Chapter 81 Darkseid

Arthur went quickly to his position. He looked at the incoming monsters. Hal raised his voice

" Guys, I have a bad feeling about that fire circle."

Bruce said lightly

" Ignore that for now. We need to stop these monsters."

Hal gulped. He shouts

" Come here you bastards."

Arthur said with a sarcasm

" Max level taunting skill. Now I know why he became a green lantern."

Bruce silently looked at Hal. He agreed Arthur's words. Hal has a talent in that field.


" Need a help."

Man with a red costume and golden cape appeared. Arthur noticed this man long time ago. He didn't change his facial expression.

" Paralyze as many as you can. Leave the rest to us."

Man nodded. His hands were holding lightning. He threw them to the monsters. Arthur didn't sit idly. He dashed towards to paralyzed monsters.

He cut them down like it was nothing. Hal hit the enemies with various projectiles while Bruce threw a lot of explosives. He didn't care it at all.

Arthur recalled a certain friend of him with this attitude. He sighed

" Wasting such a large amount of money."

Arthur continued to kill the monsters, but they were too many. Man shouts

" There are too many of them."

Arthur said lowly.

" I will try to close the portal. You guys, hold them for me."

Hal said with confidence

" No problem. Leave it to us."

Arthur shouts

" Clark, I need your help."

Clark appears in no time. He didn't break out any sweats. Diana appears next to him. She asked with a frown

" What's wrong?"

Arthur points to the portal.

" They are endless. We need to close it."

Diana nodded. Clark said with an ugly face.

" We have a big guest."

Arthur looked back. He saw a giant man like alien. He leaks out a horrible pressure. Arthur said loudly

" Guys, gather now."

Flash, Shazam and newly joined Cyborg came. Diana raised her sword.

" We will attack him and force him to retreat. Otherwise, all people in the city will be captured."

Others nodded. They showed a solemn look.

Arthur roars

" Attack!"

They charged towards the enemy. Alien looked at them with contempt. He put his hands on back.

" Foolish creatures, face the Daresay's anger."

A bright laser came out from his eyes. Bruce shouts

" Disperse now."

They dispersed. Arthur and Clark face him directly. Darkseid looked at them with interest. He saw a powerful mortal and kryptonian. Darkseid said with indifference.

" You two join me. I will grant you any wishes. Be it wealth, glory or women. I can give you everything."

Clark said coldly

" I don't need any of those. I already have what I want."

Arthur smiled

" My life is full. Why do I even need useless things?"

Darkseid said angrily

" Your foolishness will cost your lives."

Arthur said lightly

" So be it. I am not afraid of death."

Darkseid's omega beam directly headed at Arthur. Arthur raised his head.

" Condensed Susanoo."

Golden light wrapped his armor. Arthur condensed another sword on his other hand.

" Blade dance: Killing flower."

He cut down the incoming enemies.


Omega beam hit him. Arthur forcefully swallowed his blood. His eyes show a fierce fighting intent. Clark said with concern

" Are you alright?"

Arthur wiped his blood from his corner of mouth.

" I am okay. Let's beat his ass."

Clark smiled. Two of them bravely dashed toward him. Other heroes also charged. Clark hit Darkseid in his jaw. Diana kicked him in his back. Arthur slashed his knee.


Darkseid flew to the city. He excludes a terrifying killing intent. His voice was full of rage

" Now you have angered me."

Darkseid hit Clark in the face.


Clark flew away. Diana slashes her sword to his neck. Darkseid grabbed Diana and threw her away. Arthur hugged her.

" Are you alright?"

Diana looked at Arthur with tenderness. She gets up.

" I am alright."

Shazam shouts

" Eat my lightning."


Darkseid didn't flinch. He raised his head

" Old God's successor, you are a weakling."

Shazam said with anger

" I will clear you."

Bruce threw his bombs. Darkseid stands there and do nothing. Only Arthur, Clark, Shazam and Diana can hurt him. Others aren't that big deal.