First Tooth (1)

Chapter 4

First Tooth (1)

They say that the first tooth out of a child's mouth holds memory of their family's lineage of magic capabilities. In the lands of Duarte, there is such a belief where a child gains tremendous power after the loss of their first tooth. This usually happens around the age of eleven to fifteen, whether the power of magic is to be retained in the body or lost during the recuperation process, all ends up in the child's hand, in whether they can control the power surge in their bodies.

Many would say that in a world where magic plays a huge role, women bearing strong affinities to magic are loved by many, but with great power comes bigger problems. Children bearing these strong powers either end up dead or even worse, powerless.

Children bearing these strong powers either end up dead or even worse, powerless.

It was not uncommon for families to have multiple children and wives. Illegitimacy played a huge role and many family heads opted for polygamy to conquer the fear of losing their child. Every family needed a descendant of their own blood to take over the family head, in the future. Survival of the fittest was a known theme to this Empire, even if one lacks in magic, intelligence could play a helping hand but as a powerless Empress in my previous life, all I had was beauty and intelligence, and that itself wasn't enough. The strength of its wielder played a role, and even an illegitimate child could always overthrow one with pure noble bloodline.

I felt large amounts of mana seep into my skin, and forcing its way to my sternum, the center of my body. My muscles tightened with every movement, as the mana forces itself in. I already had my spatial magic, why is this still happening to me?

"How is she, High Mage?"

"Her body is stable, but we've done all that we could, Duke Arrington. Everything else is up to her."

Peeping through heavy eyes, I saw blurred visions of my parents hugging. My father held mother close to his chest, as his face showed sombre and fear. A child around the age of sixteen, stood beside the two who were huddled close. A wooden sword in his hand and I recognised the hands covered in scars and calluses. Elder brother had returned from his training in the Academy. I closed my eyes once more, as the pain in my abdomen grew. The lingering mana in the air felt heavy, and suddenly a vacuum pulled my conscience away, and there I was standing in the middle of an empty white space in my nightgown.

"Amelia Estelle Arrington, this millennium's taboo magic user. A powerless that forcefully manifested magic at the age of 28, forced to the surface due to the death wish of her son, and now you are back. How interesting!" A lady with white silver hair in a cloak, was sitting on a throne, overlooking a scene of my parents and brother. Her skin pale as snow and lips red like freshly bloomed roses. If it wasn't the fact that there was light glowing from her skin through her veins, I would have believed that she was human.

"Are you...? Light goddess, Eteria." I said, while giving a bow of respect. She stood beautifully, in the middle of the room, her skin glowing like she was starlight itself. She is magnificent.

"Oh my, who would have known? You're the first to know who I am, others would have been begging on their knees, kissing my feet. You would know, wouldn't you? No wonder all the Gods blessed you. You must have given them a good show."

"Sorry Goddess, a show?"

"Yeah, all the gods talked about it. The Timekeeper even released the trailer for the next showtime days ago and those lame Gods are your supporters. I heard that tomorrow plays one of the biggest roles for your return. I can't wait either, anyway you can take this, and drink it down quickly. The taste isn't that nice but, at least your mana won't leak out. I mean you'd need-"

"What do you mean? All this time, the gods watched me suffer and didn't do anything?"

"Wait wait wai-"

"You, gods and your games, I lost my son, my family and this is all a game for yo-"

"I said WAIT!" her soft calm voice went loud. Her hair stood on ends as light filled them, similarly with her eyes.

"You young child, listen up! Hmm, I tried to look dignified and pure but you're making this difficult."

Silence. I felt all anger diminish and all that was left was the feeling of awkwardness. Clearing my throat, I gave a soft nod.

"Sorry, anyways… we all kind of knew about it but, there's others living shittier lives, despite that you did win the most awards for the worst tragedy of a disloyal husband. Your past was gruesome and bad, none of us gods wanted to watch it. In fact that bloody shitty husband of yours made some of us leave the theatres in anger."

"What do you mean then?" I said, chuckling a little after realising that the Emperor himself, was hated by many gods. So much for being the 'chosen' child of the Gods.

What a saddle-goose!

"Anyways, I was talking about your future revenge trailer. 'Revenge, the Duchess: Second Chance.' Everyone is looking forward to it. The woman who used the Timekeeper's magic without his acknowledgement. If it was me, I would have disposed of you immediately, because you messed with the time space continuum but that Timekeeper, he's a weird one. Now take all of these bottles and drink up."

Taking a sip of the weirdly coloured clear liquids, I felt my limbs and torso embodied itself in warmth with every gulp. What is this?

"Also drink up all of these as well. It's the other god's blessings. You have like 15 minutes. Chop chop, child." The Goddess sat on her throne and smiled softly, as I gulped down bottle after bottle. She smiled once more almost sinisterly, as a countdown emerged in thin air and started its ticking.

"Wait a minute, Eteria."

"Okay your time starts now; your parents are waiting. Wouldn't want them to worry for your well-being. Plus, I heard this time it's going to be a happy ending for you, or so the Timekeeper says. Give us a good time and maybe, some of us will give you more power. Okay I have to go now, bye!"

"W-wait, this is like 12 bottles of milk!"

I investigated the clear green liquid and felt my body shiver as if it is of the biggest bottle, with a clock emblem embedded onto it. Immediately halfway in, my eyes burnt. The reflection of the ground was as clear as a mirror and I looked into it and my silver eyes were tinted like clear amethysts freckled with pinkish hues.