Chapter 104 Unity

Peter held the stone in his hand. He felt immeasurable power within its force. Arthur, who noticed this, grabbed Peter's hand. His expression was solemn.

" You are my friend. I can't let you be a hero alone."

Peter gritted his teeth. He shouted hoarsely.

" Arthur, let me go."

Drax took Peter's other hand. He laughed heartily.

" Arthur's right, I can't let my friend die."

Peter mumbled.

" You guys are idiots."

Gamora took Drax's hand and so on. They circled around Ronan. Ronan shouted hysterically.

" Impossible, no mortal can handle the raw force. They will die in agony."

Peter smiled. He tightened his grip.

" Remember, we are the Guardians of the Galaxy, you motherfucker."

Peter's eyes glowed brightly. He pointed his hand to Ronan. Purple light surrounded Ronan.

Ronan screamed with pain.


The area was exploded into the pieces. The guardians groaned. Arthur said with sarcasm.

" I thought we were dead men."

Gamora rolled her eyes. She said with difficulty.

" Like it applies to you. Even planet exploded, you will survive in the space."

Arthur laughed dryly. Drax said lightly.

" I think I broke my 2 ribs."

Peter laughed.

" Our tank is the greatest tank."

Drax asked with curiosity.

" Who?"

Rocket said loudly.

" You, idiot."

Drax nodded. Rocket held Groot's branches. Arthur walked to him as he staggered. He looked at the branch with magic eyes. He said with a warm tone.

" It's okay. I feel his energy."

Rocket's eyes lit up. He grabbed Arthur's hands.

" You mean it."

Arthur nodded.

" I feel his life energy."

Rocket sighed with relief and others smiled too.

Suddenly, Peter pointed to Arthur's eyes. He said with amazement.

" Arthur, your eyes turned red, and it's spinning."

Gamora and others also looked at him with surprise. Arthur touched his eyes and felt a tingling sense. He said lightly.

" Water mirror."

The water mirror condensed in front of him. Arthur looked at his eyes and he found his sharingan was evolving. It got a new pattern. It was like a flower and it was beautiful. Arthur touched his eyes and felt no pain. His eyes' drawback was gone. Arthur said in his mind.

" What happened?"

The guide said with indifference.

" The power stone affected your eyes. Your eyes evolved into the next stage."

Arthur excited immediately. He felt great. Peter asked with curiosity.

" Dude, what's with your eyes?"

Arthur waved his hand.

" Don't mind it. It evolved."

Peter said loudly.

" How is it normal?"

Others nodded too. They chatted for a while.


Suddenly, a blue figure landed in front of them.

Peter smiled wryly.

" Yondu."

Yondu laughed.

" Peter, my boy. It's time to fulfill your promise."

Peter reluctantly handed over the orb. Arthur didn't move an inch. Gamora took a step, but after seeing Arthur's state, she calmed down.

Peter said calmly.

" This is a compelling thing. Don't open it."

Yondu laughed.

" Of course."

He took the orb and flew away. Peter looked back to Arthur.

" So you knew about my plan."

Arthur smiled.

" Do you think I am a fool? Obviously, you gave him a decoy."

Peter groaned. He gave the orb to Supreme leader. Leader thanked him.

" Thank you. We won't forget your kindness."

Peter waved his hand.

" It's fine. Call us anytime if you need our help."

Leader nodded.


The spaceship went up slowly. The leader looked their silhouettes one last time. She whispered.

" Thank you, guardians."

The ship rose quickly.


It shot up to the sky.

In the space.

Arthur looked at his new teammates. He said lightly.

" Guys, I need to train myself. You saw that right."

Peter said with surprise.

" But, you are already strong. You are our strongest member."

Arthur gave his middle finger.

" It's not like I am quitting. I will be back in 3 months."

Drax said loudly.

" Bullshit."

Arthur sighed. He said lightly.

" I will leave my subordinates here."

Gamora looked around.

" There is no person besides us."

Arthur said with a deep voice.

" I demand my rule. Summoning."

The golden circle appeared in the air. Peter couldn't say any words. A man with golden armor and a woman with red lines armor appeared. The man didn't bow down while the woman bowed. Man said arrogantly.

" Servant Archer is here."