Chapter 8 Achievement and Conspiracy

Next day

Arthur get up from bed. He turned on TV

" Yesterday mysterious figure fought with Afghanistan force. Current situation of object is unknown."

Arthur cursed Tony. After all he was tired from all technical work so he slept early at noon. He slept at least 1 day. He dialed Tony

" Hello. What's up?"

Arthur roared

" What's up my ass. Why the hell didn't you tell me that you had gone to Afghanistan and what is with U.S airforce."

Tony laughed

" You were tired like a dead pig so I tested armor performance alone. Also you don't have to worried about airforce Rhodes helped me."

Arthur sighed helplessly

" We are even." he hang up.

Tony called him but Arthur didn't pick up. He was dazed from system notification.

" Congratulations host for opening 2 new functions. Now merging... Congratulations Achievement and Title function. Check the information below. Congratulations host for obtaining 3 Lottery chances for opening new functions."

Arthur amazed from sudden messages

" Guide explain about new functions to me."

" Achievement system is trophy decoration of upcoming big function. Each achievement you earn, you will have chance to get corresponding rewards. Title function is type of buff. Every time you get title, you will get corresponding buff from title."

" Guide could you show me my Achievement and title."

Name: Arthur de'Medice Frost

Age: 18

Achievement: Era pioneer( You will have one random universe opening chance)

Title: Pioneer ( Attack will increase by 5% with Avengers )

" Wait what is Avengers?"

" Host doesn't have privilege for information."

" Sigh* Fine give me my rewards."

" Lottery function opening..."

Happy voice giggled.

" Long time no see master. You have 3 chances."

" Lottery do you have new rewards?"

" No but if host use random universe, new rewards will be issued."

" Then use that"

" Opening random universe... Congratulations for host finding Fast and Furious universe."

" Lottery can you show me new rewards now."

Lottery laughed

" Sure."

New rewards

1. Driving skills- 4%

2. Firearms skill- 3%

3. Martial art skills- 4%

4. Brand new random car( only from Fast and Furious)- 6%

" What kind of shit is this? Why driving skill is rare?"

" Master this universe is mainly focused on car."

" Forget it start Lottery."

" Congratulations for host obtaining C level jutsu... Thanks for your patronage... Congratulations for host obtaining eagle of assassin."

" Congratulations for host opening new function pet. Rewarding one pet chance from random universe... Automatically selecting new pet... Congratulations host for obtaining special pet from pokemon universe Pikachu... Pokemon universe is now available."

Arthur cursed

" Why do you have to open new universe after I played the lottery."

After he finished saying that light shone on his bed. There were 2 big boxes and scroll. He opened hurriedly. There were cool eagle and one big cute mouse. Arthur picked up the mouse, he looked seriously.

" From now on you two will be my new partners. "

Eagle cried out and mouse cried


Arthur nodded at them. He opened new scroll

" Water style Hidden mist jutsu. This is practical.

It's perfect for my assasination technique."


Obidiah in his office

" Book ticket for me to go to Afghanistan."

He commanded his secretary. Secretary nodded and left.

" Oh Tony it would have been very easy, why would you make it so difficult for me? I guess I have to finish you off by myself." he talked to himself.

4 hours later

" This is what i found. Tony Stark created this behemoth."

Obadiah looked little dignified.

" For reward?"

" Hehe just few weapons and funds will do."

Obadiah nodded, left the tent.

" Clean them up and deliver this armor to my engineers."

Bodyguards nodded.

Obadiah whispered

" Fools."

Tony POV

After Arthur called me I tried to call back but he didn't pick up his phone.

" Tony I am resigning." Pepper said

" Why?" I looked nervous

" I don't need to work here anymore. Here this is contract for you."

I picked up and pondered a while.

" Could you stop resigning for now? I have a request for you."

Pepper looked surprised

" What request?"

" Could you get information about Obadiah's plan in his office computer."

Pepper looked to me seriously

" You want me to steal information from him."

I bowed my head

" I beg you."

Pepper looked at me

" I will consider it." after saying that she left.

I mumbled

" Oh Obadiah don't break my trust on you."