The Ride

Ivy Rose Pov

Ivy sat there in deep thought while on her phone plotting her next moves. She knew Ray was focused on driving and getting them back to her house. Ivy looked in her side mirror and saw a motorcycle start to pull up fast with a Glock 19 in the driver right hand. She hurried up and took her desert eagle out, and opened the passenger window. She used the side mirror to see where the shooter was located, and shot back hitting the driver dead center in the head.

Ray must of saw what was going on as she saw them swerve to avoid the cyclist. Another sped up on Ray side, but Ivy already was in the window shooting the new driver.

Ivy: Well I guess they just knew they couldn't get me. Keep driving Ray but take the secret way to get to my house so we can lose them.

Ray: Shit the way you hitting these niggas I got you just focus on shooting sexy.

Ivy shook her head and laughed then proceeded to work her way around her car; thank god she got a Lambo in Dark red, because those scissor doors was going to come in handy right now. She remembered the move Liv taught her when she first got the car.


Carmen: Bitch you did not just get this bad ass car.

Ivy: Yes I did it was calling to me plus I had to get it customized look at that red rose surrounded by ivy.

Carmen: I need one cause damn it's sexy.

Liv: Enough about the sexy car. Safety first, did you get the scissor doors like I told you?

Ivy: Yes Liv for the 5th time I got the right damn doors. Now why do you keep asking.

Liv: Because when shit pop off like always; I want to show you how to use those doors so you can shoot and they won't see you. She showed them where to lay on the door so when it opened they could just pop up and already shooting at the enemy.

Carmen: OOOOO we bout to be more deadly then we already are. Ivy I need this car boo.

Ivy: Too late boo look outside

Carmen went outside to see Ivy got each member a Lambo that fit them. Ivy looked over and saw Liv and Carmen jumping up and down squealing. Carmen start screaming Bitchhh my boss loves usssss yassssss.

Flashback over------

Ivy chuckled while she proceeded to pop up on them and each driver went down. Before the next driver came up they disappeared into the tunnel like she told Ray. No one knew of the tunnel, because she had her Gardner build trees and bushes around the entrance.

Ivy: Thank you Ray for getting us here safely let me call j before he has a fit. Park in my normal spot.

She made her call to her brother which was quick, because he was working on music like always. She hung up and saw Ray on her side door opening it for her. She thanked him and proceeded to go in the house.

Ivy went into her kitchen while Ray followed looking around

Ray: How big is this place?

Ivy: 10 bedrooms, 11 bathrooms, huge kitchen, living room, basement/den/studio, weapon room, indoor/outdoor pool, theater room, game room, garage, indoor gym, Basketball court, huge walk-in closet, playroom, attic, huge garden and backyard, and Liv's Lab.

Ray: Well Damn Ivy

Ivy laughed: It was my parent's they passed it down to me. Only thing I added was Liv's Lab and a secret room.

Ray: What's the secret room?

Ivy: Wouldn't you like to know. Secret for a reason.

Ray: You can trust me sexy rose didn't I just prove that to you. Plus I have always been your brother's best friend, and not once have I crossed him.

Ivy just looked at him and gestured him to follow her. She was lost in her thoughts as they walked to her secret room that happened to be in her bedroom. He saw her go to her vanity.

Ivy: I better be able to trust you Ray, because no one has ever been in this room ever.

Ray: You can Rose I promise, and besides if you can't you can always kill me after.

Ivy laughed and flipped the top of one of her nail polish bottles. She hit the button that appeared and her vanity moved to the side to revel a door. She used the scanner to scan her hand, eyes, entered a code, and spoke her whole name. The door went to the side and they went in. The lights came on soon as they entered the room.

Ray: Hold up your secret room is a dance studio whoa you dance.

Ivy looked at him and shook her head yes. The room looked like a normal dance studio but you could tell it was Ivy's, because there was roses on stands and walls was green. Her name was above the music area and you could see her costumes and props for dancing.

She turned on the music and Ray song came on. He stood to the side and watched her dance to his song "Night Passion". She could tell he was intrigued by the way she moved to the music. The way she grinded and slow grinded was working him up. He walked behind her and started singing the song in her ear as they started to move together. When the song ended they stared at each other.

Ray kissed her passionately and she gave her all back into the kiss. Her head was spinning and she didn't want the kiss to end. He started to kiss down her neck as she moaned. He groaned and instantly went back to kissing her.

Then Ivy phone rung and the magic of the moment went away. She instantly turned everything off and Ray followed her out the room. She quickly answered the phone.

Mystery caller: Ivy I see you took out the Island King Pin, but best believe mate you not getting mine.

Caller hung up only for Ivy to get another call

Jade: One of our warehouses was set on fire and a message was left.

Ivy: What it say?

Jade: Your move Mate!!!