Chapter 48 I hate Loki


The entire sky mothership was in chaos. Fury couldn't connect outside. Fury ordered

" You guys be careful and stay here. I will reorganize outside."

Steve nodded

" Okay be careful."

Fury nodded as he left to control room. Arthur frowned suddenly

" Why am I feeling wrong?"

Arthur suddenly felt strong energy from Loki's scepter. He cursed

" Bloody hell. Everyone get out from this room."

Others immediately responded however they were one step late.


Arthur felt little dizzy. He asked

" Is everyone okay?"

Steve responded first

" I am alright."

Tony answers

" I am okay too."

As for Thor, Arthur knew his okay but he was worried about Bruce.

" Banner, are you okay?"


Arthur couldn't connect to Bruce. He immediately wore his armor. He said to others.

" I am gonna find Bruce. You guys deal with Barton."

Steve affirmed

" I will go to electric room."

Tony also responded

" Then I will go to motor."

Arthur immediately went down to crack.


Natasha was little lightheaded. She was hit by the explosion right before she entered the room.

Natasha shouts

" Is anyone here?"

One voice sounds. Natasha quickly went toward that direction.There she found Bruce who was lying there. She asked

" Banner are you okay?"

Banner growled

" Get outta here."

Natasha tried help

" I will help you."

Bruce refused

" You ran away from quickly. I can't hold it anymore."

Natasha saw Bruce who was turning to green monster. She didn't hesitate to run toward to exit. But it was too late.She heard roar from behind and heard incoming steps. Natasha immediately grabbed the ceiling, she escaped from voice. But Hulk was right behind here.

Arthur directly went down to place where Banner fall. He searched any reaction from above. Suddenly he heard roar. Arthur ran toward that sound.


There he saw Hulk who was chasing Natasha. Arthur immediately went toward Natasha as he tried to stop Hulk. He shouted

" Hulk stop it's me."

Hulk stopped his rampage as he looked to Arthur. He remembers this voice which helped him lot. Hulk remembered only this person helped him in his need. He stopped his track however something was trying to hurt his friend. Hulk roared

" Friend no hurt."

He teared down wall next to him. Hulk ran out from this room. Arthur frowned as he heard Hulk's roar. He ran toward Natasha

" Are you alright?"

Natasha smiled

" I am alright."

In motor room

Steve punched last enemy in front of him

" That makes 20. Tony what should I do now?"

Tony answers

" Pull down the lever."

Steve pulled down the lever. He asked

" Is everything normal?"

Tony looked front of him.

" It seems something is stuck in there. I will remove it and try to turn on the motor."

At this moment Hill's voice sounds

" Clear. Do you hear me?"

Tony answered

" I am hearing What's the situation?"

Hill said in serious tone

" We are falling. We are in critical situation."

Tony nodded

" I will move it now."

Tony flew toward the motor. He saw big iron scrap stuck in there. Tony lifted the scrap. He threw it down to ocean but motor didn't work.

Hill said anxiously

" Tony why isn't it working?"

Tony gritted his teeth.

" I will move it by myself."

Steve responded

" Tony that is too dangerous."

Tony answered

" I have no choice."

He pushed the motor. Tony was speeding up as he pushed the motor. Hill checked the motor.

She said to Tony

" Tony it's working."

Tony replied

" But I am in trouble. I have to get out of here."

Steve said

" Tony I will count three. You have to fly from there directly. Understand?"

Tony answers

" Okay."

Steve counts

" One, two, three. Now Tony."

Tony immediately flew from there. He hit the motor but still he made it. He went directly toward Steve.


Tony coughed

" God, I almost died there. If Pepper knows this, I will be dead meat."

Steve patted his shoulder

" You done good kid."

Tony laughed

" You bet. I really hate that Loki guy."

Back to ship side

Arthur called Thor

" Thor do you hear me?"

Thor answers back

" I hear you. What should I do now?"

Arthur pondered

" You have to contain Hulk. I think Loki might controlled him."

Thor said in deep voice

" I will do it and I am sorry Arthur."