Chapter 39 Date and proposal

That night of the day

Arthur wore his customized suit. His hair was combed like a royalty. His tall body was full of charms that induce women to him.

" Huuu, you got this. Now which watch should I wear?"

His gaze focused to one watch. It was plain old watch but Arthur looked it to like the most precious thing in the world. He simply wore the watch.

" Mother, your child will save you soon. Wait till then."

His sharp gaze and elegant aura gave mighty look. Arthur called Jack

" Come here."

Jack replied

" Yes sir."

Arthur called to the restaurant which he was recommended.

" Saint Louis restaurant, how may I help you?"

Arthur answered

" How much is it to rent your restaurant for a day with your staff?"

Staff was scared

" Sir are you kidding me?"

Arthur raised his tone

" Do I look like I am playing with you?"

Staff replied

" Sir I will connect with my manager immediately."

Manager's voice came out

" Hello who am I speaking to?"

Arthur said directly

" Arthur Frost."

Of course manager knows this young tycoon. He immediately changed his attitude

" Sir our restaurant will charge 100000 dollars in a day with our greatest service."

Arthur calmly replied

" Book for me. I will be there at 7."

Manager replied politely

" We will serve you wholeheartedly sir."

1 hour later

Arthur came with Hill and Natasha. Two of them didn't expect to go this fancy restaurant. Hill asked with curiosity

" Arthur how much did it cost?"

Arthur looked to her

" Not much. Only 5 zeroes."

Hill pinched Arthur

" Stop bragging. This is already huge money for normal people like us."

Arthur rolled his eyes

" But S.H.I.E.L.D wasted more money than me in a day."

Natasha smiled

" S.H.I.E.L.D is a giant organization, you know."

Arthur nodded

" But I am the chairman of Future consortium."

Hill and Natasha immediately gave up. Arthur added

" If I didn't have super power, I would say I am rich."

Two women laughed. They thought Arthur might really say so to other heroes.

They immediately went to their table. Sopranos voice with classical music was the best for the dinner. Waiter immediately came to them.

" Misses, Mr.Frost can I take your order?"

Arthur nodded

" Give me from this, this and this wine. Ah I also want some dessert for women."

Hill and Natasha also gave their orders. Natasha asked

" So tell me Arthur how many languages do you speak? It seems you can understand the whole menu."

Arthur nodded

" Maybe around 30. I don't know."

Hill sighed

" It would be great if you were S.H.I.E.L.D agent even without your superpowers."

Arthur laughed

" Please. I won't be available to enjoy my work. Look I am free at my work."

Natasha rolled her eyes

" Because you are genius, you did your month's work in a day."

Arthur coughed

" Says who girl bested me with her plot."

Of course Hill understands their words. In fact she was in the action too. Hill immediately dodged the topic.

" Arthur I wanted to ask. Why do you suddenly ask us to go out?"

Arthur sipped his tea

" I wanted to spend my time with my future wives. After all my job is high risk one. I don't know when I will die."

Natasha smiled

" Arthur don't worry. As long as Avengers, no we are next to you; you won't die. Even you die, we will die with you."

Arthur looked to these lovely women with hot gaze

" I know. That is why I wanted say something to you. It's been 3 years since we know each other."

Suddenly Hill tightened her fist, Natasha's eyes lit up. They instinctively know what is coming.

Arthur looked toward to these women.

" Hill, Natasha will you marry me after I end these fights? I can't promise you the happiest marriage but I will make you never regret."

Hill and Natasha looked to rings with different colored diamonds. Honestly they waited this long. This year Hill is almost thirty while Natasha is also old. Also they don't when they will marry if they didn't meet Arthur. Hill was first to wear the ring. Her ring was purple colored diamond. Natasha was second to wear. Her color was red.