Chapter 110 Darkness has invaded

Merlin remembered Artoria's face. She didn't show any expression when she heard Mordred's betrayal. In fact,, she blamed herself for being such a bad king.

Suddenly, Arthur frowned. Merlin said with a grim face.

" Master, they are here."

Arthur nodded. He always spread his haki to find them. Unexpectedly, they are here this soon.

Arthur got up from his seat. He turned his head to the east.

" There."

Merlin grabbed Arthur's clothes.


Arthur dashed out immediately. His fast was very fast.

1 minute later.

They went to the location. Arthur said with a disgust.

" This disgusting smell."

Merlin also nodded. He knew about this smell.

" It's a forbidden magic. It seems that they have summoned something from another world."

Arthur didn't show any surprise. He said lightly.

" Let's go to the moon temple. We need reinforcement and expert who can find this magic."

In the moon temple.

Tyrande showed a solemn look when she heard Arthur's words. She quickly grabbed her bow along with her gauntlets. She wore her war armor.

" Let's go. We don't have much time."

Tyrande guided Arthur and Merlin to the guard room. She raised her voice.

" Comrades, we have a big problem."

The guards looked at her immediately. One female elf said loudly.

" Priestess, what's wrong?"

Tyrande looked at her with a bright eyes.

" We were invaded by the alien beings. They are already deep in the heart of our capital."

The guards chattered to each other. The female leader shouted.

" Silence. Listen to her explanation."

Tyrande nodded gratefully. She pointed to Arthur.

" They found their magical energy. I am afraid that they are heading toward the well."

The leader elf picked up her sword.

" Then what are we waiting for, let's go."

Tyrande nodded.

" Maiev, you head to the palace. I will go to the army headquarters. We need their help."

Maiev showed hesitation.

" But they are loyal retailers of the queen. They only listen in the queen's words."

Tyrande shook her head.

" Doesn't matter."

Arthur said lightly.

" I will go to Illidan and Malfurion. Their help is essential to us."

Tyrande agreed to his proposal. She quickly went to the army headquarters.

Maiev looked at Arthur with respect.

" Instructor, please be careful."

Arthur nodded slightly and left with Merlin.

In the forest.

Malfurion was listening to his favorite music. He closed his eyes gently.


A strange bird came. Malfurion showed a strange look. The bird whispered something in his ear.

" This can't be possible. How could they get here so fast?"


Malfurion picked up his staff.

" Who is there?"

Arthur came out silently.

" It's me. We need your help."

Malfurion agreed without hesitation. He knew the whole situation.

" I know your purpose. Arthur, I know they are here."

Arthur nodded. He said lightly.

" Thank you. I sent Merlin to Illidan. He should be here soon."

Malfurion sighed. He didn't expect the crisis would come here this soon.


Suddenly a giant noise was come out from the direction of the capital. Malfurion's face turned white instantly.

" Arthur, let's go. Hurry!"

Arthur said with urgency.

" What's wrong?"

Malfurion said with a serious look.

" They are using the well. If we don't hurry, they are going to destroy the capital."

Arthur's face turned serious. He said calmly.

" Grab my wings."

Soon, Arthur's body started growing up. His body was turning into the dragon. Powerful muscle and milky white scales were popping out.

Malfurion was so shocked that he even forgot his purpose. He rubbed his eyes.

" Am I dreaming? Why is there a dragon here? Why is it white dragon? How could Arthur turn into a dragon?"

Arthur's blue eyes turned to him. He said loudly.

" Hop on."

Malfurion rode his back with a dazed face. He couldn't help to touch Arthur's scales. They were extremely hard.

In the capital.

Tyrande looked at the monsters with a hopeless face. She gritted her teeth.

" I will never give up."

The abyssal lords laughed.

" Look at this woman. How cute!"

One abyssal lord licked his lips.

" Don't kill her. I want to taste her."

Tyrande showed her disgust. She held her bowed tightly.


One abyssal lord hit her. Tyrande blocked him with her magic, but another one hit her after that. Poor Tyrande was helplessly beaten. She couldn't fight back because of the enemy number.