Chapter 89 Falcon

Next morning,

Arthur stretched his body. He yawned.

" Steve, shall we go to our new recruit?"

Steve was washing his face. He said calmly,

" I am going to S.H.I.E.L.D."

Arthur's eyes lit up. He said quickly,

" Let me go with you. Something bad might happen to you."

Steve looked at Arthur with a strange look.

" But you are too noticeable. S.H.I.E.L.D strengthened their surveillance after you infiltrated them."

Arthur rolled his sleeves. He said with confidence,

" No problem. Look."

He turned invisible. Steve said with amazement.

" You have a concealment ability?"

Arthur turned normal. He smiled,

" I have the best concealment ability. Even heat detectors can't sense me through."

Steve said with envy,

" You are a cheat like existence."

Arthur laughed,

" Let's go after our breakfast."

Steve nodded.

1 hour later,

Steve said with an uncertain tone.

" Are you sure that they won't find you?"

Arthur said calmly,

" Relax. Just act like usual."

Steve nodded. He directly went into the office. The former director of S.H.I.E.L.D Pierce was sitting alone. He was reading the documents.

" Oh, Steve, you are here. Sit."

Steve sat down calmly. Arthur observed Pierce's face. He found something unusual. Arthur thought,

" Maybe he is the mole. But I can't be sure."

Pierce sipped his coffee. He said with indifference,

" You know, Fury was killed yesterday."

Steve didn't say anything. Pierce continued,

" I have suspected other people, but it turns out our mole was you all along."

Steve got up with anger.

" You are a liar. You know what I have done."

Pierce said lightly,

" Sit, Steve. We can talk about this."

Steve sat down again. Pierce said sharply,

" Let me get to the point. Steve, I can free you from this, but you have to work for me."

Steve took a deep breath. He refused resolutely.

" I won't work for anyone."

Pierce sighed,

" Then you left me no choice. Steve I will let you out from this building, however after that you will be wanted in the whole country."

Steve got up. He looked deeply at him.

" Try me. I won't sit still."

Pierce shrugged his shoulders. Steve walked towards the elevator.


He got into the elevator. Steve looked around him.

" Don't make me do this."

Agents choked him from behind. Steve hit them one by one. It was a pretty easy fight. Steve escaped from the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarter. Arthur whispered

" Steve, we have a guest."

Steve looked back. He found his enemy. Arthur canceled his power. A man with a mask shot towards them. Steve picked up his shield. He blocked the bullets. Arthur used his partial transformation. Hard dragon scales blocked the bullets. However, the man didn't give up. He throws grenades towards the bus which was next to them. Arthur grabbed the grenades.


Terrifying flame engulfed him. Sharp shards stuck into his body. But Arthur was okay. He said calmly,

" Steve try to capture him. You might know who he is."

Steve looked at Arthur with a suspicious look.

" You know him?"

Arthur nodded. He said one name.

" Bucky Barnes."

Steve's eyes were widened. He was trembling.

" Bucky, you say."

Arthur pointed to the incoming Bucky.

" He is brainwashed according to my data. However, I can save him."

Steve turned around. He engaged against Bucky.

Steve shouted,

" Bucky, it's me. Remember our friendship."

Bucky didn't reply. He shot at him continuously. Arthur didn't move an inch. He had one thought from the beginning. That was watch them and protect people.

" Are you having a rest?"

Arthur looked back with a smile.

" I thought you would be earlier. Nat, it's Steve's job, don't intervene."

Natasha chuckled. She stood next to Arthur.

" Art, where were you? I have missed you so much."

Arthur said softly.

" I had to go out. Nat, you became slimmer."

Natasha rolled her eyes. She said with concern,

" I thought you were injured. Don't make me worry again. Besides, how is your injury?"

Arthur smiled,

" I am fully healed. It's not a problem to fight again."

Natasha pinched him.

" All you do is fight. You are an irresponsible man."

Arthur coughed,

" After I settle my account, I will marry you."