Chapter 22 Slip

Right one month ago

Arthur looked around. He was distressed and embarrassed. Arthur was lost.

" I should have taken a map from Ashe. I don't know where am I."

Arthur was searching around.


Arthur looked down. He muttered

" You have to be kidding me. Aaah."

He fell down to hole. Arthur rolled around for a while, he touched his neck

" Ouch that hurts. Where am I? "

Arthur saw a portal in front of him. He didn't hesitate to go there. After all he is hungry. Really there is nothing but ice,snow,trees and rocks.


Arthur opens his eyes and saw beautiful forest. He was amazed

" Where am I?"

Arthur went around and he found a lot of fruits.

He ate many kinds of them.


"That was cool. Let's take a nap."

1 hour later

Arthur opened his eyes and he found himself in some kind of cage. He sighed

" Is my fate pranking on me?"

Little purple creature said

" Hey who are you? How did you get here?"

Arthur shrugged his shoulders

" I don't know. I just fell from hole and I was here."

Purple creature turned around and shouted

" Lulu did you open the portal again?"

Another purple creature came out.

" I swear I didn't. I was close to that rock."

Purple creature groans

" Anyway you came here without our consent."

Arthur sighed

" If you let me stay here, I will cook for you."

Purple creature snorted

" Like I will do that."

Arthur smiled

" But it's worth to shot right."

Purple creature turned around and she came back with various ingredients.

" Show me then."

2 hours later

Tristana wolfed down last of her food.

" I decided, you will stay here."

Arthur bowed

" Thank you."

Lulu pouts

" Hey new guy you didn't prepare my food."

Tristana immediately said

" Lieutenant Lulu go watch that rock. I order you."

Lulu humphed and went back. Tristana said

" Arthur I will introduce all yordles tonight and from now on you will prepare our food, Private Arthur."

Arthur saluted

" I understand ma'am."

Tristana nodded as she satisfied.

That night

Little guys were gathered around, Tristana said with serious tone

" This is Private Arthur, our new chef."

All of them clapped. Tristana gestures

" Now Arthur introduce your specialty."

Arthur gave military salute

" I am Arthur Frost. I am good at magic and combat."

Little guy with ninja costume raised his hand

" Are you good at assassination?"

Arthur nodded

" I am."

Guy with mustache raised his hand

" Are you good at mechanics?"

Arthur nodded

" I am."

Cute guy with hat asked

" Are you good at intelligence gathering?"

Arthur nodded

" I am."

All yordles whispered and said with unison

" Welcome to team."

Arthur smiled

" I prepared dinner for you guys. Let's eat."

All of them cheered immediately.

Next day.

Tristana introduced Arthur around. She guided him everywhere, in fact Arthur liked this place. There is no war and killings. The yordles don't kill at will and Arthur likes them especially Teemo. Arthur decided to go to portal.

" Tristana I would like to go elsewhere."

Tristana asked with interest

" Oh where?"

Arthur smiled

" Mount Targon."

Tristana immediately knocked his head.

" Are you out of your mind? That place is too dangerous."

Arthur touched his head

" But my friend said that you can get magic there."

Tristana said with anxiety

" Hello that place is deadly. You stay here with us for 2 weeks. We will go to Ionia and Bilgewater."

Arthur nodded

" Okay then."

Tristana suddenly had an idea

" I know a few people that might teach you new magic."

Next day

Tristana brought Arthur over to one tavern. She pointed

" Arthur go there. There is a guy with cards. He might help you."

Arthur thanked and went to tavern. He saw messy place and he found his target. Arthur went over there. Man said with serious tone.

" I was waiting you. You came here right in time."

Man with shotgun asked

" Twisted Fate are you waiting for him? This guy."

Twisted Fate smiled

" Yeah. Also she should be here soon."


Woman with gun came in. She directly went to Twisted Fate

" Someone placed bounty on you."

Twisted Fate shuffled his card.

" I know but you have to defeat him first Fortune."