Chapter 31 Development of devil fruit

A few days later

Arthur was sitting in his study room. He thinks his star fruit need little more power. Unlike one piece universe, this universe has more science power and Arthur was thinking whether he should use powerful force or not. Arthur took out his diary, he wrote down dozens of words. He murmured

" First power is my star healing which came from myths of east, next is my gravitational force which came from neutron star. Let's calculate their maximum power.

1. If my healing power is developed enough I should able to restore almost dead person to alive. This auxiliary ability is really godlike.

2. Even my gravitational force looks strong now isn't nearly enough to 1% of it's full capacity. If I use it fully, I should crush this planet but I won't use it fully because my body can't take backlash.

3. The star is one of main abilities is fire itself. The sun's temperature is 6000 Celsius outside and inside it's terrifying 15 million Celsius. Not only that there are many stars that hotter than sum itself. So fire ability should be must master ability.

4. The explosion force. Star always explodes itself and it's power cause storms like solar storm which cause devastating effects. Explosion power is more destructive than fire.

The last type of explosion is known as supernova explosion.

5. The black hole. The dead star can become a black hole that devours anything. The black hole has unbelievable gravity force that can alter space and time. This force should be my last trump card.

6. The light. I thought out this from Christian myth. Star generates light so why not use it. Light itself has unbelievable power like speed,power,illusion...etc. If I can control light, I should be able to protect civilians from sudden attack.

7. I didn't figure out other powers yet so I have to investigate further."

Arthur closed his notebook. He went down to his laboratory. Arthur looked his armor as he deeply thinks about Hulk's power. Arthur decided to make new which can defend against enemy. Arthur briefly drew the design. It has big shield and great sword. Arthur pondered

" Name should be... Yes. Type: Gawain the glorious knight. I should paint it like this."

Arthur looked to his design concept satisfied. The color was gold with red like the sun. Unlike Ironman, new armour's main color was gold. Shield is energy shield that can take on entire building collapse. Arthur really liked this shield concept because it's like Captain America's shield. Arthur has liked Captain America since he was young. The shield's main shape is circle but it can extend to big shield so It's okay to take damage. Next is the great sword. Unlike type: Lancelot which has slender sword, this sword contains more destructive power and raw power.

Great sword itself isn't full energy sword it's made from metals like the main body. Of course it can also use energy power. Arthur nodded

" Star start assembling this new armor it must be like the design."

" I understand Sir."

Arthur called Alfred.

" Alfred could you bring my dinner in my laboratory."

" Yes sir."


Arthur found his phone is ringing. It was Fury

" Hello."

" Arthur I need your help."

Arthur frowned

" Say what's wrong?"

" Some idiot got the Hulk's blood and using it on somebody."

Arthur immediately hung up and wore his clothes.

" What time is it now?"

" 7 PM."

Arthur saw Alfred was coming. He wore his armor.

" Alfred I got an urgent job."

Alfred bowed

" I understand Sir."

Arthur quickly started his newly added self pilot function.

" Go to Manhattan right now."

The armour's eyes lit up as it dashed out from manor. Arthur saw smoke coming out from Manhattan. Arthur cursed

" This isn't good. It must be Ross that idiot. I have seen this coming."

His armor is speeding up like crazy. In fact Arthur added speed boost during few days. His maximum speed can reach 600 km without 8 gates art. Of course when he uses his armor.

Arthur finally reached Manhattan, there he saw monster with ugly appearance fighting against Hulk. Arthur drew his sword.

" Oh this is gonna be really hard battle but I am gonna enjoy it." as he licked his lips.

Ps: Last sentence was a joke. LOL.🤣