Chapter 5 Cornered

Sherry helped Claire to find a way. Claire killed a lot zombies on her way so she is little dirty. But Sherry didn't mind

" So Sherry what are you doing down here?"

Sherry looked little sad

" I was waiting my parents. Specially my mom but she didn't come here because she was too busy."

Claire scolded

" It is too dangerous. You know there are lot of bad guys outside waiting for you."

Sherry shakes her head

" I know. My mom and dad are researcher. Because of this I am alone. I tried to call them but they didn't just pick up."

Claire smiled

" Don't worry big sis is with you. I will take you to your mom."

Sherry didn't tell her father was a previous zombie. But she decided to protect Claire.

10 minutes later

They finally reached their destination. Claire went to lock. She cursed

" Damn it's locked. There is no key card."

At this moment

" Claire help me."

Claire looked back and found big man with gun.

She pointed him

" You release her or else."

Man laughed

" Or else what girl. Now stay there or else I will shoot her."

Claire bit her lips and put down her gun

" Promise me you don't hurt her."

Big man shouts

" Just shut the fuck up. Get your ass over here."

Claire went there as she clenched her fists. Man smiled

" You are one arrogant bitch. Let's see what you got now huh."

He kicked Claire in stomach. Sherry shouts

" Stop you are gonna kill her."

Man slapped Sherry

" You shut the fuck up. If weren't your parents I wouldn't be here."

Claire shouts

" Stop you fat pig. Or else my brother will kill you. He is from S.T.A.R."

Man snorted

" Like I care. All I care is this little punk."

Man dragged Sherry to his car. Sherry shouts

" Claire save me."

Claire roared

" I swear I will kill you, you fucker. You better not touch Sherry."

Man left with Sherry. Claire found Sherry's necklace. She put it in her pocket as she went to her gun. Claire picked her gun up. She mumbled

" I have to find another way. Sorry Leon, Arthur."

Back to Arthur's side

Arthur and Leon went to underground. Leon whispered

" Dude it's pretty dark around here."

Arthur looked to lifeless corpses ahead of him

" It seems Claire was here."

Leon nodded

" We need to speed up even more. She must be waiting us."

Arthur agreed

" Let's speed up."

10 minutes later

They went to garage. Leon groans

" She isn't here."

Arthur looked around

" She must be left earlier. Damn we lost her."

Leon checked garage door

" It's locked."

Arthur checked it

" Seems to be electrical lock. We need to find ID card."

Suddenly Leon tugged Arthur's clothes. Arthur looked back. He saw a woman with pistol pointing to them in head. Arthur was surprised to see someone slipped from his detection. However woman shot at Leon. Arthur who knows something was beside Leon also shot at it. Woman raised her eyebrow

" Good shot."

Arthur nodded

" Thanks. So who are you? What are you doing around here?"

Woman smiled

" I am from FBI on mission. My name is Ada Wang."

Arthur was still suspicious of her. Even she got FBI badge, doesn't mean she is from FBI. However somehow Leon believes her. Arthur silently sighed. He asked

" So do you have a ID card."

Ada denied

" Unfortunately I don't have it but I know where it is. It is in Police building."

Leon groans while Arthur shows his disgusted face. Ada smiles

" It seems you two have been there."

Arthur took a deep breath

" We had been there."

Ada smiles even more

" That's great. Let's go there."

Leon helplessly shrugs his shoulders. Arthur and others went back.

At the police station

Leon asks

" So we have to go to Prison room."

Ada nodded

" There is a person with administration right in there."

Arthur nodded

" Okay."

Another 5 minutes later

They reached prison. There was a man sitting there

" Get me out here."

Leon snorted

" Give us the key. I can't release you."

Man shouts

" You don't know anything. He is coming."

Arthur looked serious

" Who is coming?"

Ground shakes. Man said in fear

" It is too late. He is here."


Man was caught from behind as he was dragged and something broke his neck. Leon cursed

" What the fuck was that?"