Chapter 15 To Monaco


Hill brought over Arthur's phone .

" Arthur, Tony is calling you."

Arthur picked up the phone

" Hello,What's up Tony?"

" Hi, man. Guess where am I going?"

" Don't know. Is this why do you called me?"

" Yep I want to invite you over here. I am in Monaco, playing on racetrack around here"

" No I am fine. "

" Cheh boring guy. If you change your mind, call me."

At this moment cold voice sounded in Arthur's mind

" Task released: Go to Monaco

Reward: 2 lottery chance

Note: Following chain tasks may release after this task"

Arthur sprayed out his water. Hill was shocked to see calm Arthur's face suddenly disturbed this much.

" Arthur what's wrong?"

" Nothing. Could you dial Tony again?"

Hill was surprised

" Sure. Here"

Tony from other side

" Hello. Arthur did you change your mind?"

Arthur sighed

"Tony prepare one car for me. I am going."

Tony laughed

" I know my best friend would not disappoint me. Hehe I will prepare one for you."

" Then I will hang up now."

Arthur hung up his phone and looked to Hill.

" Hill could you prepare plane to Monaco right now."

Hill nodded

" I will do it right away."

Arthur went to his room, he wore his uniform. He picked up his two pets.

" Pika?"

" Kyuu?"

Two of them looked Arthur questioningly.

" Buddies we have a place to go right now."

Pikachu jumped on Arthur's shoulders. As for Sharp he grow up big enough to mature eagle.

Arthur picked up two of them and packed his new armor. He went out from mansion. Jack and Hill was waiting there. Arthur glanced Jack

" Jack, Hill let's go."

Jack and Hill nodded

" Pikachu and Sharp sit."

Arthur sat down. He sipped tea which was still hot. He looked Hill grateful

" As expected Hill your tea is delicious."

Hill showed her poker face but still inside she was happy. Two of them chatted happily. The surrounding was almost pink. Poor Jack he was still eating dog food. He missed his ex wife.

1 hour later

Jack stopped outside private jet.

" Ahem* Boss we are here."

" As always thanks Jack."

Two of them bid farewell to Jack. Pikachu and Sharp boarded airplane quickly. Arthur watched them and he muttered

" These two guys."

Hill laughed beside him. They also boarded the airplane. Pilots and stewards are there waiting for them.

" Hello mr.Frost and miss Hill. We are happy to serve you. Please"

They gestured Arthur and Hill. Hill was already okay with this. She saw lot of this image during one year. Hill just went in and sit down on her seat. This airplane was quite comfortable and luxurious. Arthur modified this airplane when he was fourteen. Not only this airplane was comfortable, it has many functions such as smart functions, voice control, turbo boost, ultra lightweight and weapon vault,system. Beside the last two functions other functions are already available to pilots. As for last two functions are secret in dark. Hill and S.H.I.E.L.D didn't know about this. Arthur kept this functions as a trump card. Stewards quickly served their food. Pikachu and Sharp dug in quickly. Arthur helplessly shrugs his shoulders to Hill. Hill laughed as she eat her food.

" Take it easy buddies. You two guys are fat enough if you eat like this you will turn into meatball. "

Two of grunted unhappily as they finished their food.

" Miss could you bring lafitte 82 to me?"

Stewardess bowed

" Certainly sir."

As she turned around left. Arthur watched her back attentively. Hill saw this and she stomped on Arthur's foot.

" Ouch why would you do that for?"

" Stop staring your almost dropped out."

" Why are you jealous?"

Arthur teased her. Hill ignored him. Arthur gestures Hill to come. Hill suspiciously came toward him and listened.

" I think she is from M.I.B."

Hill frowned

" Why would you think so?"

She secretly wrote down that woman's face.

" She has British accent and not only she wasn't intimidated by me. It is impossible to be okay under my pressure for normal person. You know it. I think she either came from M.I.B or secret organization. "

Hill nodded

" I think you are right. I will check it right away."

" Huh another organization glaring me again. I guess I have to ask her name."