Chapter 21 History

Ashe touched Arthur's arms. She felt pure cold invading her body. Ashe retracted her hand.

" Are you elemental creature? Even us the iceborn doesn't have this power."

Arthur smiled

" I am ice. You could say that."

Ashe's eyes lit up

" Can you teach me?"

Arthur touched Ashe

" You have a strong power of ice. Okay I will teach you."

Ashe nodded happily

"I want to learn ice art from you."

Arthur looked to her

" Then as a payment you have to tell story."

Ashe was puzzled

" What story?"

Arthur grinned

" History of Runeterra. You see I am from very far place from here."

Ashe's beautiful eyes looked to Arthur

" You must teach me right."

Arthur nodded

" I promise."

Ashe begins drawing.

" Long time ago Freljord was a big empire led by three sisters. Among them biggest sister was a genius. She was respected as a queen and her sisters loved her. However one day everything changed. Abyssal creatures attacked, they slaughtered many innocents. Queen wanted to stop this but she didn't expect one of her sister betrayed her. She died in agony. After that empire was shattered into pieces."

Arthur sighed

" Human greed huh."

Ashe nodded, this time she began to draw a sword

" There is one country named Demacia. They believe in justice and light. However they hate magic. Because they are almost destroyed by mages long time ago. This country loves peace."

Arthur nodded

" Good country but there is darkness in there."

Ashe told another country

" This time is Noxus. Noxus is a military country. They think power is supreme. They always fight against Demacia."

Arthur touched his chin

" Interesting."

Ashe suddenly said

" Arthur why don't you tell me your home?"

Arthur pondered

" My country huh."

Ashe looked to him

" You could stop it if you want."

Arthur gestures

" It's alright. My country is peaceful country. There are many guardians protect people from danger. Besides I am one of them."

Ashe was excited. She loves heroic stories

" Please tell me more."

Arthur scratched his head

" Well. There was one event we were invaded by monsters."

Ashe's eyes lit up even more

" Then."

Arthur took a deep breath

" We fought. Our team was consisted with a warrior, mechanic, archer, spy , me , monster and God."

Ashe quickly said

" Wait what!? Like gods in Targon."

Arthur didn't know what was Targon.

" Yeah, you could say that. Warrior with kind heart, mechanic with his piety, archer with loyalty, spy with decisiveness and God with rightness."

Ashe sighed

" I wish Freljord has that kind of guardians. If we had guardians like you, we wouldn't fight against each other."

Arthur touched her head. Ashe didn't remove it. Because she felt intimate power from him, just like her mother. Arthur looked to her

" Ashe there is no absolute peace. Even us the guardians can't fight against those we protect."

Ashe nodded

" I wish there was peace in Freljord."

Arthur suddenly smiled

" You know what I will help you. Help you to create peace for here. War isn't always option. "

Ashe looked little sad

" But two of us can't do that. Even you are powerful, you can't fight against whole Freljord."

Arthur laughed

" If it's for people, I will fight against whole universe."

Ashe smiled

" Arthur if I reached true peace, would you fight with me?"

Arthur formed little dagger.

" I will and this is my promise."

Arthur reinforced dagger. He almost used his every energy in his body. The dagger shone brightly.

" Ashe, this dagger is my promise to you as you are my life savior. Even there is no one would protect you from evil, I will protect you. But remember this dagger has only 3 chances. You have to carefully think about your requests."

Ashe took dagger

" Thank you, Arthur. I will do that."

Arthur brightly smiled.

" Your kindness resembles someone dear to me."

Arthur thought of his mother. His mother had kindness like Ashe. Unfortunately she was captured by Medici family. Ashe looked to him. She cut her hair and gifted to Arthur.

" I, Ashe promise that one day I will definitely share my happiness and burdens with you as a fellow peace lover and warrior. I will definitely repay your kindness."