as soon-to-be Alpha and Beta Arnold was missing. When we went to check on him, he was still sleeping."

"WTF! Why will he still be sleeping by 11am? It doesn't make sense.... wait a minute..... please tell me it's not what I'm thinking"

"Yes. He was hungover."

"Damn it! That's impossible. You said he ordered a lemon water. I know Arnold is a health freak, so what the fuck is going on?"

"Forget about that one Collins, finding him drunk was not even the worst that happened." Richard said to Collins. With eyes widely opened and his fists clenched at his sides he managed to ask, "what happened?"

"He was found in bed......with a mated female...naked."

"I don't believe this, I have a feeling that there's more to this story. We know Arnold he's not irresponsible. Was he even given a chance to defend himself?"

"Of course. But he didn't say anything. He just kept looking at everybody there, one by one. After a while he stood up and walked out."

"Why didn't he defend himself? Anyways I wouldn't blame him. The Pack that he grew up to love and swore to protect, started doubting he's capabilities. This whole incident screams 'conspiracy'." Collins said to Jordan. "I feel responsible for all this." Richard said looking up to the sky. He turned to his friends, "if someone decides to investigate this matter, they'll start with me because I'm the one that took his place." "You're not the person responsible for what happened, so don't think like that. Arnold hasn't said anything yet, I'm not even sure he will say anything so don't worry yourself over nothing, everything will come to light soon enough. Come on let's go."

Walking out of the training ground, Collins stopped walking making others to stop also. He turned and looked from Jordan to Richard. "I was not around that period infact I came back months later, but how comes I was made the Gamma? I didn't even go through any test or trails, how comes?" Richard and Jordan started laughing....."what's funny? It's not funny guys" Collins said getting frustrated with their constant laughing. Richard deciding to put him out of his misery stopped laughing and answered his questions. "You were tested Collins it's just that you were not aware of it." Seeing the confusion written on his face he proceeded to elaborate more but was stopped when Collins spoke up.

"I wasn't. I remember clearly when I came back from Spain, after a month or so I had a fallout with a lot of rouge's and the annoying thing about it is that I mindlinked the warriors including you two stupid asshats but nobody listened and came to help me, thank the goddess I came out alive. But it was kinda strange though, it was like they came for me alone..I just don't get it." Running his hand through his hair he gave out a frustrated sigh. Suddenly, like a bulb went off in his head he realized what actually happened. "You dimwits those were not rogues right? Those were Pack warriors, no wonder they were hard to kill. And I'm sure you idiots were there enjoying the show stupid arseholes." He said glaring at them. "Too many insults from you Gamma Collins I should have you locked up this minute. Give me one reason why I shouldn't send you to they dungeons?" Jordan glared back at Collins fighting the smile on his face. Collins looked at them one last time and walked away making sure to hit them as he stormed out causing both Jordan and Richard to laugh at his retreating figure.

Collins stormed into the hospital and walked over to the receptionist. "Where is Parker? Take me to his office this minute, if he is busy I'll wait there." The woman nodded in fear and together the walked to the elevator and went up to the office of Arnold. "this is his office Gamma Collins." The woman said in a terrified voiced and ran away almost immediately. With anger Collins stormed into the office and saw Arnold looking through a file.

"You can't just barge into my office without knocking let alone an appointment." Removing his glasses he sat back and folded his arms. "What can I do for you today Whitestone?" He smirked at him.

"Jerk! You knew I was been tested that day I was fighting the so called rogues....alone, I called you numerous times and you idiot didn't even come you just sat there enjoying the show right?" Arnold smirked at him again before replying "of course, I enjoyed the show, it would have been better if you fought with my sister and she defeats you, damn! I'll get it on video and play it on your wedding day for all to see." With that he broke out laughing so hard at Collins who glared at him and stormed out of his office and out of the hospital. "Stupid morons!"