Chapter 84 Super 10

Darkseid roared with unwillingness. His blazing eyes locked on the heroes. He said with extreme fury,

" I will be back."

Clark said lightly,

" No matter how many times you will get here, we will always welcome you."


Victor closed the portal. Arthur felt powerless. He falls down. Fortunately, Diana caught him. She held him like a princess. Hal teased Arthur.

" Our leader is down. He is held by his lovely wife."

Steve joined in. He roasts Arthur.

" Yeah. Such a beautiful scene. Young heroic woman and a handsome prince. It is like a fairy tale."

Arthur's face filled with black lines. He took a deep breath.

" If you say one word again, I swear I will definitely kick your asses."

Hal and Steve shivered. They know Arthur's power and mind. He was like a lesser version of Batman and Superman's combination. Clark smiled,

" Let's go now. I am very tired."

Bruce nodded. Today's fight was really intense. Thankfully, Arthur was here. Otherwise, there would be too many casualties. Victor came down. Barry asked with concern,

" What happened to Shazam ?"

Victor smiled.

" He is alright. He went home."

Barry scratches his head.

" Oh, I see. Then bye guys."

He ran off. Antiope grabs Steve.

" Let's go too. Remember the promise that I have made."

Steve's eyes lit up. He looked at Arthur with an apologetic look.

" I am sorry. I have to go now."

Arthur knows these two. He just waved his hand weakly.

" Go. Don't waste my time."

Antiope nodded. She left with Steve. Diana flew high. She held Arthur tightly. Arthur said difficulty.

" Honey, It's hard to breath."

Diana held him even tighter. Arthur sighed,

" Just forget it."

Diana said quietly.

" You know, Arthur. We have been married for 60 years, and we don't have a child."

Arthur's forehead filled of sweat. He wanted to have a child,, but Diana isn't a first person who requested this. Arthur wanted to say something, however he swallowed back his words. Diana continues,

" I have been living here for 40 years and I always envied my friends. They had children and we didn't have any. I believed we could live together for an eternity,, but I was wrong. Someday one of us will die. If that happens, I want to leave a descendant that will take on our mantles."

Arthur silently listened. He regretted his decision now. He understood how selfish he was. Arthur said with a smile,

" Diana, how about we make one today?"

Diana looked at Arthur with a blush. She never imagined Arthur would say this. Arthur is a reserved, elegant and noble person. He never says something so boldly.

10 minutes later

They came to their house. Diana put down Arthur on the bad. She went to take a shower. Arthur used his star power to heal himself. However, during the process he fell sleep. Diana came out with her towel. She found Arthur was sleeping. Diana sighed,

" Take it easy. It seems Arthur is tired. Well, I have a plenty of days."

She slips next to Arthur and hugs him. She gently kissed Arthur.

" Good night, honey."

A week later

The repair work was progressing quickly. Metropolis was shining once again.

In the Washington D. C

The 10 heroes were standing together. The president said loudly,

" We faced the biggest challenge in the humanity's history. We gained victory during this fight thanks to these heroes. Please applaud to them."

Diana looked at the heroes. All of them excludes mighty power.

" We are like gods."

Clark asked with curiosity,

" What kind of?"

Diana smiled

" Zeus, Hermes..."

Clark points to Arthur and himself.

" What about us?"

Diana shook her head.

" I don't know. You two are special. My husband is omniscient and you are omnipotent. Two of you represent hope and kindness in different ways."

Clark pondered. It was like Diana's saying. He is light and Arthur is fire. One shines bright while the other gives warmth.

President asked,

" Ahem* What should I call you?"

Shazam says loudly,

" Just call us the Super 10."

President smiled,

" Let's congratulate our super 10."

Hal complains,

" Oh come on."

Barry rubbed his temple. Arthur sighed. Clark helplessly smiled. Victor said lowly,

" What kind of name is this?"