Chapter 20 Time to travel

Time quickly goes. It is almost 1 month later. Arthur looked out the window.

" It is time to go."

He felt overwhelmed lately. His training gone through a lot but he is stuck at magic. Even he read all magic books beside forbidden library, he couldn't breakthrough the barrier. Of course he learned weapon enchantment. Arthur called

" Jean, George come to my room."

Jean was first to come and George came later. Arthur nodded

" I am going to another universe."

Jean looked disturbed

" But master you said some of your power will be sealed."

George nodded

" It is too dangerous to go alone, Arthur."

Arthur shakes his head

" I can't break through my martial arts and magic if I stay like this now. I need to go."

Jean wanted to refute but George stopped her.

Arthur called his system

" Guide let's go to another universe."

Jean looked little sad. George smiled

" I wish you luck, Arthur."

Blue light shone next moment Arthur was gone.

In certain place

Old man opened his eyes.

" This is second time. I don't know what you are doing Ancient One."

Back to Arthur's side

Blue light shone on ice field. Arthur felt incredible cold around him. He called his system.

" Guide am I normal human now?"

" Negative. Due to power level of this universe, frozen fruit and magic system will be unlocked. Except these all other powers are sealed."

Arthur felt refreshed

" Guide is this magical universe?"

" Answer: Runeterra is full fledged magic universe."

Arthur looked excited

" Finally I can breakthrough my limits of magic now. I just study their magic to improve mine."

Arthur walked around for a while however there is nothing but ice and snow. He has black lines all over his face.

" What kind of place is this? There is no living being around."

He is immune to cold but that doesn't mean his physical energy is unlimited. If he doesn't eat or sleep even with his devil fruit, he will die around here with normal human body. Suddenly he saw one silhouette. Arthur gritted his teeth as he went there, he was very tired.

Woman's voice came out

" Stop where you are. Who are you?"

Arthur saw young woman

" Please, I don't have any malicious intent."

Woman thought for a while

" How can you stay in this cold weather? Do you have any weapon?"

Arthur shakes his head

" I don't have any. You can search my body if you want."

Woman little hesitated

" Come with me."

Arthur looked gratefully

" Thank you for your kindness."

Arthur followed her along the way. He couldn't help to ask

" So what is your name and where are we going?"

Woman said with little harsh tone

" I am Ashe, a warrior from Avarosan tribe. We are going to my tribe."

Arthur murmured

" Avarosa huh."

Suddenly Ashe stopped.

" We are here."

Arthur felt strong pressure but he didn't faze a little bit.

Deep hoarse voice came out

" Who are you?"

Ashe explained

" Mother I found him in wilderness."

Middle aged woman looked to Arthur

" You are not a simple person. I felt strong crisis from you."

Ashe took battle stance. Arthur quickly responded

" Wait. I said I was not malicious person. Besides look."

Arthur used ice power. Ashe looked amazed. Mother sighed

" It seems you are magician or elementalist. Fine I will show you mercy but I have to watch you."

Arthur sighed with relief

" Thank you."

Mother nodded

" My name is Grena, welcome to Avarosan tribe."

Arthur bowed

" I will do my best to help you."

Arthur was guided around.

" Why is your mother so harsh to you?"

Ashe smiled

" She has a lot of responsibilities and I am a future heir for her."

Arthur nodded

" So she is a chief. Is there any library or books around here?"

Ashe shook her head

" We don't collect them. All we collect are food and valuables."

Arthur sighed

" I have to find a way then."

Ashe was puzzled

" What way?"

Arthur smiled

" Magic. I want to study magic."

Ashe was puzzled even more

" Earlier wasn't magic."

Arthur shook his head

" That is my power. Look."

Arthur took a dagger from Ashe. He directly stabbed his arm. Ashe was little anxious.

" You, why did you that?"

Arthur laughed as he pointed his arm. Ashe looked down. She saw Arthur's arm was ice.

" How is this even possible?"