Chapter 107 Training.

Tyrande said with a surprise.

" Summoning magic?!"

Illidan also didn't believe in his eyes. He rubbed his eyes a few times. Because only high-ranking images can summon the elementals. He said with a lost tone.

" This."

A gorgeous man with white hair came out from the circle. He was surrounded by beautiful flowers and his gaze was gentle like water. He held his staff highly.

"Master, Merlin responds to your summoning."

Arthur nodded with satisfaction. He got the respect of elves, and he even had a new servant, which is totally cool for him. Tyrande said with excitement.

" So you are a master mage. I haven't seen one since a long time ago. It's an honor to work with you."

Arthur smiled. He shook Tyrande's hands.

" Likewise."

Tyrande looked at her arm with a strange look. Illidan took Arthur's hands off her. He said with a panic.

" What are you doing? Touching other without permission is a bad habit."

Arthur seemed to understand the situation. He said with an apologetic attitude.

" I am sorry. I didn't consider the situation. In my home, hand shaking is a symbol of cooperation."

Tyrande nodded. She said calmly.

" I understand. Then happy cooperation."

Arthur nodded.

Next day.

Arthur went to the training field. He watched the environment with curious eyes. He really liked this country. It was beautiful and elegant. However, each thing has a downside. Arthur saw this country's obsession. The manic expression of them was disgusting to him. Thankfully, others weren't that serious. Only white elves had that expression.


Tyrande was shooting towards the aim. She shot continuously without stop. Her accuracy was terrifying.

Clap, clap*

Arthur came out from the behind. He saw Tyrande's skills. It impressed him.

" Good skill, but you need to shoot with speed and strength. Look carefully."

Tyrande looked at Arthur silently. The next moment, her eyes witnessed a whole new scene. Arthur created a bow from nothing. His bow was light itself.


Arthur drew his bow gorgeously. His hand eyes were sharp and calm.

Bang, bang*

He shot two arrows. He didn't miss any aim and his aims were intact. However, Tyrande was shocked because Arthur's light pierced right through the heart. It even destroyed the farthest aim. The soil was glowing red.

Arthur said with a light smile.

" In the fight, Archer is the deadliest force. They can snipe the most powerful enemy with just one arrow. They will shine no matter how weak they are."

Tyrande nodded. She looked at her bow with a serious look. She said without hesitation.

" Can you teach me?"

Arthur laughed. He wanted this response from the start.

" Sure."

Tyrande showed her excitement. She was a gifted mage and archer. It can be said she is the most brilliant jewel among the elves. Arthur saw her potential since the beginning.

Tyrande drew her bow carefully. Arthur went to her. He corrected her posture gently. Tyrande felt a strong power from her hand.


She hit the aim flawlessly. Arthur grinned. Tyrande jumped up with happiness because she broke her record. Suddenly, she said loudly.

" Who!"


It was Illidan and other elf. They showed their embarrassment. Illidan coughed.

" Cough* Sorry. I just wanted to hear his explanation regarding his technique."

Tyrande narrowed her eyes. She said with dissatisfaction.

" You aren't a kid and Malfurion, I am disappointed in you."

Malfurion scratched his head with embarrassment. He said with a helpless expression.

" But, you forgot about our training."

Tyrande said with anger.

" Of course, I won't forget it. Do you think I am a fool?"

Malfurion shut his mouth immediately. On the other hand, Illidan took an interest on Arthur's technique. He said with a light tone.

" Can I learn your technique?"

Arthur took a look at him. He shook his head. Illidan was little disappointed, but he didn't show it. Arthur said gently.

" You aren't suited for it. Besides, you are a sword master. I can see your posture very well."

Illidan nodded. Indeed, he is a sword master. As for Malfurion, he didn't say anything. But, Arthur knew his thoughts. Arthur said lightly.

" You are a mage. I can sense huge amount of mana from you."

Tyrande nodded with agreement. She also thinks the same about them.