Nothing gives me joy than challenging the warriors to a duel and seeing their faces when they loose to me, it's so priceless. Arnold trained me well, I really want to go against Jordan, but he's just so cute that I might not even focus in the game. I felt someone shaking me I turned to see who it was, "what is it Dora?" I said pissed off that she disturbed my day dreaming of Jordan. "You have it bad for that guy. You were staring so hard that I thought you might just slit him into two" Meghan laughed at that. Are these bitches my friends or what? "You need to be patient alright, lover girl, the Full Moon will soon be here, we shall get our mates." Yeah I can't really wait for that day, the love, the mating process, the everything surrounding it. "What are you losers doing here?" You can guess the owner of that pathetic voice. Natasha. I turned to look at her.
"Are you girls mute now? You can't talk anymore?"
I just kept looking at her, she's really trying hard to become the Luna, that's if she'll ever be. I couldn't even say anything to her this time around because it was hopeless. She's a hopeless case. She stood there flipping her hair and smirking at us, I just need to hear some body give the go-ahead to beat the evil spirit out of her....
"I asked you a question and you refused to answer, when I become the Luna you three will be thrown in the dungeon.... deepest, darkest dungeons." She's has gone completely mad
"How will that happen Miss David?"
I looked up to see the owner of the voice. I've definitely seen her somewhere, just don't know where....
"And you are?" Natasha asked
"Jacqueline Rachel Smith, Alpha Jordan's sister." Yeah, now I remember she's always at the training ground with her cute brother...... watching me. I wonder why.
"So, are you now the mouth piece of the three musketeers? You know April, I never pegged you to be a weakling that you now report me to Jordan's sister. You gat no backbone honey?"
"That's Alpha Jordan to you. I've been watching you and also hearing rumors about you claiming to be the Luna, well, Miss David, to be the Luna, you need to possess some certain qualities." Jacqueline sat down beside me and crossed her leg, staring at Natasha. This will be fun.
"Certain qualities like what? Once I get mated to the Alpha I'm automatically the Luna, what else is there?" With that Jackie started laughing. Natasha stared at her with confusion. I'm also confused myself, what's funny? I only know about the fact that she has to be marked and introduced as the Luna to all the Pack members, is there more to it that I don't know?
"Look here sweetie, just mating to the Alpha is not a guarantee, you need to be good at certain things too. You'll also be tested on the training ground..."
"That is ridiculous! Training ground for what?" Natasha exclaimed in......I think frustration? I like what I'm hearing.
"Yes, you will be tested on the training ground before the eyes of all the Pack members. We need to know that the Alpha has a strong support behind him. This Pack is the most feared Pack in all of America and Europe. You my dear will be tested on what skills you have..."
"Skills? For what?"
"In preparation for any battle."
"That is ridiculous! I'm not a battle person." Jackie chuckled at that.
"What do you think will happen when we get attacked by rougues or something? Everybody pitches in, in one way or the other. Only the old and children and some few other people are taken to safety and protected. In this Pack we are one big family and everyone has something to do."
"So you mean this losers can actually do something?" She looked at us one by one, Meghan stood up and walked over to Natasha, she stood in front of her, "oh! My dear Natasha, you want to become the Luna right? Don't worry okay mummy is here, she will help you okay? But you see my little girl, you have to pass all tests if not you'll just be the Alpha's mate and someone with all the qualities will become the Luna." She said this caressing Natasha's hair before patting it and walking away.
"This is ridiculous! Other Packs don't do this, whoever gets mated to the Alpha becomes the Luna." Natasha started pacing to and fro with tension written on her face.
"Werewolves of centuries before us do that, but times changed and strategies changed too. Maybe if you were paying attention to your history teacher you will know the story and what led to what, dumbass." Dora said to Natasha making me chuckle at the end. Natasha rolled her eyes and stormed out of the training ground in anger making us laugh at her. I stood up and walked towards Jacqueline, she kinda stepped back a she scared of me or what?
"Why are you always staring at us or should I say me, at every point we happen to be at the same place?" I stared at her. She gulped nervously with her head down.
"Do you want to tell us something or particularly April?" Meghan asked. Jacqueline nodded and looked up straight into my eyes.
"Ive always admired you three from a far distance, my brother always teases me to just go ahead and talk to you...."
"Your brother? As in Alpha Jordan?" I asked excitedly but it was short lived when Dora hit me. "Was that all you heard April?" I felt my face heating up. "Please continue."
"I love everything about you guys and always wished to be part of your team. That's just it." She said heaving a sigh of relief. I looked at her again, this time with disbelief.
"You want to be friends with us? But why?" I asked still surprised.
"Yes I do. I'm not gonna lie to you guys.....I don't have friends, not even one, because I don't know who is real and who is not. I'm always in my room reading or watching movies or as you know following you guys around. I love the way you guys stand up for each other and support each other. I want that kinda relationship too. I always overhear my brother and his friends talking and most times I hear Arnold grumbling to the guys about his sister although I don't know which one of you is his sister..."
"What was he saying?" I asked amused.
"Something about how he can't wait for her to get mated so that she can be some else's problem. Are you his sister April?" I nodded and she smiled.
"Is there anything else you want to ask us. Let's get to know each other." Meghan asked her. "No."