Chafter 60 Teacher

Fugaku and Mikoto watched tentatively. Because this is the best type of jutsu that Uchiha master. Arthur nodded

" When using ninjutsu, inject compressed chakra into it but remember this needs extreme chakra control."

The children nodded. They have never seen such a miraculous method. Arthur looked at Minato.

" Now this is the jutsu that I wanted you to learn. Rasengan."

Blue chakra ball condensed on the palm of Arthur. Minato felt this jutsu was tailor made for him. Other kids also showed desire for it. Arthur didn't mind

" Rasengan is A rank jutsu which is no need for hand sign. It has powerful penetration abilities. Not only that it can power up."

Minato wrote that down quickly. He believes he can power up this ninjutsu. Next Arthur used his chakra to condense aura and needle like thing

" Ayase watch carefully. My method is called Chakra needle which is very powerful. If you master this I will teach you about Mind's eyes of Kagura which also I mastered 2 years ago."

Ayase certainly knows Kagura eyes. She is excited about both jutsus. Arthur throws a scroll toward her. Ayase caught it carefully and put it away. Of course Arthur gave other scrolls to them. Next Arthur used his wood style.

" Wood style: Wood creation. Nawaki, feel it and try to condense same chakra."

The children were shocked to see wood style. They never thought they would see it. Nawaki touched the wood with excitement. Arthur nodded with satisfaction. Lastly he looked at Pakura

" Pakura, you are a special child. Now see this. Scorch style: Scorch blaze."

Pakura looked to the beautiful particles in air. She wanted to touch it. But Arthur warned her

" Don't touch it or else you will become dried corpse."

She retracted her hand with fear. Other children looked seriously when they saw this. Arthur continued his lesson

" Each kekkai genkai has advantages and disadvantages. There is no such things like absolute power. Even Gods can die. So you mustn't neglect your chakra cultivation and single attribute jutsu training."

The children shouted

" I understand teacher."

Arthur smiled softly.

" Good then. I will test you after 1 month. Hope someone of you awaken kekkai genkai."

The children nodded solemnly. Arthur looked to big rock behind them.

" Why don't you come out?"

The children immediately took the battle stance.

" Hey don't shoot. We are allies."

Arthur rubbed his temple.

" It is a bad habit to spy on someone. Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru come out."

They came out with embarrassment. Jiraiya asked with unwillingness

" Since when did you find us?"

Arthur answered with indifference

" From the beginning. Shame on you guys."

Even children nodded with contempt. Of course Orochimaru who has a thick face, didn't change his face. As for other two, they had black lines all over their faces. Tsunade said with anger

" Nawaki don't you dare. You know what happened last time."

Nawaki gulped and broke out with cold sweat. As for Jiraiya, just ignore it. Suddenly Arthur had a bright idea. His eyes turned to 3s side. Arthur coughed

" Children, I have a great idea. You 3 will teach them and you must carry them all time. Of course, I can give you rewards."

Orochimaru was the first.

" I agree."

Jiraiya nodded

" Of course. But I won't guarantee their safety."

Tsunade shrugs her shoulders

" It seems I don't have a choice. Like Jiraiya said I also wouldn't guarantee their safety."

Arthur nodded

" It's alright. I will give them mark so they won't have any danger."

After saying that Arthur gave kunais to the children.

" This kunai has marking of Flying Thunder God. So if anything happens active it."

The children nodded. Minato asked with curiosity

" Teacher isn't this jutsu forbidden. How did you get it?"

Arthur touched his chin

" Good question. I bought it."

Minato asked again

" How much?"

Arthur raised his 5 fingers. Minato guessed

" 50 million that's it."

Jiraiya coughed

"He means 500 million."

Minato's brain buzzed. Tsunade clicked her tongue

" Old man made a lot. Arthur why didn't you ask me? I would give it for 100 million."

Arthur smiled

" You will waste it not gain it."

Tsunade snorted

" Rich bastard. You are a fat bully."