Chapter 116 First victory

Next day.

Arthur was standing in front of the army. He was holding a sword.


The wind blew out. Arthur's cape was blown out gently. His heroic look was capturing many people's hearts. Soon other leaders appeared next to Arthur. They also wore their armors. Arthur said loudly. His voice was magnified by magic.

" Listen. They have invaded our land and took it from us."

The soldiers clenched their fists. They felt a boiling rage. Arthur looked at them and continued.

" They killed our kind. They burned down our work. They looted our sweat. Can we tolerate this anymore?"

The soldiers roared.

" No!"

Arthur said even louder

" Can we wait them to see to burn our land?"

The soldiers shouted loudly.

" No!"

Arthur pulled out his sword. He pointed to the enemy location.

" So what are we waiting for? Fight for the homeland and glory. We will regain our lost victory."

The soldiers cheered. They marched towards the enemy. Tyrande said with a smile.

" That's a good speech. It seems that you have led an army before."

Arthur laughed.

" Indeed. I was a general before. I fought for the beautiful land which was untouched by the men."

Tyrande said with interest.

" Can I see it?"

Arthur nodded. His eyes turned into sharingan.

Tyrande noticed her surroundings was changed. She saw a beautiful forest. It was brimming with the life energy. Tyrande felt relaxed. She touched around her. It felt real to her.

" How did you do this?"

Arthur smiled.

" It is my memory."

Tyrande played around for a while. She was happy.

Soon the scenario had been changed again. Tyrande looked around her with a surprise because everything was same. She couldn't help to pinch herself.

" Ouch."

Tyrande looked at Arthur with a question mark. Arthur chuckled. He pointed to his eyes.

Tyrande understood Arthur's meaning. She sighed.

" Why is God so unfair to us? Some blessed with a such ability."

Arthur smiled wryly. He looked at the battlefield.

Illidan came next to him.

" Do I need to go?"

Arthur looked at him.

" You break left wing. Malfurion take right wing. I will battle against the center. Tyrande, you ambush them from the behind."

Tyrande and others nodded.

Arthur took his sword. He dissapeared from his place. Tyrande and others also ran out. They was going so fast that even normal soldiers couldn't feel their presence. Only high ranking people felt it.

Burning legion side.

The commander looked coldly at the alliance soldiers. He didn't take them serious.

" Hurry up."

However, he felt powerful presences after finishing his words. He shouted.

" All leaders, prepare for the combat. They are here."


The east and right wings was attacked directly. Abyssal lords shouted.

" How dare they?"

They picked up their weapons and rushed out. The commander said lowly.

" All high ranking generals stick with me. The center is in a dire situation."

The high ranking abyssal lords showed ferocious expressions.

In the center

Arthur looked down at his enemies. He didn't show any expressions as he said.

" Star fall."

The center forces immediately retreated when they saw Arthur.


A giant flaming ball was coming down to the center. The terrorlords and wraithlords rushed to their forces. They used their fel to stop the meteorite.

" Aah!"

They wasted their fel. The meteorite was shattered into the pieces. Arthur showed his poker face. He knew that meteorite was just greeting to his enemies. He raised his hands.

" Nuclear peace."

A giant force hit the enemy once again, but this time it was more deadly. The lords roared with a pain because of the nuclear corrosion. Their powerful regeneration was restricted by the nuclear ability. Of course, Arthur can't launch it again because this skill requires a lot of stamina. The commander shouted.

" Capture him for me."

The air force of burning legion launched attack on Arthur. He counter attacked them back. He shouted.

" Gravity suppression."


The enemy flying units were dragged down. Arthur said coldly.

" Thunder strike."

Black clouds rolled in. They brought down countless lightnings. The commander didn't care anymore. He directly went to Arthur. He shouted.

" You are the person who is wanted by lord Archimonde, right?"

Arthur said indifferently

" So?"