Chapter 42 A.I.M strikes!

Tony looked to the man coldly

" Your evil ends here."

Tony's gloves lit up. He immediately fired his light beam toward the man. Man crossed his arms to block.


Man was sent flying. Tony flew to him.

" People like don't deserve to live in this world. "

Man was struggling to get up however Tony didn't give him any chance. Tony directly shot his chest beam.


Big hole was created in man's chest. Tony looked to Harley. He extended his hand

" Kid are you okay?"

Harley gets up

" I am okay sir. Is he?"

Tony nodded

" He is dead. Let's go."

Harley nodded

" Okay."

Meanwhile in somewhere

Rhodes called

" There is nothing here. It seems they have left this site."

Man said with serious tone

" Colonel look for any clue. They must have left something."

Rhodes affirmed

" Roger that. Wait."

Rhodes saw a black figure. He was running toward the swing workshop.

" What happened?"

Rhodes answered

" I saw someone. I need to check it."

" Permission granted."

Rhodes went into the workshop. He looked to women's face but he found nothing. Rhodes murmured

" Strange I definitely saw a person."

Suddenly cold voice came out from behind of him

" You did."

Rhodes looked back and found electric gun.


Rhodes fell down. Man coldly looked to him

" One down, one to go."


Arthur was tracking something in his rare free time. Arthur's eyes looked to dark alley.

" This should be the place."


Natasha's voice came out

" Hey husband where are you?"

Arthur answered

" I am looking for vampires. It seems I have found there lair."

Natasha was frightened

" Don't Arthur. Even S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't want to deal with vampires. If something happens, humans will be in danger."

Arthur said with confidence

" Rest assured. Humans got the Avengers. We will deal with them."

Natasha sighed

" Fine. Don't overdo it."

Arthur hang up his phone. He directly went to the iron gate. Arthur knocked it.

" Who is there?"

Arthur smiled

" I was recommended this place by my friend. He said this place is good."

Man said with annoyance

" Show me your fangs."

Arthur showed his fangs. Man nodded

" Come in pal. Today is a special day."

Arthur nodded as he went in.


Heavy music immediately sounds. Arthur showed annoyed expression. His vampire form has enhanced sense because of this this music was so loud to him. Arthur looked around. He found these vampires were drinking human blood. His cold eyes scanned as he saw everything. Arthur sighed

" These things don't deserve to live. They all have sins that will be never paid."

" Help somebody."

Arthur found a young girl. She was captured by these vampires. Arthur's cold aura immediately rolled out. Suddenly all vampires stopped moving, they felt huge terror in their soul. Arthur's bright red eyes was looking to them. Even DJ stopped playing the music. Arthur said coldly

" Release her or die."

One vampire from VIP area immediately said

" Who the fuck are you? Who you think you are?

I am a noble vampire."

Arthur dismissed

" Disgusting animals like you don't deserve to bear one race name."

Arthur's hands glowed. Vampires near him immediately screamed. Their skin was burning.

Arthur looked coldly to vampires

" Behold the power of sun. Now die."

Huge light hit the vampires. They didn't have a chance to scream as they turned into ashes. Arthur said coldly

" Redeem yourself in hell."

Arthur went to girl. His silver hair was eye catching.

" Are you alright?"

Girl nodded

" Thank you for saving my life."

Arthur smiled

" It is my job. Now let's get out from here."

Girl smiled

" Are you superhero?"

Arthur chuckles

" I am superhero."


Fury massaged his temple.

" Ugh why are they so troublesome? Especially your husband."

Hill laughed

" He is that kind of person after all."

Fury groans

" But he destroyed entire vampire lair. If their elders know this, Arthur will be in danger."

Hill smiled

" But every Avenger members are strong enough to take on one vampire stronghold. Besides I believe Arthur had a reason to do this."

Fury said helplessly

" But I have to wipe his ass."

Hill retorted

" He wiped your ass too many times. It isn't his fault."