The Dragon Sin

Meliodas chased Acnologia high above the clouds in the deep blue sky. The sun shined down upon the two combatants, casting long shadows across the clouds. Acnologia turned around, hovering in the air and staring angrily at Meliodas.

Meliodas, clad in his darkness, hovered with both Neo Mel Force and Sacrifar in his hands out in front of him, creating an almost cross shape between the two.

"Dark Prominence!"

Meliodas dashed forward, his sword glowing with a fierce black aura. Acnologia released several brightly glowing orbs of magic, launching them straight at Meliodas. Meliodas weaved between the orbs, cutting through them in the process.

Having closed the gap, Meliodas let loose a cross-shaped blast of darkness from both Sacrifar and Neo Mel Force.

Acnologia winced in pain as the blast hit him straight in the chest. He let out a mighty roar, powering through the blast and charging straight at Meliodas.

He let loose a quick flurry of claw strikes at Meliodas, using both his arms and legs. Meliodas parried each blow, feeling pain in his arms and hands as the collisions shook his body. Meliodas' eyes widened as he figured out Acnologia's attack pattern within the flurry of blows.

'An opening!' Meliodas smirked and quickly spun around until he resembled nothing more than a black tornado. He cut right into Acnologia's chest, chipping scales off as he kept spinning, sparks flying from the blades.

The clouds around them begin to swirl and distort, the sheer speed of Meliodas' spinning having changed their shape into a funnel.. The sound of clashing metal echoed across the empty sky.

"Die Demon!" Acnologia let out a mighty roar. A shockwave of energy blew Meliodas away and his wings started to glow with a white light. Several hundred magical spheres were launched towards Meliodas. Meliodas looked around and saw he was completely surrounded by the spheres. Acnologia waved his claws downward, hurling every sphere towards Meliodas.

The spheres collided with Meliodas, causing a blinding flash of light that to onlookers, would almost appear to be a second sun in the sky.

After a few moments, the light dissipated, leaving behind a dark sphere floating where Meliodas was standing.

"Well, well, well. That was close.." A voice came out from inside the sphere as it started to break down.

Meliodas prepared to lunge at Acnologia but stopped right in his tracks. He turned his head around quickly and his eyes widened. 'That magic…it's Elizabeth!'

Meliodas felt something building up inside of him. A surge of sudden energy rejuvenated his body. Protecting Fairy Tail, returning to Britannia, all of that at this exact moment did not matter to Meliodas. The only thing that truly mattered to him, was to defeat Acnologia as fast as possible so he can smother his face in Elizabeth's bosom.

Meliodas glared at Acnologia with more determination than ever.

"Sorry, but I am going to end this now.".

Meliodas and Acnologia locked eyes before suddenly charging right at each other. Acnologia's eyes widened as Meliodas suddenly vanished from his vision, only to feel a sharp pain to his jaw.

'W-what?! He got faster?!'

Again and again, Acnologia felt pain all over his body. All he could see of Meliodas was an incredibly fast black blur that he could barely keep track of.

"Now's my chance!" Meliodas soared up higher into the air as Acnologia reeled in pain. He raised Sacrifar up above him. Countless tiny black orbs began to form around Meliodas, revolving around him rapidly.

Acnologia looked up at Meliodas and noticed that the orbs began to shoot up into the sky above Meliodas, expanding until the sky was pitch black.

"Trillion Dark!" Meliodas shouted. He swung Sacrifar downward and the pitch black sky broke up into innumerable black orbs, launching straight towards Acnologia.

'That attack…it's too much!' Acnologia let out a roar of pain as he felt the orbs of darkness tear through his body.

Acnologia begins falling towards the ground with many holes in his dragon body. His scales all shattered and a trail of blood leaked out from his wounds. He glared at Meliodas with rage filled eyes as he fell.

'I can't win. But I am the Dragon King! I won't go down that easily.' Acnologia's draconic form dissipated, revealing his previous human form, still battered and broken.

"Yes…this will be the final stand." Acnologia sprouted half destroyed wings from his back, halting his fall into a slow hover. He raised his right hand up, pointing his thumb directly over his chest. His hand started glowing with a strange light.

Meliodas looked down at Acnologia, curious about what he was doing.

"He still has power left? Wait...that magic…"

"I'll admit Meliodas! There is no one in this world who surpasses your power! You've forced my final card! Which is why…"

Acnologia dug his thumb right through his chest into his heart. Blood leaked out from Acnologia's mouth between his teeth as he grinned.

"I will kill you as my final act as Dragon King! Arcane Dragon's Secret Final Art: Dragon God's Roar!".

Acnologia's entire body began to glow, his injuries immediately closing shut.

'What technique is this?' Meliodas was surprised to see Acnologia back in peak condition as the glow around his body started to fade, leaving only a bright white aura around him.

Suddenly a crack appeared on the left side of Acnologia's face, running from the top of his forehead through his eye down to his jawline.

"Heh…my body is breaking down already."

Acnologia charged at Meliodas. Meliodas immediately put his arms up to block as Acnologia delivered a heavy punch.

"H-heavy!" Meliodas felt the bones in his arm crack as he was launched away. 'His strength…its greater than before…'

Acnologia rusheD towards Meliodas, swiping his hand as if it were a claw.

Meliodas swiftly retreated backward, however, he was struck by an invisible force, sending him flying backward.

'The sheer air pressure from that attack!'

Acnologia charged at Meliodas again. Meliodas prepared himself but he was surprised as he looked at Acnologia. 'He's full of openings. He's prepared to die and disregarded all of his defense.'

Acnologia suddenly vanished and Meliodas immediately formed a dome of darkness around him.

Meliodas felt the vibrations of Acnologia's attacks hitting outside the dome, each one forming cracks until it shattered like glass.

'Right through my defense?! I need to go on the offensive!'

Meliodas swung his swords at Acnologia. Acnologia suddenly vanished from in front of him, appearing behind him and kicking him in the back.

Meliodas coughed up blood and was sent flying, only to feel pain in his torso as Acnologia appeared in front of him, punching him in the gut.

Meliodas was launched backwards again and Acnologia lunged at him to follow up. Acnologia suddenly slowed down and several more cracks started forming on his body.

'My chance!' Meliodas slashed forward with Sacrifar, hitting Acnologia with a wave of darkness.

"Damn…my body won't last long…" Acnologia grunted as he shook off the blast from Meliodas and charged at him again.

Acnologia launched a high kick, extending his leg at a lightning speed towards Meliodas's head. However, Meliodas was able to block with a fluid movement of his arm. Meliodas countered, sending a sword slash with his left arm towards Acnologia.

Acnologia exerted his full strength into his palm, grabbing the oncoming slash with his bare hands. Meliodas used this opportunity to swiftly deliver a kick towards Acnologia's chest, sending him reeling back.

Meliodas noticed that there was no blood on Acnologia's hands, instead, there were even more cracks on his body as if he were made of stone.

"What did you do?" Meliodas questioned.

However, Acnologia remained silent and charged in, sending a flurry of punches, his fists were a blur as he aimed for Meliodas's head and body. Meliodas guarded, blocking the brunt of attack and flying back.

He looked towards Acnologia, who charged forward, creating a sonic boom as he approached Meliodas, his fists at the ready. Acnologia punched Meliodas, who darted out of the way and delivered a flurry of punches to Acnologia's head. .

Acnologia ignored the strike, he whirled around and struck out with a massive punch. However, Meliodas was able to dodge and weave around the attack, landing blow after blow on his opponent's face and chest.

Acnologia remained impassive as he continued taking the attacks, instead he released a series kicks at Meliodas as he was struck, countering. The two continued to trade blows. As the fight progressed, the two began to push themselves to their limits. Acnologia had even more cracks throughout his body. Acnologia looked at his hands which were covered in a series of cracks. Meliodas used the opportunity to strike at Acnologia's face. There was a crunching noise as Acnologia flew back. He tumbled in the air and found his balance. However, a few pieces of skin were falling off as if they were shards on a vase.

"I think I understand what's going on now…" Meliodas finally realized what was happening. 'Just like with Escanor…'

"You traded your life force for an even greater power."

"That's right. I absolutely hate that I know I won't win any other way." Acnologia replied. He immediately charged forward.

"Fine then." Meliodas narrowed his eyes and sighed. He breathed out, taking a serious stance. He charged towards Acnologia.

Both began to move at incredible speeds, creating sonic booms with each punch and kick. Acnologia continued dodging the blows and blocking those he could, however, he was left standing, despite the sheer force of the attacks.

Finally, Acnologia kicked towards Meliodas, however, part of his feet cracked away and fell, giving Meliodas's an opening to strike towards Acnologia's jaw, sending him flying downward. Acnologia crashed into a mountain side, reeling from the impact

With a fierce cry, Acnologia got back up and rushed forward once more, striking out with lightning-fast punches and kicks. However, Meliodas continued dodging and attacking, knocking Acnologia to the ground.

Acnologia flew back into the sky, hovering in the air, his body cracked and breaking apart. He had been pushed beyond his limits in his battle against Meliodas. He took in a breath.

With a fierce roar, Acnologia began to gather all of his power, his body glowing with an intense light. His eyes blazed with fury as he focused all of his energy into one final attack.

As the air around him shimmered with power, Acnologia began to feel something strange. Everything around him felt unreal and warped. He felt like he was constantly surrounded by water and every time he exerted himself, he felt his life slipping away. He knew that this attack would be his last, and that he would not survive it. But that did not matter as long as he took Meliodas down with him.

With one final burst of energy, Acnologia unleashed his attack, a massive punch that shook the entire planet. The impact was so great that it created a shockwave that could be felt for miles around. He swung forward, instantly arriving in front of Meliodas just as he was about to land the punch.

"Die!!!" Acnologia roared.

Meliodas was shocked, He immediately focused all of his darkness in front, creating a powerful shield to guard against Acnologia's attack.

The punch landed with a deafening impact, sending shockwaves throughout Fiore and all of Ishgar. The ground shook violently, and cracks appeared on the surface, as if the very earthland was about to split apart. The air was filled with dust and debris, and the light of the sun was blocked out by the darkness that released from Meliodas' shield.

The Fairy Tail guild and the other dragon slayers stood in shock. They had never seen such power before, and they began to wonder if even Meliodas would be able to survive that attack.

Ban and Elizabeth were staring into the sky with concern.

"That attack.. will Meliodas be okay? " Elizabeth was shocked.

"Captain should be fine..." Ban said as he tried to console elizabeth. However, the worried look on his face betrayed him. He immediately rushed towards the impact site with Elizabeth.

"We should go too. Happy!" Natsu said.

"Aye." Happy nodded, he grabbed Natsu and flew towards the explosion.

As the dust settled and the smoke cleared, two figures became visible in the sky. The darkness shield was destroyed and there was a hole in the middle of Meliodas's chest. Meliodas coughed, spitting out a large quantity of blood onto the ground.

Meliodas was stunned. He lost one of his hearts in that attack. 'I don't want to imagine what would happen if I didn't block.' He looked at what remained of Acnologia as he crumbled away, turning to dust and scattering away into the wind. He had used up all of his life force in that final attack, sacrificing himself to deliver a world-shattering blow.

And though Meliodas had defeated him in the end, He could not help but feel a sense of respect for his foe. For even in death, he had proven himself to be a warrior of unparalleled strength and power, a force to be reckoned with until the very end.

"The Dragon King.... how fitting." Meliodas mused as he fell towards the ground.