Chapter 98 Xandar

Arthur smiled softly.

" I am certain, my friend."

Heimdall sighed.

" As you wish. I will send you to the nearest planet next to the high civilized planet."

Thor said with concern.

" My friend, I will miss you. You must come back safely."

Arthur laughed.

" Relax. The earth has Avengers. Also, Thor, please protect my family during my absence."

Thor punched Arthur.

" I will."

Arthur waved his hand.

" Goodbye, my friends."

4 warriors and others bid farewell too. Arthur smiled at the certain direction.

Sif who saw this, showed hesitation. She wanted to go there, but it was impossible. She couldn't figure out herself.


In the Xandar star.

Arthur went down from the spaceship. He smiled.

" Thank you."

The men shouted.

" Good luck, Arthur."

Arthur laughed. He looked around him with a curious look. The alien planet was a whole new world for him. Suddenly, a giant net him. Arthur cursed his bad luck.

" You have to be kidding me."

Arthur used his light blade to cut down the net.


A man and a woman were fighting against each other. Arthur didn't want to involve in the fight, but the storm has consumed him. The man shouted.

" Stop it, it's mine."

The woman said loudly.

" You don't know how dangerous thing that is."

The man shot toward the woman. Arthur sighed.

" Could you stop now?"

The man looked back to him.

" Who the hell are you? Are you same side with her?"

Arthur shook his head. He raised his finger. A glowing light appeared on his fingertip.

" Stop now. You are arrested for breaking our law."

The space cops appeared in front of them. The man raised his hands.

" Shit, I didn't expect this."

The woman cursed him.

" You fool, look what you have done."

Arthur grinned.

" It seems the fight is over."


The cop handcuffed him. Arthur said quickly.

" You made a mistake. I am not with them."

The cop sneered.

" Like I will believe that."

Arthur was dragged away with them.

In the space prison.

The cops took away their belongings. Arthur gave them away helplessly. He gritted his teeth.

" You made my day."

The man said with rage.

" Do I look like the cause? She is at fault."

The woman said coldly.

" Your greed brought us here."

Arthur rubbed his temple.

" In the first place, who the hell are you?"

The man said with pride.

" I am the Star Lord, the greatest thief."

Arthur held back his laughter. This name was cringy to him. Arthur said with his poker face.

" Your name?"

" Peter Quill."

Arthur shook his hand.

" Nice to meet you. As for you?"

The woman said coldly.

" Gamora."

Arthur scratched his head.

" Arthur a.k.a. Future knight. I am one of the Avengers on earth. We defend earth from the evil."

Peter pointed to him.

" You are from earth? I am from there too."

Arthur nodded.

" Yeah, I could tell that. Besides, look around you. Everything is colorful, right?"

Gamora was filled with ggf lines. She held her anfger down. Peter asked with curiosity.

" So you are a hero, do you have any superpowers?"

Arthur looked around him. He lit his palm.

" I am a star person. I can control various powers, and I am a mage too."

Gamora showed disgust. She doesn't like mages at all. Peter showed his envy.

" I wish I had powers like yours."

Arthur waved his hands.

" So why were you fighting?"

Gamora said with anger.

" This fool is selling one of the most powerful weapons to the worst person in the whole space."

Peter shrugged his shoulders. Arthur frowned.

" May I know what is that?"

Gamora didn't tell. Peter said lightly.

" A purple gemstone."

Arthur remembered a certain weapon that rivals the Tesseract.

" You mean the infinity stone?"

Peter nodded. Arthur sucked a cold breath. He knew troublesome abilities of them.

" You must not sell that. It will destroy the whole planet like nothing."

Gamora showed confusion. She never thought that Arthur would know the secrets of them.

She asked with a surprise.

" You know them?"

Arthur nodded. He showed a somber expression.

" The earth has 3 of them, but we sent 2 away."

Gamora was shocked. Arthur continued.

" We have Time stone, Space stone and Reality stone. I have faced against Time stone and Space stone. My friend Thor knew about Reality stone. Each of them has an unimaginable power that could destroy an entire universe. Especially Time and Space stone. They are hard to defeat. Space stone has a teleportation ability and Time stone can rule the time system."