Chapter 34 New task

Arthur opened his eyes. He saw Hill who is sleeping next to him. Arthur gently stroke her hair, her hair feels like silk, Arthur liked this feeling. At this moment Hill woke up, she felt warm hand on her head. Hill looked to Arthur

" You woke up."

Arthur nodded

" I am."

Hill was delighted

" Please don't do something like that frequently."

Arthur smiled

" I am a superhero what do you expect from me?"

Hill touched Arthur's hand. Unlike his face, Arthur's hand was rough. It's obvious that this hand trained a lot. Arthur felt warm in his heart.

" Hill did you worry about me?"

Hill nodded

" Me and Natasha worried like a old women. We didn't want you to die."

Arthur stroke her hair

" Rest assured I won't die. I will create my own dream. "

At this moment ward room door opened, It was Natasha. Natasha came to Arthur

"You woke up."

Arthur said in relaxed tone

" Yep."

Natasha sighed with relief

" You worried us to hell."

Arthur gestures Hill to come. Hill came to Arthur.

" I want to tell you something."

Hill and Natasha looked to each other

" In fact at the moment of my last fight, I thought my family, friends and you. So I decided to propose you. Will you two be my girlfriends?"

Hill and Natasha were shocked. This is blatant cheating if they were other people. But they still decided to do this because last 2 days they were quite harmonious and Hill doesn't mind this. They nodded and smiled

" Yes but there won't be anymore girls."

Arthur smiled

" No more."

Three of talked happily until Hill and Natasha left. They have a lot of jobs to do. Arthur got up from cabinet.

" Guide give my rewards."

" 4 lottery chances, 1 sub function and 1 random universe."

Arthur remembered what man said

" Start random universe summon."

" Starting... Congratulations host for obtaining Avatar universe."

As usually Arthur didn't understand why name is this so confusing

" Please explain it to me."

" Avatar universe is special universe that cultivates benders. Among the benders that control elements, Avatar is the strongest because he or she controls the all elements. Not only this world has deep understanding of soul realm."

" So it's similar to jutsu."

" Yes."

" Start Lottery system."

" Starting... Opening... Opened."

Happy fairy came out

" Hello master."

Arthur touched her head

" So this is your true appearance. You are really cute."

Fairy giggled

" Will you start Lottery?"

" Yes please."

" Congratulations host for obtaining water bending... Congratulations for host obtaining modified car... Congratulations host for obtaining random universe... Congratulations host for obtaining A grade jutsu."

Arthur immediately choked. He said with doubt

" Umm Lottery why am I so lucky today?"

" Old master said you need little power up for this fight."

Arthur depressed

" So it's another hard battle like Abomination. Ph come on I need vacation."

Arthur complains

" Guide explain sub function for me."

" Limited time store function now available. They only open for 1 hour everyday. Items that listed there are extremely rare, whether you can find it or not depends on luck."

Arthur asked

" Do I have mall credits?"

" From last mission you got 1000 points."

Arthur touched his chin.

" Open mall."

Boy voice sounds in his mind

" Hello master."

Arthur asked

" Could you open new function?"

" Sure."

Golden mall appeared front of Arthur.

" There are a lot of unknown items from unknown universes."

Arthur picked up item priced at 1000 points

" Super soldier serum. This can solve my body problems and all of items here has discounted prices ranging to 10%- 90%. So Super soldier serum's original price should be 10000 points. Freaking expensive."

Boy voice sounds

" Good choice. You can drink that."

Arthur nodded as he left the mall

" Guide I want my rewards except car."

" I understand."

The light shone. 2 scrolls and globe appeared. Arthur picked up the scrolls

" Huh another scroll, what a coincidence. Let's see the jutsu. Rasengan another strange name but ability is little bit overpowered. Now water bending."

Gentle light shone on Arthur. Arthur felt good.

" Pretty useful skill if I combine with jutsu. However moves are little demanding. Lastly new universe."

" Congratulations host for opening World of Warcraft universe."

Arthur murmured

" World filled with war? Another strange universe. Why can't be there normal universe like my universe?"

Arthur asked

" New task?"

" Task mission: Go to Mexico."