Chapter 57 Negotiations

That night

Kazekage looked at elders. Elders said with anger

" We can't stop now. As long as we stop their leaders, we will win."

Kazekage knocked his table.

" We will win,you say. Then how will you hold them back or kill them?"

Elder snorted

" Human sea tactic. We will exhaust them to death."


Table was cracked in the middle. Powerful chakra of Kazekage immediately blows out. Not only that iron sand cones appeared behind him.

Kazekage said with angry tone

" You, useless bunch. How dare you say that? Do you think our ninjas as cabbages?"

Elders didn't say anything. They broke out with cold sweat. Chiyo said calmly

" Calm down lord. In my thought we need to negotiate with Konoha."

Kazekage pondered. He asked with helpless tone

" How will we do that?"

Chiyo said one word.

" Arthur."

Kazekage sat up. He put down his iron sand.

" Then we will go next morning."

Chiyo nodded

" I will contact them."

In Konoha's base camp

Arthur took a sip of his tea. He said calmly

" They will come tomorrow. I don't when they will come but I guarantee they will definitely come."

Sakumo nodded

" If they come, we will have to negotiate with them. As an expert Arthur will lead the negotiations."

All leaders expressed their agreement. Arthur didn't mind it either. Suddenly

" May I come in?"

Sakumo nodded. Shinobi reports

" Our camp received this message."

Sakumo read carefully. He said with a deep voice.

" They want to meet us in neutral zone."

Nara leader agreed

" If that is a neutral zone, then we will go."

All other clan leaders nodded. Arthur smiled

" Now then let's rest."


All leaders of Konoha came. They saw Sand's leaders with weird expressions. After all this is the first time, sand asked them for negotiations with their full force. One elder of sand pointed to the tent

" There we will begin."

Nara leader nodded and others followed him. There they found Kazekage and Chiyo. Arthur calmly sat down without noticing pressure. Sakumo did same while other sat down with a little pressure. Kazekage gave contract to Sakumo. Sakumo passed it to Arthur. Arthur carefully read the contract. After finished reading it, Arthur carefully put it down.

" So you want to join forces with us."

Kazekage nodded

" We only want water and 40% of the profits."

Sakumo looked at Arthur. Arthur nodded.

" The contract is no problem. However you have to guarentee it."

Chiyo nodded

" No problem. We will record it down."

Arthur smiled

" Now then how much water will you take?"

Kazekage takes out the calculations. Arthur saw it feasible. Kazekage said with confidence

" As long as Rock and Cloud gives up, we will win."

Arthur said with a hoarse voice

" But you know about their Kages and Jinchurikis."

Chiyo sighed

" All of our leaders can delay them one by one."

Sakumo nodded

" Indeed we can force them but Rain isn't a trifling village either."

This time Kazekage spoke with diffulcult.

" Indeed. I can hold back others but without Chiyo and me, sand will be weakened."

Arthur said with ensurement

" I will block Rain's assault as long as you deal with others."

Kazekage nodded

" We will end this war in 10 years."

Sakumo nodded

" Yes we will do that."

That night upper levels of Konoha received the news. Sarutobi smiled after seeing the news. Even serious Danzo sighed with relief. Sarutobi said with a light tone

" If we join forces with Sand, we will definitely win this war."

Danzo nodded

" Yes. Sakumo has done a good job this time. We will reward him after his return."

This time Koharu spoke

" What about Arthur?"

Danzo frowned but Sarutobi said with a smile

" We will reduce his tax and I will give him a few children."

Danzo refused directly

" No. You can't do that."

Sarutobi said with indifference

" I have decided that. I believe no one will refuse."

Danzo took a deep breath. He coldly snorted and left. Sarutobi said with a light tone

" Now. Let's end our meeting."

1 month later

Arthur finally came to Konoha. He was really tired. Sakumo patted his shoulder

" Rest well after reaching your home. You have done a lot for us."

Other leaders nodded as well. Arthur silently went to his room. That day he slept really long.