Friends You Can't Do Without

It was a beautiful day in Magnolia Town, slightly overcast but still pleasant with beams of light breaking through the clouds. A gentle breeze rustled the trees and dozens of citizens walked through the streets, some stopped and looked at the Fairy Tail guild where they could hear the sounds of its rambunctious members partying inside. A curious citizen approached the guild hall and peaked their head inside, only for a chair to fly right above their head as they caught a glimpse of the chaos happening inside.

In the guild hall, a huge feast was set up down the center of the hall for all of the members to enjoy. The tables were filled with delicious food as members around the tables laughed with drinks in their hands.

"Yeah it's partying time! I'm the Fire Dragon Demon King of partying!" Natsu shouted from atop a table, spewing fire from his mouth up into the air.

"Natsu get down from the table! You're gonna step on our food!" Gray shouted as he climbed on top of the table next to Natsu.

"Why don't you make me you naked popsicle!" Natsu retorted, butting heads with Gray.

"Gladly, you porcupine haired lizard!" Gray and Natsu both glared at each other with their foreheads pressed against one another.

"I guess even their lame insults don't change." Lucy sighed. Despite this, she couldn't help but smile at them. "But I'm glad this war didn't change anything about them. Now if only Erza wasn't busy so she could stop them…"

Lucy looked over to the other side of the guild hall. Sitting at a table in the corner were Erza and Jellal. Meredy and Ultear were also present, seemingly spying on Jellal who was completely aware he was being watched by them.

"It's a good thing Crime Sorciere stuck around! With Ultear's help, we had Magnolia Town rebuilt in no time!" Happy said before stuffing his mouth with a huge fish.

"Yeah but…it's a bit seeing those guys here with us too…" Lucy looked to another part of the guild where Irene was speaking to Wendy and August was having a drink with Makarov, both of them smiling as if they had never gone to war to begin with.

The guild suddenly fell silent. Even Natsu and Gray who were pulling at each other's hair stopped what they were doing. A suffocating pressure filled the room and all attention was now diverted to the middle of the guild hall.

Ban and Meliodas stood right in front of each other, both with serious expressions on their faces.

"Why are they so serious?!" Lucy exclaimed with a shocked expression. She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh, it's a normal thing for them. Consider it a ritual." Elizabeth said reassuringly.

"Ritual?" Lucy questioned. She looked back towards Meliodas and Ban. The tension in the air was almost immediately lifted as the two started smiling at each other.

"Cap'n!~♫" Ban shouted gleefully.

"Ban!" Meliodas returned the same energy. The two of them raised their hands in the air and high fived each other with both hands. Two up high, two down low, then again and again, harder and harder. Shockwaves generated from their hands clapping against each other shook the entire guild building.

"Noooo! Please don't destroy the building! Not again!" Makarov cried out.

August looked at Irene and Irene nodded at him. August raised his hand out in front of him and a large wooden staff formed in his hand. Irene did the same and both tapped the floor with their staffs. Ban and Meliodas suddenly vanished from the guild hall.

Earthquakes began to shake the guild hall as the sound of huge collisions from outside echoed loudly. A few moments passed with the sounds growing quieter and quieter until they could no longer be heard anymore.

"Did they stop fighting?" Lucy asked.

"No. Both August and I moved them to the mountains nearby. I can sense them still fighting across the country." Irene commented.

Suddenly Ban's body came crashing through one of the walls. He remained limp on the ground while laughing.

"Oh man Cap'n. You're waaay stronger now!~♫" Ban laughed. Meliodas jumped through the hole in the wall.

"Well I did train for a bit." Meliodas said with a cheeky smile.

"Ban! Did you forget you're not immortal anymore!" Elizabeth rushed over to Ban and started to heal him with her magic.

"Hahaha! Oops!" Ban laughed as he started to stand back up. "Guess you win this one Cap'n. But how did you get so strong in only a couple of weeks?"

"Weeks? I was here for years. Almost ten years." Meliodas responded.

"Then Merlin was right about the time dist-" Elizabeth suddenly stopped as Meliodas buried his head right between her breasts.

"Meliodas!" Makarov shouted angrily as he approached. "You're going to pay for that hole in the wall!"

"Oh that?" Meliodas removed his head from Elizabeth's bosom and looked at Ultear. "Ultear can fix it right?"

"M-Meliodas…the whole guild is looking at us!" Elizabeth cried out, her face flushed red.

"Meliodas, I'm not your personal clean up crew…" Ultear sighed. "But I guess if it's for Fairy Tail…" Ultear raised her orb into the air, causing pieces of the wall to begin to glow and reshape into its original structure.

"Meliodas fight me next!" Natsu suddenly leaped towards Meliodas.

"Not again!" Makarov shouted.

"Natsu that's enough!" Erza shouted. Natsu immediately stopped in his tracks and fell face first into the ground.

"All that power and he's still afraid of her." Gajeel commented.

"Oh yeah, how did you guys even get here in the first place and how are we going to get back to Britannia?" Meliodas asked.

"Arthur. He trained for a few weeks and figured out how to use the same technique Cath did. I was the first one to go through the rift, but when I did I lost all my clothes." Ban said.

"Same here." Meliodas responded. He looked towards Elizabeth with a devious smile.

"I-I didn't lose my clothes. Arthur fixed it." Elizabeth said.

"Oh I know. You're still wearing that outfit." Meliodas responded. "And my favorite pair of-"

"Okay Meliodas that's enough!" Elizabeth shouted, her face still bright red.

"So I'm guessing the other sins are here too." Meliodas said.

"Yeah. Spread out somewhere throughout this world. Luckily we were close enough to you to join in. Although after that fight with Acnologia, I bet the other sins are making their way here right now.~♫" Ban said.

"Oh good!" Meliodas looked over to Makarov. "You guys can finally meet the Fairy King. And he doesn't have a tail."

"Aaghhh! If only the First Master was here…" Makarov sighed. "But I suppose if she got reincarnated, we'll see her in a few years."

"I hope she and Zeref are growing up in nice families like our big family!" Natsu said as he got up from the ground.

"But before we start trying to find the other sins and Arthur, why don't we drink!~♫" Ban cheered.

"Yeah! There's some amazing booze here not found anywhere in Britannia! I got a whole collection we can drink through!" Meliodas said enthusiastically.

Several Months Later

"Dammit! Why couldn't Meliodas have stayed here longer! I wanted our rematch!" Natsu shouted.

"Well his other friends didn't show up so he, Ban, and Elizabeth are going to look for them instead." Lucy said.

"Uragghh!" Natsu shouted frustratedly.

"Natsu, let's get rid of that excess energy of yours and go on a mission." Erza added. "Just like old times."

"Alright! Let's take on a super hard S rank…no…SS rank quest!" Natsu shouted. "I bet I can take on an SS rank quest by myself now!"

"Hey flame for brains, did you forget you're not even an S class mage yet. How do you expect to even accept it in the first place!" Gray shouted.

"Dammit! I need another S class exam so I can finally take one by myself!" Natsu shouted.

"Well because of what's been going on, Master hasn't given an indicated date of the next S class trial, so you'll just have to tag along with me for now." Erza responded.

Natsu felt a shiver run down his spine but nodded.


"The group immediately stood still in place as they felt a strange sensation run through their whole bodies, like electricity. A loud cracking sound appeared behind them followed by a bright light.

"What is that huge magic?!" Lucy exclaimed. The group turned around and saw what appeared to be a portal.

Natsu squinted his eyes as he tried to look into the portal. To his surprise, he could see the Fairy Tail guild inside.

"Is this some kind of mirror?" Natsu asked.

"I think it's a portal." Erza said.

"Let's go through it! It looks like our guild is on the other side!" Natsu shouted excitedly.

"Don't just jump into things!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Wait hold on, who are those people on the other side of the portal? They kinda look like us…except…there's a guy there in the guild I've never seen at all. Is that really our guild in that portal?" Gray asked as he got a better look. Looking right at him was a young man with blond, spiky hair, blue eyes, and three whisker markings on his cheeks.

"Only one way to find out!" Natsu said with a confident grin. "This will be…our new adventure!"


[Thank you for reading! Meliodas will return in Fairy Tail: Crisis on Infinite Earthlands!]