

Ray stood outside of the house with Jacob when he heard the shot go off. He went straight into action he shot one of the guards on the porch, while Jacob shot the other. He saw another guard drop and knew it was Em. Ray kept moving and shooting, while watching bodies drop left and right. As they went inside the house he saw a guard peep behind a corner and try to shoot Jacob from behind. Ray moved fast and shot him dead in the head without hesitation. Jacob quickly looked back and nodded his head.

They headed to the room they knew most likely held the meeting. He saw Ivy take out a woman and looked at her smiling. Right then he knew she was crazy, but it turned him on instead of making him cringe. she looked over at him and walked over.

Ivy Rose: Ray everyone in his crew taken care of?

Ray: Everyone outside is dead and everyone inside is getting taken care of as we speak.

Jacob: Yo sis, Vi just texted me letting me know everyone in the crew is dead. What's our next move?

Ivy Rose: The squad is headed to Jamaica as we speak. Carmen and the twins are on their way to all their father's safe houses. Vi was instructed to go take care of the trap houses. Bridgette is making sure any woman that wants to join the squad is taken care of. Emily is headed over to the twin's father right hand man since he wasn't at the meeting. J I need you to head to the studio to make it look like you been there this whole time, and call the clean up crew on the way. Ray your with me to make sure I get to my house safely, and J check my car real quick to make sure they didn't tamper with it at all.

Jacob: I got you sis let's go now!

All three of them made their way outside to the car. Just as Ivy thought Mr. Brown had one of crew members attach a bomb to the car. Jacob could see that soon as his sister sat down she would instantly blow up. It helped that he had a bomb detector that Olivia had made.

Jacob: Don't touch the car at all I will call Olivia, and have her walk me through disarming it.

Jacob proceeded to facetime Olivia

Jacob: Yo Liv we got a situation

Olivia: Ugh what did my dumb father do now.

Jacob: He put a bomb on Ivy car

Olivia: show me ill walk you through the steps

Jacob: Alright look

Jacob flipped the camera screen so she could see the bomb that was under the seat.

Liv: Did you check to make sure there was no other bomb anywhere else.

He saw Ray check the trunk while his sister sat on the steps with a look of rage. Ray gave him a thumbs and proceeded to look under the car to make sure. Just to be sure he also walked over to Jacob car, but only saw a note that stated he shouldn't have given up the throne with a threat that now he shall take over for his sister.

Jacob looked at the note with anger but went back to liv on the phone. He walked over to his sister car and proceed to talk to Liv.

Jacob: there is only the one bomb and a dumb ass note.

Liv: Okay good do you see the wires on the bomb.

Jacob: Yea which one do I need to cut?

Jacob proceeded to flip the screen so she could see.

Liv: Knowing my father it's going to be the green wire

Jacob: You sure cause most times it's the red.

Liv: Exactly that's why it's the green, and it was my father's favorite color.

Jacob proceeded to cut the green wire and saw the timer on the bomb go off. He breathe a sigh of relief

Jacob: All clear thanks Liv Ill see you later tech lady

Liv: Yea that ain't happening but Ill swing by once me and sis done taken over my father whole kingdom. We also have to inform our family on what's going on. Last thing we need is them going after Ivy even though I don't mind taking them out I rather not.

Ivy walked over at that moment after seeing everything was in the clear.

Ivy: you sure your mother and brothers won't come after me. I put down problems real quick I don't want to have to end the rest of your family Liv, but you know I will.

Liv: Chill Rose me and Jade got this. Plus Carmen is with us and you know my family loves her. We already on the yacht headed over to the third safe house. Jade had one of our soldiers take the other two out, and their now headed to the fourth while we take care of this.

Jade took the phone right along with Carmen. Carmen was giving Ivy the look she always gives her when she feels she doing too much.

Carmen: Look here Rose Don't make me tell your brother to punch you in the arm cause you know he will.

Jade: J head to the studio like I assume she told you. Ray get Ivy to her house safely, and don't let her butt bully you into letting her drive. Ivy you need to get ready for the aftermath of taking out the island's kingpin.

Jade ended the the call as Jacob got in his car and headed to his studio. Ray proceeded to get Ivy in the car as she sat there on her phone working. Ray drove off headed to Ivy's home.