Chapter 63 Hidden Rock

Two days later

Negotiations with Cloud was smooth. Because of Arthur's deterrence, they easily solved this problem.

In the base camp of Hidden Cloud

Elders looked at A. A looked at them. Elder asked

" Lord , are we going to give up obediently?"

A said with a cold voice

" Leaf's main power is Arthur. He is a genius like certain person."

Elder caressed his beard

" I believe he is like Senju Tobirama."

A nodded

" He has mind like Tobirama and heart like Haashirama. Because of this Leaf is flourishing under his influence. We need to attract him to our village."

Elders whispered to each other. One of the elders asked

" What shall we do?"

A said with indifference

" Observe. Even Hidden Rock gives up like us, they won't give up big fat meat like Konoha."

Elders nodded. A asked with concern

" How is Fukai's situation?"

Elder with a bald head said

" He is alright. Thankfully Sakumo didn't kill him."

A nodded

" Then we will see. Also give order to stay ready."

Hidden Rock camp

Onoki hit the table.


The table was crumbled into pieces. He said with rage

" Useless. They even can't defeat trifling Konoha. Sand is also troubling me and now Konoha. Is Raikage a fool? How can we defeat two villages at same time? What did Hanzo say?"

Elder bowed

" He refused to help us. He said our village didn't have high value for him."

Onoki's chakra broke out. His face shows murderous intent.

" How dare he do that? I will clean him by myself. First we need to know Hidden Leaf leaders."

Intelligence shinobi said with fear

" They have Hatake Sakumo and Arthur Frost."

Onoki calmed down. He pondered

" This will be hard battle. One is White fang while other is Battle angel."

Onoki certainly knows Arthur's abilities. After all he sells his products at Rock. Onoki calculated Arthur's side. He rubbed his temple

" Arthur alone is troublesome existence to deal with. Now we also have Fang. Plus the Kazekage and Chiyo. They have 4 kage level experts."

Elder asked with a hoarse voice.

" Then what should we do?"

Onoki sighed

" We will try their strength first. Sand is at terrain disadvantage while Konoha is divided because of Hanzo. As long as we crush or kill these 4 experts, others are lambs to be slaughtered."

Elders nodded to express their agreement.

Next day.

Naori looked down to Rock's troops. She asked

" Leader are we going to fight them?"

Arthur nodded

" Rock is different from Cloud. They have large amount of troops. So be careful. Also don't use your Mangekyo. Say that to Naka too."

Naori nodded

" I understand leader."

Arthur used his communication device

" How is your side?"

Kazekage's serious voice came out

" Clear. All we need to do now is attack."

Arthur nodded

" Good. Brother Sakumo how is your side?"

Sakumo said with a light tone

" Ready to depart."

Arthur looked at incoming Rock army

" Wait. Wait. Wait... Now."

Various shurikens attacked to incoming Rock's troops. Rock ninjas shouted

" Enemy ambush. They are in the mountain side."

Large amount of allied ninjas attacked Rock ninjas. Screams filled the entire battlefield. Arthur frowned but he gritted his teeth as he let it go. After all this is war and he can't save his enemies.


" Boy don't look away from this. Watch my back."

It was Chiyo. Arthur nodded

" Where is Kazekage?"

Chiyo said with a deep voice

" He went to Onoki with Sakumo. 4 tails and 5 tails might be here. So be careful!"

Arthur nodded

" I understand."

Chiyo throws out her scroll. 10 puppets came out. She mercilessly cut down enemies before her. Arthur jumped to high place. He quickly hand seals

" Super lightning style: Thunder God's fury."

Sky darkened at naked eyes. Chiyo shouts

" All troops retreat."

Arthur immediately used his trump card. Almost half of his chakra went to that jutsu.


Large amount of lighting came down from sky. Many ninjas didn't have time to scream as they died. Scorched earth and burned meat smells filled the battlefield. This jutsu almost continued for 5 minutes.

Arthur created this jutsu when he thought about Thor. Thor's flashy moves deeply imbued in his mind.

Chiyo took a deep breath. This large scale jutsu was same as Kazekage's trump card jutsu. But it doesn't matter because Arthur is her ally.